UN Human Rights Council 56: UK Statement on the human rights situation in Ukraine and Crimea

Interactive dialogue on High Commissioner's oral update on the situation of human rights in Ukraine and interim report of the Secretary-General on the situation in human rights in Crimea.

Housing Ombudsman and Regulator of Social Housing set out how they will continue to work together

The new Memorandum of Understanding reflects new powers under the Social Housing Regulation Act.

Half a million words analysed by AI

We use AI to help government departments process consultation responses. This helps clients analyse responses submitted by people in industry and the public.

Statement on the imprisonment of Vladimir Kara-Murza

The Foreign Secretary calls for Russia to immediately release Kara-Murza on humanitarian grounds

Promotional material: Bees’ Needs

How to nominate yourself or someone else for a Bees’ Needs champion award, and how to get involved in Bees’ Needs week.