Guidance: Change, transfer or cancel your environmental permit

How to change details of your environmental permit, transfer it to somebody else or cancel it.

Guidance: Waste: environmental permits

How to apply for standard rules and bespoke permits for using, treating, storing and disposing of waste, and check when you do not need a permit.

Guidance: A1 installations: environmental permits

How to apply for standard rules and bespoke permits for A1 installations including low impact installations.

Guidance: Discharges to surface water and groundwater: environmental permits

When you need an environmental permit to discharge liquid effluent or waste water to surface water or the ground, and how to apply.

Consultation outcome: UK SMI Q 7: good practice when ordering and undertaking diagnostic tests for infectious disease serology

Public Health England is seeking views on the UK Standards for Microbiology Investigations Q 7, which applies to ordering and undertaking diagnostic tests for infectious disease serology