Appeal for local knowledge to achieve tree planting ambitions in York

Press release

The Environment Agency is appealing for help from York residents to decide where new trees should be planted as part of the city’s flood defence scheme.

People planting trees in a park

Trees being planted in Dickson Park in the Foxwood area of York last year

The tree planting programme will see 275 trees to be planted across the city this autumn, and the Environment Agency is asking the local community for their views on where they should be located.

When flood defences are being constructed, large amounts of space are often needed to build embankments or move heavy machinery around, sometimes in dense urban areas. This means that in certain situations some trees need to be removed to enable flood defence work to proceed.

In York, everything is being done to minimise the loss of trees and for every one removed, five will be replanted.

Julia James, tree planting project manager at the Environment Agency said:

We’re calling on York residents to help identify locations across the city where they’d like to see trees planted, which will help us shape our tree planting ambitions.

We recognise the value of trees in cities and the important contribution they make to ecosystems and biodiversity in urban areas. Trees perform a variety of environmental functions such as absorbing carbon dioxide and rainwater, protecting soils and providing shade. They also make places more attractive and are a key feature in the character of an area, contributing to individual and community wellbeing.

Tree location suggestions can be made online via the survey or by emailing the team with suggestions at by the end of August.

The Environment Agency and City of York Council have both set ambitions to become carbon neutral by 2030. In partnership with the council, the Environment Agency has identified the importance of increasing tree cover in the city as a way of contributing to this goal and have committed to new tree planting where possible.

For more information about the York Flood Alleviation Scheme visit: and York’s five year flood plan:

Published 12 August 2021

International safety rules for High Speed Craft brought into force

International rules on safety levels for High Speed Craft (HSC) are being brought into force under UK law.

International safety rules for High Speed Craft brought into force

Press release

International rules on safety levels for High Speed Craft (HSC) are being brought into force under UK law.

FastCat – a fast ferry operated by Wightlink – approaching Ryde Pier Head Port on the Isle of Wight. Photo credit: Wightlink.

The regulations bring three main changes – additional safety drills and record keeping, opening-up the satellite providers’ market which should reduce costs and introducing an automatic update to any future changes internationally covering HSC.

Vessels covered include such craft as fast ferries and catamaran.

It brings into force the latest changes to the international HSC Codes, which operate under Chapter X (Ten) of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS).

The new safety standards will require enclosed space entry and rescue drills to be carried out and recorded that they have been done. This is in addition to other drills already legally required such as fire and evacuation ones.

For operators, the opening-up of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) satellite providers’ market, should reduce costs in the longer term.

The final change is to bring in what is known as ambulatory referencing meaning any future amendments to the HSC Codes will be automatically updated in UK law.

Katy Ware, Director of UK Maritime Services, said: “We are committed to making sure every maritime craft and vessel has the right level of safety and it’s important for these rules to be brought into UK law.

“It’s also important that we’ve brought in rules that will automatically update UK law, so that we will always be current with the Codes, whatever changes are made.”

For further information and a chance to provide your views, please see the The Merchant Shipping (High Speed Craft) Regulations 2022 consultation.

Published 12 August 2021

Guidance: COVID-19: guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection

Stay at home guidance for households with possible coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.

Guidance: Guidance for contacts of people with confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection who do not live with the person

Guidance for contacts of a person with a positive test result for coronavirus (COVID-19) who do not live with that person.