Students learn about the Treasury in work experience scheme

Students from across the country got a taste of what it is like to work at the centre of government this week when they took part in a work experience scheme at the Treasury.

Students learn about the Treasury in work experience scheme

  • Chancellor welcomes college and sixth form students from across the UK for virtual work experience scheme at HM Treasury

  • The youngsters spent a week working at the heart of government, attending seminars, mentoring sessions and met Chancellor Rishi Sunak

  • A number of the students were from Darlington, where the Treasury will be opening a new economic campus later this year

The virtual work experience scheme, the first of its kind to run at the Treasury with a full week of activities, was aimed at young people who wouldn’t usually think of working at the Department.

Their first day included a virtual meeting with Chancellor Rishi Sunak who spoke about his highlights from his first year in the Treasury and his own career so far.

He also took part in a Q&A with the students who quizzed him on subjects ranging from the UK’s transition to net zero to the future of cryptocurrency.

Over 100 students, aged 16-18, from a diverse mix of backgrounds applied for the scheme. The majority of the 19 places either went to youngsters from ethnic minority backgrounds, or from Darlington where the Treasury is opening a new office.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, said:

I was delighted to welcome our work experience students and talk to them about what it’s like at the heart of Government.

This is a really important scheme, and they heard from a variety of Treasury colleagues – ranging from press officers and speechwriters, to policy experts and private secretaries.

I hope this has inspired them to consider a career here at the Treasury. And, who knows, one of them might even be a future Chancellor of the Exchequer.

During the week, students gained some experience of what it’s like to work in the civil service and learned about the role the Treasury plays in overseeing public spending and setting economic policy through a variety of seminars on topics including public spending, financial services and tax.

They also discussed the Government’s Plan for Jobs, the Treasury’s response to the pandemic, and learned about Parliament and the Darlington Economic Campus. The group also received mentoring from Treasury employees and got to research and report on a project.

Student Anmol Patrai, from Darlington, said:

Getting a job in the civil service was something I never really thought about, but after a week’s worth of work experience with HMT I realise that there are such a range of roles within Government, many of which appeal to me.

If I didn’t go out and look for work experience I really feel that I would miss out on learning about so many prospective careers. I would highly recommend trying to explore career choices as much as possible to understand what you want to do in the future.

Student Moulika Shome, from north London, said:

Work experience with HM Treasury has been very insightful and informative. I think the idea of seeing politics and economics in action was fascinating.

We had the chance to meet the Chancellor and the Financial Secretary to the Treasury who were both friendly. I also liked how some of our sessions were interactive. In one session, we worked in teams to think of policies to reduce the educational impacts of COVID-19.

Overall, I enjoyed this work experience. Thank you to the Work Experience Team, my hosts and everyone else at HM Treasury for making us feel welcome.

Another programme will be run next year by the Treasury ‘Openness’ Network with more students and more sessions.

Further information

The Treasury ‘Openness’ Network was developed to improve public understanding of what the Department does and why its work matters. This includes engaging with young people to broaden their understanding of HM Treasury and the role of Government and making jobs in the Civil Service more accessible.

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British Ambassador visited Honduras to strengthen bilateral ties and address global challenges

World news story

The British Ambassador to Honduras, Nick Whittingham, visited Roatan and Tegucigalpa from 9 to 13 August.

British Ambassador visit to Honduras

In his first visit over a year and due to the pandemic, Ambassador Whittingham returned to Honduras to address top UK priorities, including prosperity, climate change, human rights and the battle against Covid-19.

In the Bay Islands Ambassador Whittingham met with British citizens, representatives of local communities and executives from the Prospera development initiative. He welcomed the reactivation of tourism and efforts from the islanders to create prosperity and battle the impacts of the pandemic.

During his visit to Tegucigalpa, Ambassador Whittingham also looked to progress UK objectives towards COP26, the global climate change conference to be held in Glasgow in November this year. The Ambassador met with the Secretary of Environment, Liliam Rivera Hipp, and congratulated Honduras for increasing its ambitions toward emissions reductions.

During his meeting with Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Isaias Barahona, Ambassador Whittingham stressed the unwavering UK commitment to continue fighting Covid-19 by suppling vaccines to those in need. The UK will give five million doses of vaccines to COVAX, of which Honduras is beneficiary. The UK has pledged to donate 100 million vaccines overseas by June 2022, 80 million of which will go to this mechanism.

Finally, Ambassador Whittingham met with the private sector, justice operators, and civil society to address the critical need of tackling corruption in order to boost prosperity and attract investments. The Ambassador also stressed that a free press is a much needed resource in all societies to encourage transparency, and called for protection of journalists.

Published 13 August 2021

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