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British Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina Youth Advisory Group: call for applications

World news story

Call for applications for the second generation of British Ambassador’s Youth Advisory Group is now open.

Are you a BiH citizen, between 18 and 29 years old, committed to improving yourself, and helping to build a better Bosnia and Herzegovina? If you answered yes, we have an opportunity for you!

The British Embassy Sarajevo is continuing with its successful programme to engage with young people across BiH, as we want to hear your voices, to discuss the issues you deem important and to help you develop as leaders and role models.

The British Ambassador’s Youth Advisory Group compromises 10 individuals that will work closely with the British Ambassador, and other Embassy staff, over a ten-month period (from September 2021 to June 2022). It will include monthly discussion groups. It will be held entirely online, on a voluntary basis, without any financial remuneration. After completion of the programme, members will receive a personal letter of recommendation signed by the Ambassador.

To become a member, you need energy and ideas. You will also need to be available throughout the duration of the programme and have a level of English that will allow you to follow and contribute to discussions.

Would you like to join the British Ambassador’s Youth Advisory Group?

Then fill out the application form by 5 September.

Selection of participants will be overseen by the British Ambassador, and will aim for broad diversity of location and background.

For any inquires please contact

Published 16 August 2021

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