Promotional material: Bowel cancer screening kit: how to use

Instructions on how to use the home test kit provided by the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme (BCSP).

PM call with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan: 17 August 2021

News story

Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke to Pakistani Prime Minister Khan this afternoon.

The Prime Minister spoke to Pakistani Prime Minister Khan this afternoon about the situation in Afghanistan.

The Prime Minister stressed his commitment to work with international partners to avoid a humanitarian disaster in Afghanistan and the wider region.

The Prime Minister underlined that any recognition of the new government in Afghanistan to happen on an international, not unilateral basis. He said that any the legitimacy of any future Taliban government will be subject to them upholding internationally agreed standards on human rights and inclusivity.

The Prime Minister and Prime Minister Khan agreed their governments will keep in close contact in the coming days on the evolving situation.

Published 17 August 2021

Form: Bees: model health certificates

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