Guidance: Convert arable land to permanent grassland

Find out how land managers can convert arable land to permanent grassland to benefit soil health, water quality, landscape and wildlife.

Guidance: Manage scrub and scrub mosaics

Find out how land managers can maintain scrub and scrub mosaics to provide food and shelter for wildlife.

Guidance: Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates

Find out how land managers can create essential habitat for invertebrates, to increase their numbers and help plant and crop pollination.

Guidance: Install wildlife boxes for species at risk

Find out how land managers can provide nesting and hibernation boxes for dormice, otters, hedgehogs, solitary bees and other insects.

Guidance: Create and maintain flower-rich margins and plots

Find out how land managers can sow wildflowers to provide food, shelter and nesting places for invertebrates and birds, and protect water bodies