Guidance: Ebola and Marburg haemorrhagic fevers: outbreaks and case locations

Information about incidents and outbreaks of Ebola and Marburg, both viral haemorrhagic fevers (VHF).

Innovation reaches deep into the Dounreay workforce

About 100 or so workers normally attend Dounreay’s annual showcase event, when staff are recognised for reaching levels of excellence in their work to decommission the plant.

The coronavirus pandemic threw a spanner in the works during 2020 because of legal restrictions about how many people could gather in one place. So, they had to make a choice – take the easy option which would have been to cancel altogether and return again next year or do something new and innovative that would be inclusive and fun.

With most staff working remotely from home, the site’s operator moved the December event on-line – and pulled in an audience many times greater than usual.

And thanks to the roll-out of video communications, it also meant they could feature a cabaret showcasing the hidden talents of the Dounreay workforce.

Now, the event has been short-listed in the “best event” category of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations Scotland PRide awards.

“Innovation in the face of adversity enabled us to take the event from a small number of invited guests to something that reached every corner of the workforce and made us all feel really proud of our achievements during a very difficult time,” said Gail Ross, head of communications at Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd.

The 90-minute show, hosted by Highland media celebrity Nicky Marr and run on-line by contractor DP Media, drew in an audience viewed by 1600 different devices.

In addition to recognising the outstanding achievements during the previous 12 months of individuals and teams at the site, it also featured a cabaret of staff performing musical interludes and even a magic show.

A poll of staff picked Caithness Mental Health Group as the nominated charity, with more than £4000 raised during the course of the evening.

The winner of the CIPR Scotland PRide award will be announced on 6 October.

Guidance: Malaria reference laboratory (MRL): user handbook

Details of MRL laboratory services including malaria diagnosis.

CMA finds competition concerns with NVIDIA’s purchase of Arm

A summary of the CMA’s report, which was sent to the Secretary of State (SoS) for the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) on 20 July ahead of the set deadline, has now been published. The CMA has determined that an in-depth investigation into the deal between NVIDIA and Arm is warranted on competition grounds.

Should the deal go ahead, the CMA is concerned that the merged business would have the ability and incentive to harm the competitiveness of NVIDIA’s rivals by restricting access to Arm’s intellectual property (IP). Arm’s IP is used by companies that produce semiconductor chips and related products, in competition with NVIDIA.

Ultimately, the CMA is concerned this loss of competition could stifle innovation across a number of markets, including data centres, gaming, the ‘internet of things’, and self-driving cars. This could result in more expensive or lower quality products for businesses and consumers.

NVIDIA offered a behavioural remedy – a measure which regulates the ongoing behaviour of a business – but the CMA found that this type of remedy would not alleviate its concerns. Therefore, the CMA found that the merger should be progressed to an in-depth Phase 2 investigation on competition grounds.

Andrea Coscelli, chief executive of the CMA, said: “We’re concerned that NVIDIA controlling Arm could create real problems for NVIDIA’s rivals by limiting their access to key technologies, and ultimately stifling innovation across a number of important and growing markets. This could end up with consumers missing out on new products, or prices going up.

“The chip technology industry is worth billions and is vital to products that businesses and consumers rely on every day. This includes the critical data processing and datacentre technology that supports digital businesses across the economy, and the future development of artificial intelligence technologies that will be important to growth industries like robotics and self-driving cars.”

On 19 April 2021, the SoS issued a public interest intervention notice in relation to the merger, on the ground of national security. In line with its legal duties, the CMA has provided the DCMS SoS with a report on its competition findings, along with a summary of representations received from third parties which relate to the national security public interest consideration. The SoS will decide whether the merger should be referred for an in-depth Phase 2 investigation on both competition and national security grounds, or if it should be passed back to the CMA to investigate on competition grounds only. The timing of this decision will be decided by the SoS.

In conducting its investigation, the CMA has worked closely with other competition authorities around the world to carefully consider the impact of the deal.

For more information, visit the NVIDIA / Arm merger inquiry case page.

Notes to Editor

  1. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the connection of electronic devices to the internet and to other devices to allow them to collect, process and share data. IoT devices include everyday consumer devices like smart speakers, and devices in industrial applications like robotic systems.
  2. Datacentres are large groups of networked computer systems used by organisations for the storage, processing, and distribution of large amounts of data. The key hardware that makes up a datacentre infrastructure allows it to perform computing, storage and networking functions.

Decision: UK REACH authorisations for PPG Industries (UK) Ltd, Boeing Distribution (UK) Inc, Wesco Aircraft EMEA, LTD (UK), 11 August 2021

Decision on application for authorisation under UK REACH.