COP26 Regional Ambassador Fiona Clouder travels to Guatemala

UK Government’s Regional Ambassador for Latin America and the Caribbean, Fiona Clouder, will visit Guatemala on 25-26 August.

COP26 Regional Ambassador Fiona Clouder travels to Guatemala

World news story

UK Government’s Regional Ambassador for Latin America and the Caribbean, Fiona Clouder, will visit Guatemala on 25-26 August.

Fiona Clouder visit to Guatemala

Ambassador Clouder will be in Guatemala to help ensure the delivery of COP26 objectives by engaging with representatives of government, businesses and wider society. In the meetings Ambassador Clouder will thrive for a COP26 that could achieve ambitious emission reduction targets, promote adaptation measures to protect communities and natural habitats, mobilize finance in favour of the environment, and accelerate collaboration between governments, businesses and civil society to deliver on our climate goals faster.

Ambassador Clouder will discuss this with the Climate Change Ambassador for Guatemala at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rita Mishaan; the Minister of Environment, Mario Rojas and the Minister of Finance, Álvaro González Ricci. She will also have discussions with Guatemala’s Green Building Council, currently implementing a UK funded project to promote sustainable development by enhancing the capabilities of the private and public construction sector. Finally, Ambassador Clouder will have a meeting with the Chamber of Industry of Guatemala to discuss the critical role private sector plays to tackle the effects of climate change.

In the run up to COP26, the UK is working with every nation to reach agreement on how to tackle climate change. More than 190 world leaders are expected to arrive in Scotland where the COP26 will take place in November this year. Together, with negotiators, government representatives, businesses and citizens for twelve days of talks, we aim to spur commitments that could lead to cleaner air, creating good jobs, restoring nature and at the same time unleashing economic growth.

Published 25 August 2021

£600,000 to ignite regional space growth

The UK Space Agency is inviting local development bodies to bid for funding of up to £100,000 to help put space at the heart of local economies

£600,000 to ignite regional space growth

News story

The UK Space Agency is inviting local development bodies to bid for funding of up to £100,000 to help put space at the heart of local economies

The £600,000 Regional Space Development fund launched today aims to accelerate the development of a thriving, resilient and well-connected space ecosystem across the UK.

The fund will support the space sector at a local level by supporting the recruitment of Space Cluster Development Managers and pump-priming activities that create jobs and growth.

Dr Colin Baldwin, Head of Local Growth Strategy at the UK Space Agency said:

Our cities, towns and rural areas all have competitive advantages essential to shaping our economy – and the space sector will be a key driver of future growth across the UK.

This funding will strengthen innovative companies and agencies in all corners of the country, helping the UK to achieve its ambitions in space and realise its potential on Earth.

Local economic development bodies are encouraged to act as the lead applicant. However, applications from UK Higher Education Institutions, other research organisations, and industry will also be considered.

The deadline for applications to the Regional Space Development fund is midday on 20 September 2021.

Published 25 August 2021

Guidance: NCRAS statistical publications: quality and methodology information

Quality and Methodology Information for the NCRAS statistical publications, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used, and data uses.