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Harwell celebrates 75 years

In over 75 years of operation the Magnox site at Harwell has notched up numerous world firsts – and been at the forefront of UK nuclear research.

This includes vast achievements like the construction of the first nuclear reactor in Western Europe and being celebrated for its pioneering work in laser isotope separation.

Lawrie Haynes, Magnox Chairman, commented:

Over its lifespan Harwell has made enormous contributions to the development of nuclear energy, and many other major scientific and technological advances. The site has evolved to adapt to its many changing circumstances, and those who have worked there have adapted too.

The site has been a beacon for our industry and should be rightly proud of its achievements that have helped shape the world we live in today.

At the same time the site has provided a ‘work family’ and training ground for many of its staff which has lasted decades. Sam Berryman who currently works at Harwell as a project manager, and joined at the age of 16, is testament to this, her Grandad worked on the site from the mid 1950’s, her Dad from 1960 to 1998 and her son is currently working on site, so four generations of the same family!

Sam commented:

To add to this my parents met at the tank farm and both my brothers were home birthed in a UKAEA prefab.

During the early years when the nuclear industry was in need of data upon which to base the design of its reactors and associated fuel cycle plant, Harwell provided much of that essential information.

Fourteen experimental reactors were built, with GLEEP and BEPO the first two to be constructed. Both were used to provide data for the Windscale reactors, with GLEEP running for an astonishing 43 years.

A dozen other reactors soon followed, arguably the most important of which were two large materials testing reactors, DIDO and PLUTO. Several zero and low energy reactors were also built, including ZEPHYR and NEPTUNE. ZETA was built to advance the understanding of fusion power, work which was later moved to Culham.

To support the nuclear programme, a range of ground-breaking research facilities were built, with Harwell’s radiochemistry laboratory one of the most advanced in the world. Van de Graaff accelerators, a Tandem generator and cyclotron were built to probe into the atom, alongside purpose built chemistry, chemical engineering and materials research laboratories.

Waste management facilities were constructed to treat active and non-active solid and liquid radioactive waste from these activities.

By the late 1960s the need for fundamental nuclear research dwindled, which led to decades of change as the focus moved towards applied nuclear and non-nuclear research.

Harwell diversified into many new areas, materials technology, non-destructive testing, and electronics to name but a few. Spin off technologies benefited a wide range of industries, such as the offshore oil and gas industries, medical, computer programming and chemical engineering.

Some of the more high profile projects the site was involved in included detecting metal fatigue in Big Ben; contributing to the investigation into the King’s Cross fire, measuring cosmic ray doses on Concorde and carbon dating ancient artefacts; including the Winchester Round Table.

Another first for Harwell came in the late 1980s when it took delivery of what at the time was the world’s most powerful computer, the CRAY-2 supercomputer. During this time laser beams were being used to investigate aspects of the basic science and technology of laser isotope separation.

The 1990s brought about many changes, with research and laboratories ceasing operations and the focus now on decommissioning and environmental restoration.

During this time the last of Harwell’s remaining three reactors were closed, and many of the engineers and scientists who helped build and run Harwell’s experimental facilities concentrated their skills on decommissioning, radioactive waste management, and site restoration.

The new millennium saw the pace of decommissioning and restoration move up a gear, and in 2005 Harwell became part of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority’s decommissioning programme.

Harwell has now completed the dismantling of the GLEEP reactor, the Tandem Van Der Graff Generator, and many purpose built laboratories, to name but a few. A number of facilities, including DIDO, PLUTO and BEPO remain, awaiting their final decommissioning journey.

Large areas of the site have been delicensed and removed from the controls of the Nuclear Installations Act and the security fence realigned. The delicensed land has formed part of the wider Harwell Campus which today has many scientific and space related tenants located there.

Andrew Munro, Site Director added:

It’s a privilege to be involved in a site and with a workforce that is steeped in such history, and our job now is to safely and securely carry on with decommissioning and release the land for future use.

Work continues at pace, with the liquid effluent treatment plant land remediation project well advanced and the processing of legacy wastes and materials a key priority during this significant year.

Harwell’s history has been one of change, development and firsts across many industries. The dedication of the decommissioning workforce on the Harwell licensed site remains as professional and enthusiastic as it was at the birth of the nuclear age in the 1940s.

Government and charities highlight veterans support, in light of situation in Afghanistan

Government, charities and the academic sector met today to highlight the range of support on offer to veterans of the Afghanistan conflict, in light of the difficult situation in the country.

The meeting, co-chaired by Defence Secretary Ben Wallace and Minister for Defence People and Veterans Leo Docherty and attended by the Health Secretary Sajid Javid, brought together government departments, veterans charities and experts in military mental health.

They discussed the potential for the current situation in Afghanistan to impact the mental health of veterans, outlined the support available to former service personnel across the UK and agreed to share information and best practice on supporting veterans through this difficult time.

The meeting agreed that the Office for Veterans’ Affairs (OVA) will monitor the effects that recent events have had on veterans, and bring together experts from health academia to further inform government understanding of the issue. The OVA will be funding phase four of the KCL cohort study looking at veterans health and wellbeing and agreed today to work with KCL to understand how we can measure the impact of current events on the veteran community as part of this study.

Additionally, the OVA and Forces in Mind Trust will work together to explore how to bring veterans who served in Afghanistan together, in order to support each other. Research suggests that these veterans could benefit from ‘supportive comradeship’, particularly among those who served together.

The government and the nation is extremely grateful for the role the armed forces community played in keeping the country safe from the threat of terrorism, through combat operations (known as Op Herrick) and the subsequent train, advise and assist mission, in Afghanistan. While this may be a challenging time for those who served in Afghanistan, veterans should be in no doubt of the significant role they played in serving their country and keeping it safe.

Minister for Defence People and Veterans Leo Docherty said:

The situation in Afghanistan is very difficult and I understand why those from the veteran community who served there with such great distinction will be concerned.

We will always be indebted for your sacrifice and you played a key role in keeping this country safe from the threat of terrorism.

For those who may be struggling, I urge you to access the range of veterans specific support available.

Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid said:

I recognise that the experience of conflict can affect the physical and mental wellbeing of our veterans, and that the events currently taking place in Afghanistan may have a detrimental impact on the mental health of those who served there.

I am committed to ensuring our veterans can access the support they need. The NHS already provides incredible mental health support for our veteran community, but I know there is more to do.

I encourage any veteran who is struggling to cope to reach out for help. Services like Op COURAGE and the Veterans’ Gateway helpline are there for you, so please come forward.

If you are struggling as a result of the recent events in Afghanistan, there is support available across the United Kingdom for veterans and those affected:

  • In England, veterans and their families in England can get specialist help from the NHS Op COURAGE service.
  • In Wales, you can reach out to Veteran Therapists in each Local Health Board through Veteran Wales.
  • In Scotland, veterans can access veteran-led mental health and welfare support through Veterans First Point, part of NHS Scotland.
  • In Northern Ireland, the Northern Ireland Veterans’ Support Office links individual veterans, veterans’ groups, statutory and non-statutory bodies, and charities supporting veterans.
  • Anyone in the UK or overseas can also contact the Veterans’ Gateway helpline on 0808 802 1212, or visit the website for advice and signposting to further support, including for families and the bereaved.