Setting expectations of the Taliban

Today the Security Council adopted resolution 2593, setting out the Council’s expectations of the Taliban

Setting expectations of the Taliban

Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Barbara Woodward on the Security Council resolution on Afghanistan

Thank you, Mr President. Today this Council has spoken clearly on the situation in Afghanistan and set out its minimum expectations of the Taliban.

The immediate priority is ensuring that all those who wish to leave Afghanistan can do so safely. We have been clear that the Taliban must adhere to their own stated commitments to ensure safe passage, beyond 31 August.

Second, Afghanistan can never again become a safe haven for terrorists. We have condemned unequivocally the attack on Kabul airport last week, and we reiterate our condolences and sympathy to the bereaved and to the injured. A coordinated approach will be vital to counter any extremist threat emanating from Afghanistan, and we call on the Taliban to uphold the commitments contained in the Doha agreement.

Third, the humanitarian situation requires urgent attention. We are coordinating closely with partners to strengthen efforts to support humanitarian assistance and ensure unimpeded access for humanitarian workers and organisations.

Finally, the gains of the last 20 years must be protected, and human rights, including those of women and children and minorities, safeguarded. This resolution lays down a marker that the international community will be watching closely.

Today’s resolution is an important step towards a unified international response to the situation in Afghanistan. We will continue to build on this to ensure the Council holds the Taliban accountable on its commitments. The Taliban will be judged the international community on the basis of their actions on the ground, not their words.

Thank you, Mr President.

Preventing further escalation of violence in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Thank you Mr President, and my thanks to Special Coordinator Wennesland for his briefing.

Let me start by once again reinforcing the need to prevent a further escalation in violence in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories and to restore calm. We share concerns about the recent tensions in Gaza and call on all parties to take steps to avoid exacerbating tensions and to maintain the cessation of hostilities. The United Kingdom condemns unequivocally Hamas’ indiscriminate attacks against Israel, including the use of incendiary balloons. We call upon Hamas and other terrorist groups to permanently end their rocket fire against Israel.

Our attention must remain on the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza and the impact on Palestinians living there. It remains vital that Israel ensures regularised access into and out of Gaza, in accordance with International Humanitarian Law, especially for humanitarian actors and goods, reconstruction materials, and for medical purposes.

In the West Bank, we should all be troubled by the high number of Palestinians who have been killed by Israeli Forces in recent weeks. Since our most recent debate on 28 July, 9 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank, including two children. We urge the Israeli authorities to conduct transparent and comprehensive investigations, and to hold those responsible to account.

In regards to the handling of recent protests, we call on the Palestinian Authority to adhere to international standards on freedom of expression, association and assembly and urge respect for human rights. The use of violence against peaceful human rights defenders, activists and protesters, and the mistreatment of those detained is unacceptable.

In Jerusalem, we remain concerned by the high number of evictions and demolitions, including in Sheikh Jarrah, Silwan and al Walaja. Unfortunately, in 2021 we have seen the pace of these unilateral Israeli actions increase across the West Bank. We urge Israel to refrain from actions which displace Palestinians from their homes, act as a driver for conflict and are, in all but the most exceptional circumstances, illegal under international law. It is also vital to maintain calm on Al Haram Al Sharif/Temple Mount and to uphold the historic Status Quo.

Mr President, against this fragile backdrop, we continue to see signs of hope. We were pleased to see Palestinian and Israeli firefighters working together to extinguish fires in Jerusalem. We want to see greater coordination and cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians, particularly on economic initiatives, to help pave a pathway toward peace. The first anniversary of the signing of the Abraham Accords this month is a reminder that the advancement of peace is possible.

We welcome and urge continued engagement between the new Israeli Government and the Palestinian leadership and call on both parties to work together to tackle immediate and long-term threats to peace and stability. Our collective goal remains a two-state solution, based on 1967 lines.

The United Kingdom stands ready to support.

Farewell for Honduran Chevening scholars

World news story

The British Ambassador bided farewell three Honduran scholars going to the UK.

Chevening Honduras Farewell event with HMA

The British Ambassador to Honduras, Nick Whittingham, sent off successful Chevening Scholarship recipients at a small dinner in Tegucigalpa.

Every year, a group of outstanding Honduran scholars are selected to study different fields at UK universities under the prestigious Chevening Scholarship, funded by the British Government.

The three 2021-2022 scholars are:

  • Juan Camilo Jiménez Garces, MA in Humanitarianism and Conflict Response, University of Manchester.
  • Julia Estela Sandoval Handal, LLM in Master of Laws, King’s College London.
  • Johan David Reyes Chávez, MSc in Conservation Management, Edge Hill University.

Chevening is the UK Government’s global scholarship programme that offers future leaders the unique opportunity to study in the UK. These scholarships are awarded to outstanding professionals from all over the world to pursue a one-year master’s degree in any subject at any UK university.

The application window for the 2022/2023 Chevening Scholarship is open and closes on 02 November 2021. Find more information here: Chevening Honduras.

Published 30 August 2021

Readout of international meeting on Afghanistan

News story

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab joined a meeting with international counterparts about the situation in Afghanistan

A spokesperson from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office said:

This afternoon the Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab joined a meeting with counterparts from the US, Canada, the EU, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, NATO, Qatar and Turkey about the situation in Afghanistan.

The Foreign Secretary emphasised the importance of working with like-minded partners on safe passage and exit arrangements for eligible Afghans remaining in the country.

He affirmed Taliban assurances that foreign nationals and Afghan citizens with travel authorisation will be allowed to depart the country, but underlined we must judge them on their actions, and whether people are allowed safe passage to leave.

The Foreign Secretary also welcomed the participants’ unity of purpose and close collaboration on a wider new strategy for Afghanistan.

He explained the strategic priorities to prevent Afghanistan becoming a haven for terrorism, ensure humanitarian access, protect human rights and the gains of the last 20 years, preserve regional stability, and working with a range of international partners in order to exercise the maximum moderating influence on the Taliban.

Published 30 August 2021