Guidance: Japan: migrant health guide

Advice and guidance on the health needs of migrant patients from Japan for healthcare practitioners.

Guidance: Israel: migrant health guide

Advice and guidance on the health needs of migrant patients from Israel, the West Bank and Gaza for healthcare practitioners.

Coordinating the UK’s large-scale computing ecosystem

News story

A new report from the Government Office for Science sets out how through increased coordination the UK can create world class computing capacity.

The report examines the interdependencies between hardware, software and skills in relation to supercomputers and how they help solve the key industrial and scientific problems of our time.

Public health systems, finance, research and business are heavily underpinned by our access to computing capability. Large-scale computing is an essential tool for solving industrial and scientific problems. Innovations in artificial intelligence, optimisation of energy networks, data processing and simulations will lead to a whole host of benefits including biological understanding, building resilience to external shocks like COVID-19 and supporting medical developments.

World-class computing capability can benefit research, product development, prototyping and testing. All these can enhance the UK’s competitiveness in turn helping us achieve ambitious ‘moonshot’ challenges, such as zero emission air travel.

Commenting on the report, Government Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance said:

This report sets out the building blocks required to create a world-class computing ecosystem so the UK can realise the true potential of large-scale computing and harness this technology to strengthen its position as a science superpower.

Published 20 September 2021

MPs gain insight into Defence Academy

From 15-17 September, 22 MPs and Peers attended the annual ‘Introduction to Defence’ course delivered as part of the Armed Forces Parliamentary Scheme (AFPS).

For three decades, the AFPS has educated cross-party parliamentarians in military matters, giving them insight that they might not otherwise have and enabling more informed defence debates in their respective Houses. This comprehensive two-day residential event combines expert speakers with practical, hands-on demonstrations, to increase attendees’ awareness of what defence delivers for the UK.

Defence policy, capability and acquisition, crisis response and strategic engagement were on the agenda across the two days. This year’s cohort attended a series of lectures delivered by senior representatives of the MOD, UK Strategic Command, the Defence Academy’s academic partner King’s College London, and each of the single services.

The programme also included a visit to the Defence College for Military Capability Integration (DCMCI), part of the Defence Academy, where students were taken through a series of demonstrations by subject matter experts in cyber, simulation, and air and space. DCMCI delivers multi-domain education and training to maintain strategic advantage, reflecting the government’s intent to further integrate science and technology as key elements of national security and international policy.

Parliamentarians enrolled on the AFPS can select a single service with which to continue their learning, and wear service uniform to help reinforce this connection. On completion of this introductory course, the MPs and Peers will embark on single service courses delivered by the Army, Royal Navy and RAF, as well as Strategic Command, over the coming year, to further enhance their understanding.

Major General Andrew Roe, Chief Executive and Commandant of the Defence Academy, said:

It was an honour to host another cohort of MPs at the Defence Academy on the Armed Forces Parliamentary Scheme. As the MPs and Peers gained understanding into how defence operates and delivers UK objectives, we were able to showcase how the Defence Academy is always evolving to provide the right training and education for our people.

DM Kineton new, safer access and main entrance completed

Planning permission was granted in December 2018 for a new approach and guard room. DIO worked with industry partners Tetra Tech and contractor Montel to undertake the works, through the Warwickshire Highways framework.

The site stores ammunition for the Armed Forces and is the largest and most modern site of its kind in Western Europe. However, the previous site entrance presented safety issues as traffic queues often formed on the B4100 outside the site as visitors queued for access and drivers had to exit their vehicles into the road.

The project created a new main entrance to the site and included provision for a new access road, guard room and parking area together with the requisite security fencing, gates and lighting. The new guard room is currently in use and the old one soon to be demolished, with the older gate now becoming an emergency gate.

Stuart Gallacher, DIO’s Project Manager for the work, said:

This project has definitely improved the experience of staff and visitors to the site, but we know it’s also of great benefit to local people who have to travel on the B4100 and used to get caught in traffic as a result of queues to enter DM Kineton.

Lt Col David Pickersgill, Commanding Officer of DM Kineton, said:

I am delighted the new DM Kineton Main Gate and Guardroom are now in place. This modern facility is a huge improvement and provides a developed capacity to efficiently manage vehicle flow into Kineton Station. Most importantly, it significantly enhances safety. This benefits people accessing the site and the general public as they will no longer have to contend with traffic queues on the B4100 immediately outside the gate.

I would like to extend my thanks to all involved in delivering this project, and to the local community for their patience while the construction took place.

Simon Turbutt, Managing Director, Montel Civil Engineering said:

We are delighted to have completed the construction of a new roundabout, access and guardroom for DM Kineton, and pleased that the new facility and upgraded access will enhance the experience of both staff and visitors of the base and the general public using the public highway.

From start to finish the project has been a really positive team collaboration, this approach enabled the team to overcome a number of unforeseen challenges, ensured project and budget efficiency, adherence to project timelines, and increased overall coordination from our supply chain.