Quit for a week and save a day, say health experts 

Smokers who choose to quit on the 1 January could save a whole day of their life by 8 January, according to new research.

Research: Residual waste infrastructure capacity note

Evidence and analysis of municipal residual waste arisings and infrastructure capacity in England from 2020 to 2035.

Press release: Government to crack down on waste incinerators with stricter standards for new builds

Almost half of all waste collected by local authorities in 2022/23 was incinerated with resources that could be recycled being lost

Half-masting of flags following the death of former US President Jimmy Carter

Flags will be flown at half mast on UK government buildings on 30 December until 20:00.

UK pledges relief to meet dire humanitarian need in the Middle East, Africa and Asia

New £61 million package will support vulnerable communities around the world.