Russia must not be allowed to operate with impunity: UK statement to the OSCE

UK military advisor, Nicholas Aucott, says Russia’s invasion poses a profound challenge to the international order on which our prosperity and security depends.

Transparency data: Defra: prompt payment data April 2015 to June 2024

How long Defra takes to pay invoices.

Official Statistics: A to Z Index, Statistical Digest of Rural England

A to Z Index for the eight thematic reports that make up the Statistical Digest of Rural England.

Getting Started with Design Codes – An Office for Place Masterclass Series

The Office for Place is pleased to announce that we will be running a new series of events this autumn to support local councils to begin creating their own local design codes.

Guidance: Confined establishments approved to export captive-bred birds to the EU

Lists of confined establishments in Great Britain, Jersey and the Isle of Man approved to export or move captive-bred birds to the EU or Northern Ireland.