Guidance: Sevington border control post (BCP)

Information about Sevington BCP and the checks that take place there. 

UK industry secures leading role in space weather mission

Space Minister Andrew Griffith was in Brussels today (22 May 2024), where he witnessed the signing of a major industrial contract that will see Airbus Defence and Space in Stevenage building Europe’s flagship space weather m…

Guidance: Import live animals and germinal products from the EU to Great Britain

How to import or move live animals and germinal products from the EU to Great Britain.

ESFA Update: 22 May 2024

Latest information and actions from the Education and Skills Funding Agency for academies, schools, colleges, local authorities and further education providers.

Minister of State: Maximising trade and opportunity for Northern Ireland’s businesses is our priority

Last week we saw a significant milestone in implementing the Government’s commitments under the Safeguarding the Union command paper published in February.