Decision: Fine Grinding Ltd: exercise of functions direction

Direction giving the local council power to regulate Fine Grinding Ltd.

Guidance: Confined establishments approved to export ungulates to the EU

Lists of confined establishments in Great Britain, Jersey and the Isle of Man approved to export or move ungulates to the EU and Northern Ireland.

Guidance: Confined establishments approved to export captive-bred birds to the EU

Lists of confined establishments in Great Britain, Jersey and the Isle of Man approved to export or move captive-bred birds to the EU or Northern Ireland.

No matter how long it takes, the perpetrators must be held to account for the use of chemical weapons in Syria: UK statement at the UN Security Council

Statement by Jess Jambert-Gray, UK Deputy Political Coordinator, at the UN Security Council meeting on chemical weapons in Syria.

Called-in decision: 456-472 Oxford Street, London W1 (ref: 3301508 – 5 December 2024)

Decision letter and Inspector’s Report for a called-in application.