Research: List of large producers on the report packaging data service

This is a list of large organisations (‘producers’) who have reported their data using the report packaging data (RPD) service.

Our steadfast commitment to delivering justice to all those affected by atrocity crimes in Rwanda and the Former Yugoslavia: UK statement at the UN Security Council

Statement by Legal Adviser Colin McIntyre at the UN Security Council meeting on the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals.

Clean Energy Partnership: G7+ and Ukraine joint statement 2024

Statement from the G7+ Energy Coordination Group and the Government of Ukraine at the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024 in Berlin.

UK contributes financial aid to Occupied Palestinian Territories to increase stability

UK announces £10 million aid this financial year to the Occupied Palestinian Territories to support the provision of basic services.

Guidance: Asian hornet: UK sightings

Annual confirmed sightings of the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) in the UK.