Guidance: Protected food name: Cambrian Mountains lamb

Updated: Updated as the consultation period for this product has now ended.

We have applied to the EU to get Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) status for this product.

The EU protected food name scheme covers regional and traditional foods whose authenticity and origin can be guaranteed.

The EU will only give a product the PGI mark if they decide it has a reputation, characteristics or qualities that are a result of the area it’s associated with.

Form: Workplace Charging Scheme: grant claim form for installing charging equipment

Updated: Online portal for authorised OLEV installers to claim the grant on behalf of the applicant workplace.

To claim the grant as an authorised OLEV installer you need to:

  • follow the link above to the online portal
  • log in to your reserved area and follow the instructions to complete the voucher redemption process

If you are a WCS authorised installer and do not have access to the portal, please contact

The Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS) is a voucher-based scheme that provides support towards the up-front costs of the purchase and installation of electric vehicle chargepoints.

Form: Workplace Charging Scheme application form

Updated: Online form for businesses, charities and public sector organisations to apply for the Workplace Charging Scheme.

To apply for the grant, follow the link above to complete the application form.

If your application has been successful, you will receive your unique voucher code by email within 5 working days.

The Workplace Charging Scheme is a voucher-based scheme that provides support towards the up-front costs of the purchase and installation of electric vehicle chargepoints.

Certification Officer: forthcoming hearings

Published 18 November 2016
Last updated 27 September 2022 + show all updates

  1. Dawes v Royal College of Nursing of the United Kingdom: hearing adjourned

  2. Hearing listed: Dawes v RCN

  3. Hearing listed: Watkins v British Medical Association

  4. Date for a new hearing

  5. Certification Officer Hearing in the case of Hussain v CWU to be held on 15 December 2020

  6. Simpson v Unite the Union: rescheduled hearing date

  7. Kidd v MU -Adjourned

  8. new hearing dates

  9. update of page

  10. new hearing date

  11. new hearing date

  12. CO hearing – Hussain v CWU

  13. postponement of hearing

  14. Two new Certification Officer hearings listed: St John v Unite the Union on 7 January 2020; Hussain v CWU on 29 January 2020.

  15. New hearing added (Crew v Aegis the Union) and new date for Dinsdale v GMB (2)

  16. new hearing date

  17. Three new hearings added, Watkins v British Medical Association, Parlour v NASWUT and Dunham v Society of Radiographers

  18. new CO hearing

  19. Cancellation of hearing – Dosanjh v POA

  20. New Certification Officer hearings listed: – Dosanjh v POA and Oley & Others v Unite the Union

  21. new hearing date

  22. Hearing for McFadden v Unite the Union on 16 January 2019 cancelled

  23. McFadden v Unite the Union – hearing added

  24. Kelly v Musicians’ Union – hearing added

  25. Robinson v GMB – hearing added

  26. A new Certification Officer hearing has been listed – Lascelles v Prospect

  27. Blackledge v UCU – hearing listed

  28. Hussain v CWU – remedy hearing listed

  29. New Certification Officer Hearing

  30. Start time for Coyne & Brooks v Unite the Union (25 June) changed to 2:00pm and Thursday 28 June as an afternoon only hearing

  31. Gates v Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists – hearing listed for 4 July 2018

  32. Coyne & Brooks v Unite the Union – 5 day hearing listed for 25-29 June.

  33. cancellation of hearing – Dawson v UCU

  34. new hearing date added

  35. Added hearing in the case of Dinsdale v GMB on 19 April 2018

  36. Added preliminary hearing in the case of Coyne & Brooks v Unite the Union

  37. Rolfe v POA: hearing listed for Friday 2 March 2018

  38. Pollock v Accord: the hearing set for 15 February 2018 is cancelled

  39. The hearing set for Wednesday 24 January 2018 has been cancelled

  40. Added directions hearing for Coyne & Brooks v Unite the Union on 26/01/18

  41. New hearings announced for Markham v GMB and for Pollock v Accord.

  42. 1. The hearing for Pollock v Accord set for 30 November 2017 has been cancelled 2. Hearing listed for Chisholm v Unite the Union on 18 December 2017

  43. Pollock v Accord hearing

  44. McFadden v Unite the Union: the hearing set for Monday 9 October and Tuesday 10 October 2017 has been cancelled

  45. Announcement of forthcoming hearings.

  46. hearing date

  47. Details of restricted seating at venue.

  48. hearing postponed

  49. First published.

  50. New Certification Officer hearing dates

  51. A number of cases have been listed for hearings.

  52. Brough v Union of Construction, Allied Trades & Technicians (UCATT) (No. 2) has been listed for a hearing on 15 August 2016.

  53. Forbes v Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association: the hearing scheduled for 25 May 2016 in Edinburgh has been postponed.

  54. Three cases listed by the Certification Officer for hearings.

  55. Henderson v GMB has been listed for a hearing on 1 March 2016.

  56. The case of Mills v Unite the Union has been listed for a hearing on 11 November 2015 at Fleetbank House, London.

  57. Forthcoming hearings

  58. Forthcoming hearings

  59. Forthcoming Certification Officer hearing

  60. Stevens v Union of Democratic Mineworkers will be heard before the Certification Officer on 7 May 2015.

  61. Beaumont (4) and Mansell v Unite the Union: venue confirmed

  62. New venue for the Mills v Unite the Union hearing on 9 April 2015.

  63. New venue for the Street and Street (2) v UNISON hearing on 1 April 2015.

  64. Forthcoming hearings before the Certification Officer.

  65. The hearing date of 25 February 2015 for the case Stevens v Union of Democratic Mineworkers has been postponed. A new hearing date will be announced shortly.

  66. The hearing scheduled for 28 January 2015 in the case Barton v UNISON will not now go ahead. A decision will be placed on the website in due course.

  67. The hearing date of 19 January 2015 for Street and Street (2) v UNISON has been postponed. A new hearing date will be announced shortly.

  68. Details of forthcoming hearings published on the Certification Officer’s website.

  69. Notice of three new public hearings.

Research and analysis: R086 – The location, condition and features of significant sites for habitat creation or restoration

Updated: Detail updated

Requirement overview

Requirement detail

The MMO has identified that there is a need to increase the amount of evidence in relation to:

a) creating a national dataset showing the type and location of sites with potential to become significant habitats

b) using this information and an analysis of existing policy and delivery initiatives to assess what role there may be for marine planning and marine licensing in either safeguarding these sites or advising applicants of their existence, in relation to individual applications.

This has been highlighted as an issue through marine planning stakeholder engagement. The intended result is to try and improve the environmental policy provision in marine plans and contribute more to environmental protection, whilst helping the economy to flourish. This will improve the ability of regulators and others (such as statutory advisors or those using the marine area) to simply and efficiently understand the potential of sites to create habitat or for it to be restored. This could either be as stand-alone projects or part of development applications, once it is clear that all other parts of the processes relating to the Habitats and Wilds Birds Directives have been satisfactorily completed.

MMO use

Marine Planning: This work will assist with the continued improvement to the delivery of legal obligations relating to marine plans and will investigate the potential for specific plan policies related to habitat restoration and conversion.

Marine Licensing: This work will assist both marine licensing case officers and applicants try to ensure an innovative sustainable development approach.

External interest

Natural England, Cefas, Environment Agency