Guidance: Protected food name: Anglesey sea salt/Halen Mon

Updated: Added an updated specification for this product which was submitted for European Commission scrutiny.

This document provides detail on a protected food name product from the UK, Anglesey sea salt/Halen Mon, which has been given Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) status.

The EU protected food name scheme covers regional and traditional foods whose authenticity and origin can be guaranteed.

An updated specification for this product was submitted for European Commission scrutiny on 26 March 2018.

To get a product protected under PDO, it must be produced, processed and prepared in one area and have distinct characteristics from this area.

Policy paper: Perry Barr and Witton flood risk management scheme

Updated: Update on information in all sections.

This document explains the plans to reduce flood risk to approximately 1,400 properties at risk from the River Tame in Perry Barr and Witton, Birmingham, West Midlands.

Policy paper: Badsey Brook flood risk management scheme

Updated: Latest news and community engagement section updated.

This document explains the plans to reduce flood risk to approximately 290 properties in the Badsey Brook catchment in Worcestershire.

Form: Environmental permit: appeal form

Updated: Form and guidance revised to include the new GDPR information

You might need an environmental permit if your business manages or produces waste or emissions that pollute the air, water or land.

Collection: Environmental appeals

Updated: Waste Carrier added to the document collection

  • Environmental liability
  • Environmental permitting
  • Water Abstraction and Impoundment
  • Hazardous Substances Consent
  • Waste Carrier