Corporate report: Generic Disposal System Safety Case for a Geological Disposal Facility: transport safety assessment

Transport Safety Assessment

  • Generic Transport System Safety Assessment
  • Transport Package Safety Report

Corporate report: Generic Disposal System Safety Case for a Geological Disposal Facility: operational safety assessment

Operational Safety Assessment

  • Volume 1: Non-radiological and construction
  • Volume 2: Normal operations
  • Volume 3: Accident safety assessment
  • Volume 4: Criticality safety assessment
  • Generic Operational Environmental Safety Assessment

Corporate report: Generic Disposal System Safety Case for a Geological Disposal Facility: environmental safety assessment

This Post-Closure Safety Assessment (PCSA) presents the results of quantitative
assessments of the long-term environmental safety of radioactive waste disposal in a
geological disposal facility (GDF).

Corporate report: Generic Disposal System Safety Case for a Geological Disposal Facility: environmental and sustainability assessments

The Environmental and Sustainability Assessments are set out in 3 documents:

  • Generic Environmental Assessment
  • Generic Socio-Economic Assessment
  • Generic Health Impact Assessment

Corporate report: Generic Disposal System Safety Case for a Geological Disposal Facility: disposal system specification

The Disposal System Specification is described in four documents:

  • Disposal System Specification Part A: High Level Requirements
  • Disposal System Specification Part B: Technical Specification
  • Derived Inventory Report
  • Derived Inventory: Scenarios Report