Committee on Climate Change report and government response on the compatibility of UK onshore petroleum with meeting the UK’s carbon budgets

Committee on Climate Change Report and Government Response on the compatibility of UK onshore petroleum with meeting the UK’s carbon budgets

Government response: Committee on Climate Change report and government response on the compatibility of UK onshore petroleum with meeting the UK’s carbon budgets

Committee on Climate Change Report and Government Response on the compatibility of UK onshore petroleum with meeting the UK’s carbon budgets

Opportunities identified for oil and gas sector workforce

A new online tool will help skilled workers in the oil and gas sectors find job opportunities in the wider engineering sector.

Press release: Opportunities identified for oil and gas sector workforce

A new online tool will help skilled workers in the oil and gas sectors find job opportunities in the wider engineering sector.

Andrea Leadsom speech to Utility Week Energy Summit

Andrea Leadsom speech to Utility Week Energy Summit about the Future of Energy in the UK