Speech: Karen Bradley’s speech at the G7 Culture Ministers in Florence

Let me begin by thanking our Florentine and Italian hosts.

My compliments to you for organising the first meeting of G7 culture ministers – and for your wonderful hospitality.

On behalf of everyone from my country, my profound thanks to everyone here for the solidarity you have shown us following the terrorist murders that took place last week – right at the heart of where British politicians and our staff work.

The death of a very brave police officer serves as a tragic reminder of the debt we owe to those who keep us safe, including at events like this. Much of their work may go unnoticed, but we are extremely grateful for it.

What a pleasure it is to be here in Florence. It really is a joy to behold. Everywhere you turn you see something charming and beautiful.

This is a very, very special city – the birthplace of the Renaissance.

But great buildings, sculpture, and paintings cannot endure through magic alone. They have to be cherished. Here in Firenze, we can see that this is possible and why it matters.

So it is heartening that there is such unity among governments. Today we declare our shared responsibility to protect the world’s treasures.

There is an urgent need for action. We are witnessing looting and vandalism on a heart-breaking scale. Not only do these assaults help finance terrorism, they are a calculated attempt to destroy people’s history, culture, and identity.

It cannot be allowed.

The United Kingdom is with you all as we confront this evil.

Last June, we opened our £30 million Cultural Protection Fund. This will support projects that safeguard and promote cultural heritage overseas.

The three goals that the Fund will assist are Cultural Heritage Protection; Capacity Building and Training; and Advocacy and Education.

The British Council is managing the Cultural Protection Fund in partnership with my government department – the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

£3 million has gone to the British Museum Emergency Heritage Management Training Scheme in Iraq. It means that the skills we have developed in this country can support the Iraqis in their efforts to protect their cultural heritage.

Iraqi site inspectors, excavators, and experts in documentation have been shown round historic sites in England and learned English. The first group finished their field training in Iraq in November and are now applying advanced techniques they learned through the British Museum.

This project has shown what the Cultural Protection Fund can help accomplish.

The United Kingdom is also about to ratify the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and accede to its two Protocols.

UK Armed Forces already operate within the terms of the Convention, but now it will be enshrined in law.

Our Armed Forces are creating a Cultural Property Protection Unit to make sure that respect for cultural property is part of training and operations. The Unit – nicknamed the Monuments Men for reasons that will be familiar to fans of Matt Damon – will also investigate and report issues and offences.

We are keen to learn and share best practice with our allies, very much including the Italian Armed Forces.

The Cultural Property Act of Parliament that we passed this year contains a number of vital measures.

It creates a variety of criminal offences; regulates the use of the Blue Shield as a protective emblem; and introduces a legal regime that makes it illegal to deal in cultural property that has been unlawfully exported from an occupied territory.

Please do not think that the UK leaving the European Union means that we are turning our back on the rest of Europe or the rest of the world.

The very opposite is true: the government that I represent has a vision of a genuinely global Britain. And we will do all we can to help protect the world’s treasures and places.

For let us not doubt, for one moment, that this affects us all.

Imagine, if you can bear to, what it would be like if terrorists stormed the Galleria dell’Accademia and destroyed Michelangelo’s David.

Do you suppose it would only hurt Florentines and Italians? No, the entire world would share in the agony and outrage.

David represents religion, civil liberties, the ability of the weak to triumph over the strong, the inherent value of beauty, and one of the most magnificent periods of human history.

In that sense, then, David belongs to us all, and we all have an obligation to protect him.

Art raises human beings above barbarism. That is why barbaric people hate it so much and want to obliterate it.

We will not let them.

Guidance: Irish Sea marine area: index map and site packages

Updated: Morecambe Bay and Duddon Estuary SPA added. West of Walney MCZ now at formal stage.

Find out if your activity, proposal or area of responsibility has a potential impact on the species and habitats in the marine protected areas in the Irish Sea.

Advice packages are listed alphabetically. Packages marked ‘awaiting update’ on the map have not been updated on the Designated Sites System but advice may still exist. These sites are not listed here, but you can search for all sites on the Designated Sites View site search. This will include links to any existing advice.

Advice packages in the Irish Sea

Cumbria Coast Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0005) Formal

Drigg Coast Special Area of Conservation (UK0013031) Formal

Mersey Estuary Special Protection Area (UK9005131) Formal

Mersey Narrows and North Wirral Foreshore Special Protection Area (UK9020287) Formal

Morecambe Bay Special Area of Conservation (UK0013027) Formal

Morecambe Bay and Duddon Estuary Special Protection Area (UK9020326) Draft

Ribble and Alt Estuaries Special Protection Area (UK9005103) Formal

Shell Flat and Lune Deep Special Area of Conservation (UK0030376) Draft

West of Walney Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0045) Formal

Guidance: Western Channel and Celtic Sea marine area: index map and site packages

Updated: Map updated.

Find out if your activity, proposal or area of responsibility has a potential impact on the species and habitats in the marine protected areas in the Western Channel and Celtic Sea.

Advice packages are listed alphabetically. Packages marked ‘awaiting update’ on the map have not been updated on the Designated Sites System but advice may still exist. These sites are not listed here, but you can search for all sites on the Designated Sites View site search. This will include links to any existing advice.

Advice packages in the Western Channel and Celtic Sea

Fal and Helford Special Area of Conservation (UK0013112) Formal

Hartland Point to Tintagel Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0034) Draft

Isles of Scilly: Bishop to Crim Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0008-01) Formal

Isles of Scilly: Bristows to the Stones Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0008-02) Formal

Isles of Scilly: Gilstone to Gorregan Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0008-03) Formal

Isles of Scilly: Hanjague to Deep Ledge Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0008-04) Formal

Isles of Scilly: Higher Town Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0008-05) Formal

Isles of Scilly: Lower Ridge to Innisvouls Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0008-06) Formal

Isles of Scilly: Men a Vaur to White Island Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0008-07) Formal

Isles of Scilly: Peninnis to Dry Ledge Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0008-08) Formal

Isles of Scilly: Plympton to Spanish Ledge Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0008-09) Formal

Isles of Scilly: Smith Sound Tide Swept Channel Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0008-10) Formal

Isles of Scilly: Tean Marine Conservation Zone(UKMCZ0008-11) Formal

Land’s End and Cape Bank Special Area of Conservation (UK0030375) Formal

Lundy Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0010) Formal

Lundy Special Area of Conservation (UK0013114) Formal

Mounts Bay Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0036) Draft

Padstow Bay and Surrounds Marine Conservation Zone(UKMCZ0012) Formal

Plymouth Sound and Estuaries Special Area of Conservation (UK0013111) Formal

Skerries Bank and Surrounds Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0015) Draft

Start Point to Plymouth Sound and Eddystone Special Area of Conservation (UK0030373) Formal

Tamar Estuaries Complex Special Protection Area (UK9010141) Formal

Tamar Estuary Sites Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0016) Formal

The Manacles Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0018) Formal

Whitsand and Looe Bay Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0021) Draft

Guidance: Eastern Channel marine area: index map and site packages

Updated: Changed status of Chichester and Langstone Harbours / South Wight Maritime from ‘draft’ to ‘formal’. Repointed link for South Dorset to Designated Sites System. Designation of Lyme Bay and Torbay / Studland to Portland changed from SCI to SAC. New draft sites Chesil and the Fleet / Chesil Beach and The Fleet / Solent and Isle of Wight Lagoons added. Map updated.

Find out if your activity, proposal or area of responsibility has a potential impact on the species and habitats in the marine protected areas in the Eastern Channel.

Advice packages are listed alphabetically. Packages marked ‘awaiting update’ on the map have not been updated on the Designated Sites System but advice may still exist. These sites are not listed here, but you can search for all sites on the Designated Sites View site search. This will include links to any existing advice.

Advice packages in the Eastern Channel

Beachy Head West Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0002) Formal

Chesil and the Fleet Special Area of Conservation (UK0017076) Draft

Chesil Beach and the Fleet Special Protection Area (UK9010091) Draft

Chesil Beach and Stennis Ledges Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0004) Formal

Chichester and Langstone Harbours Special Protection Area (UK9011011) Formal

Exe Estuary Special Protection Area (UK9010081) Formal

Folkestone Pomerania Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0006) Formal

Kingmere Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0009) Formal

Lyme Bay and Torbay Special Area of Conservation (UK0030372) Formal

Pagham Harbour Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0013) Formal

Pagham Harbour Special Protection Area (UK9012041) Formal

Poole Harbour Special Protection Area (UK9010111) Draft

Poole Rocks Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0014) Formal

Portsmouth Harbour Special Protection Area (UK9011051) Formal

Solent and Isle of Wight Lagoons Special Area of Conservation (UK0017073) Draft

Solent and Southampton Water Special Protection Area (UK9011061) Draft

Solent Maritime Special Area of Conservation (UK0030059) Formal

South Dorset Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0022) Draft

South Wight Maritime Special Area of Conservation (UK0030061) Formal

Studland to Portland Special Area of Conservation (UK0030382) Draft

Torbay Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0019) Draft

Guidance: Southern North Sea marine area: index map and site packages

Updated: New sites added: Benacre to Easton Bavents Lagoons SAC, Breydon Water SPA, Dengie (Mid-Essex Coast Phase 1) SPA and Thanet Coast SAC.

Find out if your activity, proposal or area of responsibility has a potential impact on the species and habitats in the marine protected areas in the Southern North Sea.

Advice packages are listed alphabetically. Packages marked ‘awaiting update’ on the map have not been updated on the Designated Sites System but advice may still exist. These sites are not listed here, but you can search for all sites on the Designated Sites View site search. This will include links to any existing advice.

Advice packages in the Southern North Sea

Alde, Ore and Butley Estuaries Special Area of Conservation (UK0030076) Formal

Alde Ore Estuary Special Protection Area (UK9009112) Formal

Benacre to Easton Bavents Lagoons Special Area of Conservation (UK0013104) Draft

Benfleet and Southend Marshes Special Protection Area (UK9009171) Formal

Blackwater, Crouch, Roach and Colne Estuaries Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0003) Formal

Blackwater Estuary (Mid-Essex Coast Phase 4) Special Protection Area (UK9009245) Formal

Breydon Water Special Protection Area (UK9009181) Draft

Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0031) Draft

Deben Estuary Special Protection Area (UK9009261) Draft

Dengie (Mid-Essex Coast Phase 1) Special Protection Area (UK9009242) Draft

Essex Estuaries Special Area of Conservation (UK0013690) Formal

Foulness (Mid-Essex Coast Phase 5) Special Protection Area (UK9009246) Draft

Gibraltar Point Special Protection Area (UK9008022) Formal

Haisborough, Hammond and Winterton Special Area of Conservation (UK0030369) Formal

Holderness Inshore Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0035) Draft

Humber Estuary Special Area of Conservation (UK0030170) Draft

Humber Estuary Special Protection Area (UK9006111) Draft

Inner Dowsing, Race Bank and North Ridge Special Area of Conservation (UK0030370) Formal

Margate and Long Sands Special Area of Conservation (UK0030371) Formal

Medway Estuary and Marshes Special Protection Area (UK9012031) Formal

Medway Estuary Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0011) Formal

North Norfolk Coast Special Area of Conservation (UK0019838) Formal

North Norfolk Coast Special Protection Area (UK9009031) Formal

Orfordness – Shingle Street Special Area of Conservation (UK0014780) Formal

Stour and Orwell Estuaries Special Protection Area (UK9009121) Draft

Thames Estuary and Marshes Special Protection Area (UK9012021) Formal

Thanet Coast Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0017) Formal

Thanet Coast Special Area of Conservation (UK0013107) Draft

The Swale Special Protection Area (UK9012011) Formal

The Swale Estuary Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0041) Formal

The Wash and North Norfolk Coast Special Area of Conservation (UK0017075) Formal

The Wash Special Protection Area (UK9008021) Formal