JET’s final deuterium-tritium results revealed one year on

One year after the conclusion of JET's final scientific experiments, crucial findings are emerging that will help advance future fusion machines.

UK sets out next steps to help decarbonise aviation sector

Have your say on the proposal to implement the globally agreed international aviation carbon offsetting scheme (CORSIA) in the UK.

Malawi’s WTO Trade Policy Review: UK Statement

Trade Policy Review of Malawi. Delivered by the UK on 9th October 2024.

Huge increase in migration returns and illegal working arrests

The government is on track to deliver highest number of returns for 5 years as nearly 13,500 removed from the UK since election.

Preferred candidate for HMCPSI Chief Inspector announced

Anthony Rogers has been named as the preferred candidate to be the next Chief Inspector of His Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI).