News story: Girls Education: Call for Bids

The UK is supporting girl’s education across the world. While there is almost an equal number of boys and girls enrolling in schools in many countries, girls still face many barriers to learning and staying in school. And although lots of girls go to school, the number graduating and going on to join the job market is much lower. The same is true of climbing the career ladder: only 24% of senior management globally are women. As well as education and career challenges, many are subject to even more challenges: violence against women, and child and forced marriage practices continue.

Learning how to help girls learn:

First things first, we’re supporting research that identifies the barriers girls face in accessing quality education, and provides suggestions for overcoming barriers to girl’s education and building more inclusive education. This includes understanding the numbers that stay in and drop out of school, and the learning outcomes, which show how students benefit from the time spent in school. There will be an opportunity to showcase the research.

Scope of Work: The Technicalities


  • An inception report highlighting methodology and subject covered should be submitted for approval before research is started
  • A research report covering the barriers to girls accessing quality education in Egypt of minimum 20 – 30 pages
  • Drawing on the research, a minimum of ten policy briefs should be written on specific areas, to be agreed with the donor upon completion of the research
  • All material should be produced in English and translated into Arabic


  • Using academic and grey literature, open source statistics, and, where possible, primary research
  • This document should cover different groups of girls where possible e.g. girls with disabilities, girls in rural/urban areas, girls from the poorest quintile. Methodology of research should be highlighted in inception report
  • Confidentiality: Products are the property of the donor and will only be used with the donor’s prior approval.

Bid Guidance:

  • Projects are funded for a single financial year.
  • Proposals and their budgets should be in the currency that the implementer banks in and therefore potential payments will be made in.
  • Budget limit: (30,000 GBP) conversion rate to be set at contract signature.

Example of an Activity Based Budget (ABB), please note all the details below are for a demonstrative purpose only Example of an Activity Based Budget (ABB), please note all the details below are for a demonstrative purpose only (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 48.5KB)


  • Proposal: 25 September 2018
  • Phase 1 Inception report: 15 October 2018
  • Phase 2 Research report: 30 November 2018
  • Phase 3 Policy Briefs: 15 January 2019


Proposals will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Alignment with the above mentioned thematic priorities and outcomes
  • Outcomes are achievable within the funding period
  • Project design includes clear monitoring and evaluation procedures
  • Risk and financial accountability procedures
  • The organisation’s safeguarding policies that ensure protection of beneficiaries
  • Overall value for money


  1. Proposals must be submitted using the attached forms only (Project Proposal and Activity Based Budget)
  2. Proposals must be submitted to []
  3. Project proposals selected will be notified on[ 30th September 2018]
  4. The British Embassy aims to sign grant agreements with successful project implementers by [1st October 2018]

Project Proposal Form

Project Proposal Form (MS Word Document, 218KB) </span>


Contact: Mai Abou Samra-Education Programme Manager,

Reporting and M&E

HMG will meet with the implementing partner at least once per month. It is expected that there will be continuous updates on all project activities as well as risks and mitigation steps in all meetings. Project reporting requirements are financial and narrative.

Financial Management and Payments

To be covered in contract

Performance Management

Implementing partner is to send quarterly monitoring reports, to be provided to the (IP) by the Programme Manager. Monitoring reports will include narrative and quantitative reporting on project indicators.

Donor to provide feedback and approval on inception report (Phase 1), for research report (Phase 2) to begin.

Donor to provide feedback and approval on research paper (Phase 2) for policy briefs (Phase 3) to begin.


Project is to begin upon contract signature and end on February 28th 2019.

Duty of Care

Tenderers must develop their Tender response on the basis of being fully responsible for Duty of Care. They must confirm in their Tender that:

  • They fully accept responsibility for Security and Duty of Care.
  • They understand the potential risks and have the knowledge and experience to develop an effective risk plan.
  • They have the capability to manage their Duty of Care responsibilities throughout the life of the contract.

Guidance: M5 Monitoring of stack gas emissions from medium combustion plants and specified generators

This Technical Guidance Note provides a standardised approach to monitoring stack gas emissions from plants regulated under the Medium Combustion Plant Directive and Specified Generator Regulations.

World news story: Embajada Británica Santo Domingo suscribe acuerdos de cooperación

Updated: Added translation.

En el mes de julio de 2018, la Embajada Británica en Santo Domingo ha suscrito diversos acuerdos de cooperación en áreas prioritarias, tales como derechos humanos, cambio climático e innovación tecnológica financiera.

El primero de estos acuerdos se firmó entre el Embajador Chris Campbell y Alba Rodríguez, Directora Ejecutiva de Save the Children en la República Dominicana. Mediante esta alianza, Save the Children RD implementará un proyecto para aumentar la debida diligencia y los mecanismos de protección de los derechos infantiles en la cadena de valor del cacao. Este proyecto, enmarcado en los principios de las Naciones Unidas relativos a los derechos humanos y los negocios, tendrá un alto impacto en una industria que es importante para ambos países: República Dominicana y el Reino Unido.

El Embajador Chris Campbell y la Directora Ejecutiva de Save The Children República Dominicana, Sra. Alba Rodríguez.
El Embajador Chris Campbell y la Directora Ejecutiva de Save The Children República Dominicana, Sra. Alba Rodríguez.

Luego, el Subjefe de Misión de la Embajada, Maxwell Irving, suscribió, junto con Rosa Rita Álvarez, Presidenta Ejecutiva de Fundación Reservas del País, un acuerdo de colaboración para el fortalecimiento de las capacidades del sector micro empresarial y productivo en favor de la mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático. Con la firma del acuerdo, se busca desarrollar jornadas formativas y proporcionar herramientas específicas para que los dueños y dueñas de microempresas beneficiarias de las prestatarias apoyadas por Reservas del País, puedan disminuir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero de sus actividades económicas y productivas. Además, en consonancia con las medidas tomadas a nivel internacional por el gobierno británico, los materiales a proporcionarse a las microempresas contendrán estrategias que buscan mitigar el uso e impacto de plástico en dichas empresas.

El Subjefe de Misión Maxwell Irving y la Sra. Rosa Rita Alvárez, Presidente Ejecutiva de la Fundación de Reservas.
El Subjefe de Misión Maxwell Irving y la Sra. Rosa Rita Alvárez, Presidente Ejecutiva de la Fundación de Reservas.

Finalmente, la Embajada Británica en Santo Domingo suscribió dos acuerdos de cooperación en el área de innovación y educación en nuevas tecnologías financieras. El primero de estos, se suscribió con el Instituto OMG para un proyecto relacionado a desarrollar capacidades en educación financiera y nuevas tecnologías. El segundo, se firmó con Finext Labs para la realización de talleres para el desarrollo económico y social de la República Dominicana a través de nuevas tecnologías.

El Subjefe de Misión Maxwell Irving y la Sra. Belkis Guerrero, Rectora del Instituto OMG.
El Subjefe de Misión Maxwell Irving y la Sra. Belkis Guerrero, Rectora del Instituto OMG.

Con estos proyectos, la Embajada Británica en Santo Domingo desea continuar fortaleciendo los fuertes vínculos que existen entre Reino Unido y República Dominicana. Además, busca contribuir en áreas claves para el desarrollo económico y social de la República Dominicana.

Speech: UK national statement to the 62nd International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) General Conference

Madame President,

On behalf of the UK, I congratulate you on your election as President of the 62nd General Conference. May I say at the outset that we fully align ourselves with the statement, which has just been made on behalf of the European Union.

This year, of all years, my Government wanted to send a strong signal of support for the Agency. That is why, as the responsible Minister at the Foreign Office, I have the honour to represent the United Kingdom today.

We live in an increasingly uncertain and dangerous world. We have seen the destabilising consequences when States pursue nuclear weapons. And we have worked together to prevent terrorists acquiring nuclear material.

This Agency plays a vital role in addressing such threats. It also helps States reap the enormous benefits of civil nuclear technologies.

One of the most important moments of diplomatic success was the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. It stands to achieve lasting advances for international security. The crucial work of monitoring and verifying the deal is a clear example of the Agency’s role. The United Kingdom remains committed to the Iran deal. We welcome and applaud the Director-General’s report confirming Iran’s compliance with its nuclear commitments.

It is important that all remaining parties continue to implement the agreement in full, and that Iran continues to cooperate fully with the Agency.

With regard to North Korea, the United Kingdom welcomes progress made at the Singapore Summit, but we are clear that existing sanctions should remain until North Korea takes concrete steps towards the complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula and the removal of its ballistic missile capability.

Meanwhile Syria has failed to meet its safeguards obligations since 2011. We call on both Syria and North Korea to resume full compliance and cooperation with the Agency.

The UK supports the Agency’s efforts to strengthen and develop its safeguards work including with the help of UK expertise and resource. Especially in monitoring and auditing a country’s stocks and use of nuclear materials. This underpins the objectives of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.

We call on all States to ratify an Additional Protocol, which is the gold standard of safeguards.

Madame President,

The United Kingdom is grateful to the Agency team and the Board of Governors for their support in our preparations for leaving the EU and Euratom. In June, the UK signed an agreement, the Voluntary Offer Agreement and an Additional Protocol with the Agency, which will maintain a cooperative framework within which we will meet our obligations as a responsible nuclear state when we are no longer a member of the EU.

We would like to build on the IAEA’s valuable work to support the civil nuclear sector. This is the aim of the UK’s Nuclear Sector Deal launched this summer, to make the construction and decommissioning of nuclear power stations more straightforward and less expensive.

The construction of Hinkley Point C will be the first of our next generation of nuclear power plants. Construction is underway and we continue to engage with sponsors of other new projects.

Madame President,

Safety, security and non-proliferation go hand in hand with the peaceful use of nuclear technology. We cannot responsibly promote access to nuclear technologies without ensuring that they are safe, secure, and used for the right purpose.

Because this matters so much we are proud to remain one of the biggest contributors of financial and technical support, to the Agency across all of its programmes.

This week, it is my pleasure to pledge the UK’s contribution of €3.7 million to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2019. We will continue to pay on time and in full. We call on all Member States to do the same.

The UK has already contributed £4.1 million this year to the Nuclear Security Fund. I urge you all to support the Agency’s work to help Member States implement robust nuclear security regimes. We will also continue our financial and technical support to nuclear safety and safeguards activities.

If something goes wrong, we have a duty to protect the public, and our neighbours. Effective emergency response must remain a global priority. We urge all Member States to use the information sharing channels between countries and the Agency on a regular basis, as well as in the event of an incident.

To conclude, Madame President,

The United Kingdom is a committed supporter of the IAEA. We want it to continue to meet its growing challenges, and the growing demands on its resources. We also want it to properly reflect the world it serves. For that to happen, we urge the Secretariat to ensure that the Agency is managed effectively and efficiently within existing resources and as always, we stand ready to help with this.

I thank the Director General for his leadership, and the Agency for its impartial work, which undoubtedly makes the world above all more safe and more secure.

Press release: M6 bridge on the move in 24-hour operation this weekend

The bridge, north of Stafford, will be dismantled and the entire 150-tonne centre section lifted clear and taken away in one piece on a 90ft long specialist transporter to a nearby compound.

The work forms part of plans to improve journeys in this area by adding extra capacity and technology to the motorway.

Other sections of the Creswell Home Farm bridge will be taken away later. In total, the bridge contains enough concrete to fill 40 tipper trucks. The old bridge will be recycled and used in the construction of the upgraded motorway.

The transporter that will be used to remove the 150-tonne centre section of the bridge

While work takes place the M6, between Stafford (junction 14) and Stoke-on-Trent (junction 15), will be closed in both directions for up to 24 hours from 8pm on the evening of Saturday 22 September. It will reopen on Sunday 23 September as soon as work is completed, and it is safe to do so.

The bridge is no longer in use and is too narrow for the upgraded motorway which will have an extra lane in each direction.

Highways England smart motorways project sponsor, Peter Smith, said:

Demolishing the bridge is a big and complex job and to do it safely both carriageways of the motorway are needed, meaning the M6 will be closed for up to 24 hours.

We’re doing all we can to minimise disruption. That is why we are arranging to take the centre section away in one piece, rather than breaking it up which would take more time.

I’d like to thank motorists, businesses and residents for their patience. I’d also urge anyone wanting to use the M6 in that area to plan an alternative route to avoid congestion between Stoke and Stafford. Please also allow extra travel time and fuel for your journey.

Traffic will be diverted off the M6 between junctions 14 and 15 and will use the A34 Stone Road as the diversion route. This route has been agreed with local authority partners and will be kept clear of other works during the demolition. Drivers are warned to expect delays and urged to avoid the area if possible, allowing lots of extra time for essential journeys.

To reduce M6 traffic on the day, signs will alert motorists to the closure as far away as Dover and Carlisle. Motorists and hauliers travelling between the North West and the Midlands and South of England will be urged to avoid the area by using the M62 and M1.

Work is under way with emergency services and social care providers to ensure they maintain their services along the route.

More information can be found on the M6 junction 13 to junction 15 smart motorway scheme web page.

General enquiries

Members of the public should contact the Highways England customer contact centre on 0300 123 5000.

Media enquiries

Journalists should contact the Highways England press office on 0844 693 1448 and use the menu to speak to the most appropriate press officer.