Notice: Marlow Weir removal of car with police: river restriction notice

Updated: Date changed from 2 October to 3 October.

River restriction information for Wednesday 3 October 2018 from 8am to 2pm at Marlow Reach.

Press release: BIA and MHRA publish report ‘Collaborative Working in the UK, Driving Innovation Forward’ following their eighth annual joint conference

Key themes for the day included the UK regulatory environment now and post Brexit, the accelerated access pathway for breakthrough therapies and technologies, drug device combinations and the importance of real world evidence in regulatory decision-making.

Sir Michael Rawlins, Chairman of Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency delivered the keynote address on accelerating access to innovative therapies and implementing the AAR recommendations under the Life Sciences Industrial Strategy.

The report brings together highlights from the day including perspectives from senior experts from across the sector including: MHRA the UK regulator, the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC), the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD), the Department of Health and Social Care, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), the Office for Life Sciences, notified bodies, the life science industry, research charities and patient organisations.

Chief Executive of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, Dr Ian Hudson, said:

It is an important part of the agency remit to support innovation, improving access to new medicines and promoting public health gains. The record number of delegates at this annual conference reflects the value of continued dialogue between regulators and stakeholders in helping to achieve this objective and to drive innovation forward.

Commenting on the publication of the report, BIA CEO, Steve Bates, said:

As the UK moves closer to Brexit it is vital that industry, the regulators and wider stakeholders work together to ensure the best possible outcome for patients in the UK and Europe, and this event provides a useful forum to bring key players in the sector together. The fantastic line up of speakers and excellent attendance demonstrate the value of this forum.

The full report can be downloaded here and you can also find the full programme and slide presentations for this year on the conference website.

News story: Appointment of the Chair of the Criminal Cases Review Commission

Helen Pitcher has been appointed as Chair of the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) from 1 November 2018 for 3 years. Helen will initially commence as a Commissioner, on a Chair Designate basis from 1 October 2018.

CCRC’s role is to investigate and review cases where it is alleged that a miscarriage of justice may have occurred in relation to conviction, sentence or both. Publicly appointed Commissioners are the Commission’s decision makers, playing a central role in casework by being directly responsible for deciding whether or not particular convictions or sentences should be referred to the courts.

Appointments to CCRC are made by Her Majesty the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister.

Appointments and re-appointments to CCRC are regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments. This appointment has been made in line with the Governance Code on Public Appointments.

Helen Pitcher is an experienced Board member, Chairman, Board facilitator and Coach. She works across the range of Professional Service firms, FTSE 100, Private Equity and Family firms. In addition to her Advanced Boardroom Excellence role which consults on Board effectiveness, other Board roles are:

  • Chairman Pladis (United Biscuits, Godiva, Ülker Bisküvi)
  • Chairman of KidsOut a National Children’s Charity
  • President of INSEAD Directors Network Board (IDN)
  • Board member CIPD
  • Chairman of a number of Committees across these Boards (Audit, Remuneration, Nominations)

Helen is on the Advisory Board for Leeds University Law Faculty and was also Chairman of the Queen’s Counsel Selection Panel for 8 years until February 2017.

News story: Appointment of the Chair of the Criminal Cases Review Commission

Helen Pitcher has been appointed as Chair of the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) from 1 November 2018 for 3 years. Helen will initially commence as a Commissioner, on a Chair Designate basis from 1 October 2018.

CCRC’s role is to investigate and review cases where it is alleged that a miscarriage of justice may have occurred in relation to conviction, sentence or both. Publicly appointed Commissioners are the Commission’s decision makers, playing a central role in casework by being directly responsible for deciding whether or not particular convictions or sentences should be referred to the courts.

Appointments to CCRC are made by Her Majesty the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister.

Appointments and re-appointments to CCRC are regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments. This appointment has been made in line with the Governance Code on Public Appointments.

Helen Pitcher is an experienced Board member, Chairman, Board facilitator and Coach. She works across the range of Professional Service firms, FTSE 100, Private Equity and Family firms. In addition to her Advanced Boardroom Excellence role which consults on Board effectiveness, other Board roles are:

  • Chairman Pladis (United Biscuits, Godiva, Ülker Bisküvi)
  • Chairman of KidsOut a National Children’s Charity
  • President of INSEAD Directors Network Board (IDN)
  • Board member CIPD
  • Chairman of a number of Committees across these Boards (Audit, Remuneration, Nominations)

Helen is on the Advisory Board for Leeds University Law Faculty and was also Chairman of the Queen’s Counsel Selection Panel for 8 years until February 2017.

News story: Appointment of a Civil Procedure Rule Committee Barrister member

The Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice has appointed Dr Anja Lansbergen-Mills as a barrister member of the committee from 12 October 2018 for 3 years.

The Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) is a non-departmental public body which makes rules of court, for the Civil Division of the Court of Appeal, the High Court and the County Court. CPRC is chaired by the Master of the Rolls and comprises 16 members – 8 judicial (of which 6 are appointed by the Lord Chief Justice) and 8 non-judicial (appointed by the Lord Chancellor in consultation with the Master of the Rolls).


Dr Lansbergen-Mills practices in commercial and chancery work and is a tenant at Exchange Chambers. She is a committee member of both the Northern Chancery Bar Association and the Northern Circuit Commercial Bar Association. Dr Lansbergen-Mills works to promote social mobility and diversity at the Bar, to which end she has participated in a ‘Law Futures Day’ organised by the Social Mobility Foundation and in the ‘Pathways to Law’ initiative developed by the College of Law and the Sutton Trust (delivered by Eversheds Sutherland as ‘Eversheds Unlocked’). She is helping to organise the Chancery Bar Association’s forthcoming ‘Women at the Chancery Bar’ conference and has spoken as a panellist in a discussion of the experience of women in the legal sector. Before she was called to the Bar Dr Lansbergen-Mills completed a PhD at the University of Edinburgh School of Law, during which time she was employed by the University in various research posts and taught law EU Law to both undergraduate and master’s students.

Dr Anja Lansbergen-Mills has declared no political activity.