Press release: Man who sexually abused 6 year old girl jailed for longer after Solicitor General intervenes in case

A man who sexually abused a 6 year old girl has had his sentence increased after the Solicitor General, Robert Buckland QC MP, appealed it for being too low.

Lenham Griffith, then aged 31, repeatedly sexually assaulted the girl over a sustained four year period from 1995. He showed no remorse for his actions, insisting that he was innocent.

The victim suffered long-term emotional and psychological injuries as a result of Mr Griffith’s actions.

Griffith was convicted of indecent assault reflecting 67 separate instances following a trial at Inner London Crown Court. He was originally sentenced to 12 years’ imprisonment with an extended licence period of 3 years.

The Court of Appeal has today increased his sentence to 15 years in prison, with an extended licence period of 3 years.

Speaking after the hearing, the Solicitor General said:

“Sexual abuse is one of the most psychologically damaging things that can happen to a person. Griffith’s actions toward an innocent and defenceless child were horrendous.

I am glad the Court of Appeal has increased the sentence and I hope this brings some comfort to the victim.”

News story: UK to establish global nursing partnership with Jamaica

The partnership is an extension of the successful ‘earn, learn and return’ scheme, which has already seen Indian nurses benefit from NHS work experience.

Registered nurses from Jamaica will undertake work placements in the UK, facilitated by Health Education England, in areas such as emergency medicine and intensive care. They will go back to Jamaica to share their new skills, knowledge and experience with their own healthcare system.

In return, NHS staff will be given the opportunity to travel to Jamaica to share their expertise with the Jamaican health service and help them to improve their care.

The aim of the scheme is to support the Jamaican government in improving the capability and capacity of their nursing workforce, as well as establish a network of professionals from both countries who will continue to share learning and knowledge beyond the scheme itself.

Minister of State for Health Stephen Barclay said:

The NHS is blazing a trail in healthcare across the world and it is testament to the skills and expertise of our dedicated nurses that other countries are vying for their knowledge to help improve their own services.

I’m delighted that we’re partnering with Jamaica in this scheme, which will build on our existing collaboration with India, and further demonstrates the Government’s commitment to forging new international relationships in preparation for the UK to leave the European Union.

This will also form part of the NHS’s commitment to supporting its staff to develop and progress their careers. Offering global health placements within training programmes or as part of continual professional development has shown to have a positive impact on recruitment and retention of staff.

All nurses who come to work for the NHS will be required to meet the standards of the Nursing and Midwifery Council.

The UK government also recently announced a 25% increase in UK nursing degree training places.

Press release: Boris Johnson hosts Foreign Minister Moyo for roundtable talks

In the margins of CHOGM Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson welcomed his Zimbabwean counterpart Foreign (and Trade) Minister Sibusiso Moyo to London for a roundtable with other international partners.

The historic meeting ushers in a new era in UK-Zimbabwe relations and symbolises Zimbabwe’s commitment to engaging meaningfully with the international community.

The Foreign Secretary said:

President Mnangagwa has been in power for 150 days and while Zimbabwe has made impressive progress, there’s still much to do.

That’s why Britain, the Commonwealth and the wider international community will do everything it can in supporting Zimbabwe on its path of reform.

But we must remember democracies are not made in a day.

July’s election will be a bellwether for the direction of a new Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwe Government must deliver the free and fair elections the people of Zimbabwe deserve and which it has promised. The UK stands ready in friendship to support a Zimbabwe that fully embraces the rule of law, human rights and economic reform.

There is a great deal of interest in Zimbabwe applying to rejoin the Commonwealth after their election in July. Applying is a matter for the Zimbabwean people to decide. Zimbabwe would have to formally apply to the Commonwealth Secretariat and the final decision would then be for all Commonwealth members. However, the UK would strongly support Zimbabwe’s re-entry and a new Zimbabwe that is committed to political and economic reform that works for all its people.

Today’s meeting reinstated the commitment of the British government to the people of Zimbabwe. The UK currently provides £91m in bilateral UK aid to the people of Zimbabwe in 2017/18. This includes the further £5 million the Minister for Africa, Harriett Baldwin announced to support free and fair elections during her visit in February.

Further information

Press release: Welsh Secretary in starting blocks for the London Marathon

Secretary of State for Wales Alun Cairns is gearing up to run the London Marathon for the seventh time this Sunday (22 April).

Mr Cairns crossed the finish line as the fastest Cabinet Minister and second fastest Member of Parliament in last year’s race, completing the 26.2 mile course in 3 hours 36 minutes.

His personal best time of 3:28:02 in 2016 placed him in seventh position on the list of all time fastest MP runners.

This year the Welsh Secretary will be raising money for the NSPCC Wales and Atal y Fro, a women’s aid charity dedicated to the elimination of domestic violence.

Alun Cairns said:

I am always inspired by the reasons why people decide to put on their running shoes and tackle one of the most famous courses in the world.

Whether it is setting a new personal best, raising money for a charity close to your heart or remembering someone special, it is always something to keep you motivated through the hard months of training and to get through the mental and physical pressure of the race itself.

I look forward to joining the thousands of runners of all abilities taking part to raise money for two worthy causes, hopefully with some sunshine along the way!

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