Press release: Homes England confirms new wave of strategic partners

The partnerships, which were announced as part of the Budget 2018, will secure a total of £653 million in grant funding from the Affordable Homes Programme to deliver affordable homes through housing associations. The deals include homes for social rent in areas of high affordability pressures.

The housing associations for this new wave are:

Platform Housing Group (following the merger of Fortis and Waterloo Housing Associations on the 1st October); Guinness and Stonewater (in partnership); Optivo; Southern Housing Group; Orbit; Thirteen; Vivid.

These are in addition to the eight housing association deals announced in early July – bringing the total number of additional affordable homes that will be delivered to 27,755.

Jackie Jacob, Homes England General Manager for Affordable Housing Programmes said:

“Homes England is working with housing associations across England who are prepared to be more ambitious to significantly increase housing delivery and we welcome these seven new partnerships announced in the Budget 2018.

“We have challenged housing associations to respond to a new way of engaging strategically with Homes England and the response has been excellent – we hope to be announcing more partnerships between Homes England and housing associations in the coming months.”


For further media information please contact: Homes England press office on 0207 393 2201 or Patsy Cusworth on 0796772328 or


Strategic Partnerships

Partnership Grant No. of additional affordable starts to March 2022
Platform £71.8m 1,800
Guiness & Stonewater £224m 4,500
Optivo £44.9m 1,000
Orbit £128.8m 2,762
Southern £55.1m 1,005
Thirteen £40m 1,000
Vivid £88.2m 1,408

About Homes England

Homes England is the Government’s housing accelerator. We have the appetite, influence, expertise and resources to drive positive market change.

By releasing more land to developers who want to make a difference, and investing in places of greatest need, to deliver new homes. Homes England welcomes partners who share their ambition to challenge the traditional norms and build better homes faster.

For more information click here or follow us on Twitter.

Press release: Sex offender has sentence increased following Solicitor General’s referral

A man who sexually assaulted a teenage girl has had his sentence increased after the Solicitor General, Robert Buckland QC MP, referred his sentence to the Court of Appeal as unduly lenient.

Tony Baker, now 50, carried out a series of sexual assaults against the victim over a period of several years.

Baker was originally sentenced at Bournemouth Crown Court in August, where he was given 2 years and 3 months imprisonment. Today, after the Solicitor General’s referral, the Court of Appeal increased his sentence to 4 years imprisonment.

Commenting on the sentence increase, the Solicitor General said:

“Baker repeatedly sexually abused his victim over a number of years, robbing her of her youth. Thanks to the Court of Appeal’s decision today I am satisfied that justice has been done and seen to be done by those who have suffered at his hands.”

Press release: Sex offender has sentence increased following Solicitor General’s referral


A man who sexually assaulted a teenage girl has had his sentence increased after the Solicitor General, Robert Buckland QC MP, referred his sentence to the Court of Appeal as unduly lenient.

Tony Baker, now 50, carried out a series of sexual assaults against the victim over a period of several years.

Baker was originally sentenced at Bournemouth Crown Court in August, where he was given 2 years and 3 months imprisonment. Today, after the Solicitor General’s referral, the Court of Appeal increased his sentence to 4 years imprisonment.

Commenting on the sentence increase, the Solicitor General said:

“Baker repeatedly sexually abused his victim over a number of years, robbing her of her youth. Thanks to the Court of Appeal’s decision today I am satisfied that justice has been done and seen to be done by those who have suffered at his hands.”

Published 31 October 2018

Speech: Women Mean Business speech

Good morning.

This is a really important event.

Not just because if we get the right environment and the right support we can have 1.1 billion more women entrepreneurs and £95 billion added to the UK economy by 2025.

Not just because the #metoo movement is more than just a statement of shared experience that is shouting for inclusion, but today is important for another reason too.

You are going to be hearing from some big names and some amazing business leaders today, but it is also important to think about those leaders that you won’t hear from today and will never hear from.

Like some of you, I spent some of my childhood in a single parent family. And I can tell you, you are seeing just as much physical leadership in the heart of British households as you will in any wealthy cooperation.

Don’t tell working women who are left to juggle the bread winning and the childcare about logistics and procurement.

Don’t tell these people about hard work. They are often working two or three jobs whilst keeping businesses going. We often talk about entrepreneurship as if it is always a choice but these people don’t do it because they’d like to be on the front of Forbes magazine or Fortune. They do it because they can’t.

They can’t find employers who understand flexible hours or the unique problem faced by juggling priorities with debts, they just do it themselves.

They reinvent the world one day at a time, and they do it quietly.

Financially fragile, women with multiple caring responsibilities, women whose partners careers have been the priority.

It was once said necessity was the mother of invention but it’s actually the other way around.

These entrepreneurial mothers are the invention of necessity, and I want them to thrive.

These people are resilient, resourceful and remarkable leaders and I wish our great business schools would spend more time studying them.

You don’t hear much about them because getting on social media or joining a political organisation when you are working 18 hours a day is tough.

You don’t have time to listen, or talk, or network, or come to events like this.

You only have time do what needs to be done. Remember Ginger Rogers saying that she did everything Fred Astaire did but she did it backwards and in heels?

Well these days it is more likely to be with no back up and in debt.

And for too long women have endured being at best patronised and at worst being casually insulted by a generation of men that elevated confidence to entitlement.

And so, as we call for change today and we focus on the barriers on attitudes to change and more women taking decisions in venture capital, we should also think about the conditions for success.

Did you know that the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs in the US are black women, running about 2.4 million businesses across the country?

And guess which group has the least access to capital?

Yeah, you guessed it.

And there are roughly the same percentage of women, working in, and taking decisions in venture capital in the UK as in the US – very few.

So what’s the difference, why in some parts of the United States are women entrepreneurs thriving, despite this?

Access to capital is one part, but its more so about skills, about confidence, and it’s about networks and support.

So when you listen to the amazing speakers you are going to hear today, from Mumsnet founder Justine Roberts, who built her business around her personal view that she recognised others had too.

And Mary Portas who credits her success to collaborative colleagues and networks.

And when you hear what has made a difference, such as Innovate UK’s Women in Innovation campaign, which resulted in a 70% increase in registrations for funding in female applicants.

Let us think how we can take that and translate that for the women who aren’t here today.

I am very pleased that the Treasury has announced that Alison Rose, Chief Executive Officer for RBS Private Banking, will be leading an independent review into the particular barriers faced by women entrepreneurs, and the keys to their success.

We need to do more of this and learn from other nations liked the United States.

So thank you Jo and The Telegraph for providing a platform, for us to do this.

And thank you for being here today.

Not just for yourselves, and your own businesses and your own ambitions but thousands of other women too.

Thank you.

Have a great day.

Press release: Support for young entrepreneurs

We’re proud the UK is one of the best places in Europe to start a business.

Did you know there are 5.7 million small businesses in the UK and that more than 1,000 start up every single day?

Not only that, but there are about 450,000 16-24 year olds running smaller businesses in the UK, many of whom are taking advantage of the wealth of help and support available.

The top 5 things we’re doing to support young entrepreneurs

1. Making it easier to find the right advice at the right time

Man using laptop provides information on your rights and obligations and signposts sources of information and guidance:

Business Support Helpline: provides free advice to pre-start and start-ups.

2. Building an environment where entrepreneurs and small businesses can continue to thrive

Men looking at laptop

There are 38 Growth Hubs in England. They’re local places where budding business people can get help and advice from those in the know.

3. Making it easier to access finance

Man throwing notes around

Startup Loans provides start up finance and up to 12 months of mentoring support. Over £54 million worth of loans have been accessed by 18 to 24 year-olds since 2012.

Our very own British Business Bank has a new Finance Hub to put businesses in touch with finance options.

4. Working hard to make sure you get paid on time

Team studying graphs

Unfortunately some businesses make a habit out of paying invoices late, which makes things difficult for a small business. But we’re asking for your opinions on how to tackle this problem, with a consultation open until November 29. We recently introduced new laws to make it easier for small businesses to access invoice finance, providing a £1 billion long-term boost to the economy.

We set up the Office for the Small Business Commissioner to help you resolve payment disputes with larger businesses so you can concentrate on doing your job.

5. Supporting the nation’s innovators

Enterprising Britain award ceremony

Our Enterprising Britain Awards 2018 honoured a range of projects that support young entrepreneurs all over the UK. These include Darwen Aldridge Community Academy, Lancashire and Teeside University where lots of good work is going on.

We are supporting and encouraging entrepreneurs by shaping an environment where they can continue to thrive. This is part of our modern Industrial Strategy. For more information, visit