News story: Civil/crime news: data protection changes and your contracts

We are making changes to your contracts to support changes in data protection legislation.

This follows consultation with your consultative bodies concerning the new General Data Protection Regulation (GPDR). This aims to harmonise data privacy laws across the European Union.

What does it mean for our contracts?

You can find the changes in the definition section and clause 16 of all the civil, Civil Legal Advice (CLA) and crime standard terms documents.

Revised versions of the standard terms documents, a summary of the amendments made and a copy of the contract amendment notice can be downloaded from the GOV.UK website – see below.

All providers have been sent contract amendment notices regarding the amended contract.

These amendments will come into force with effect from 25 May 2018.

Amendments relating to the Law Enforcement Directive (Directive (EU) 2016/680), being implemented via Part 3 of the Data Protection Bill, will come into effect on 6 May 2018.

Further information

GOV.UK: Contracts – to view appropriate contract page and download the amendment notice

News story: Aviation industry welcomes Brexit roundtable

  • Chris Grayling and Steve Baker discuss priorities post-Brexit with aviation industry leaders
  • aviation access to remain the same during the implementation period, offering vital reassurance to consumers and businesses
  • industry leaders and government speak of confidence for the implementation period and beyond

The Transport Secretary, Chris Grayling and Steve Baker, Minister for Exiting the European Union, have met with representatives from the aviation industry today (25 April 2018) to discuss how the sector can continue to flourish after the UK leaves the EU.

The meeting with senior representatives from the UK aviation industry follows the Prime Minister’s tour of the UK to mark one year until Brexit.

And it also follows agreement in March 2018 between the UK and the EU to the terms of the implementation period, ensuring the aviation industry can continue to benefit from the existing liberal market access until the end of 2020. This paves the way for the UK to continue to participate in the European Aviation Safety Agency during this period.

The Transport Secretary spoke of the importance of the liberal aviation access agreements and harmonised safety standards, underlining the benefits they bring to both the UK and the EU.

Both representatives from industry and government ministers agreed it is in the interests of both the UK and the EU to secure a good deal for aviation as soon as practical in the future negotiations, ensuring businesses and citizens can continue to enjoy a high level of connectivity, choice and value for money.

Transport Secretary Chris Grayling said:

Aviation connectivity is crucial for businesses and citizens alike and it is vital that market access continues uninterrupted.

It has been invaluable to discuss with industry leaders their priorities for a future deep and special partnership with the EU on aviation. We are confident that the UK will get a good deal which allows our aviation industry to continue to flourish.

DExEU Minister Steve Baker said:

Britain’s aviation industry is one of the biggest in Europe, and we are pleased the EU has recognised its importance to people and businesses right across the continent as we move onto discussing our future partnership.

We are focused on reaching an agreement with the EU which secures the right arrangements for this vital industry so it continues to go from strength to strength.

Tim Alderslade, Chief Executive of Airlines UK, said:

UK airlines support the implementation period and the reassurance that market access to, from and within the EU – as well as to third countries such as the United States – will be protected. We are pleased that the government accepts that continued participation in the European Aviation Safety Agency is both desirable and in the interests of all sides.

We welcome that aviation is a priority in the negotiations and look forward to discussions on future market access beginning as soon as possible. We are confident there will be a deal that secures open and liberal aviation arrangements beyond 2020, for the benefit of all European consumers.

Chief Executive of the Airport Operators Association (AOA) Karen Dee said:

With nearly three-quarters of visitors to the UK and 40% of the UK’s trade by value travelling by air, aviation provides the necessary international connectivity for a truly global Britain. UK airports stand ready to facilitate the connectivity of the future.

We look forward to a continued dialogue as the UK government and the EU begin negotiations on the future relationship to ensure that it allows the passenger to continue to benefit from excellent air connectivity, whether they live and work in the EU, UK or beyond.

The UK government and the aviation industry have agreed to continue their collaborative and positive engagement throughout the Brexit negotiations.

News story: Defence Secretary honours allies Australian and New Zealand on Anzac Day

Defence Secretary attended the Wreath Laying Ceremony and Parade at The Cenotaph, Whitehall

Veterans from both countries gathered to mark Anzac Day, which honours the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War.

ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. The soldiers in those forces quickly became known as Anzacs, taking pride in the name.

After laying a wreath at the Cenotaph the Defence Secretary attended a service of commemoration and thanksgiving alongside military personnel at Westminster Abbey.

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson at Anzac Day memorial

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson said:

On Anzac Day, we remember the sacrifice and courage of troops from Australia and New Zealand. Almost a century has passed since the end of the First World War and Britain is proud to have served side-by-side with them in many conflicts over the last 100 years. Our alliance is one of the most constant and enduring military partnerships in history, one which will continue to protect our shared values and commit to make the world a safer, more secure place.

Gavin Williamson has met with his counterparts from Australia and New Zealand earlier this year to examine how allies can continue to work together against evolving threats.

Currently the UK partners with both Australia and New Zealand in a number of ways, including the UN peacekeeping mission to South Sudan, uniting in the Global Coalition to defeat Daesh, committing to establish stability in Syria and Afghanistan, and combining on humanitarian missions such as Ebola in Sierra Leone.

To provide security to the seas, the UK works side-by-side with Australia and New Zealand as part of the Combined Maritime Force, to tackle drug and weapon smugglers. Additionally, as part of our strengthening relationship the Royal Navy ship HMS Sutherland visited Australia in February and March, allowing further opportunities for our naval forces to collaborate.

Alongside the Foreign Secretary, Gavin Williamson laid a wreath to mark the wartime service of Britain’s closest allies Australia and New Zealand.

Our shared values with Australia and New Zealand have facilitated more than one hundred people from all three services enrolling on exchanges programmes between countries, to encourage joint learning. Alongside this participation we continue to work together on science, technology and defence equipment.

Press release: Man who raped teenage girl jailed for longer after Solicitor General intervenes

A man who raped a 17 year old girl has had his sentence increased after the Solicitor General, Robert Buckland QC MP, referred it for being too low.

Ahmed Hassen Abdoule, aged 33, manipulated the young girl into entering his home before using a sharp piece of wood to threaten her. Abdoule then held the weapon to her throat as he verbally abused and raped her.

The victim suffered psychological effects as a result of Abdoule’s actions.

Abdoule showed no remorse and continued to deny his actions at the trial heard at Hull Crown Court. He was convicted and originally sentenced to 11 years’ imprisonment.

The Court of Appeal has today increased his sentence to 15 years in prison.

Speaking after the hearing, the Solicitor General said:

“Abdoule’s attack on a vulnerable 17 year old girl was sustained, showing a complete disregard for the victim’s obvious and extreme fear and distress.

“I am pleased the Court of Appeal has increased the sentence today and I hope this brings some comfort to the victim and her family.”

Speech: Penny Mordaunt speech on education in the Syria region

Thank you all and‎ I’d like to start by thanking our friends in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey.

The progress we have made since the London Syria Conference in 2016 to ensure that every child in the region has access to quality education is a reason for hope even in the most trying of circumstances.

More than a million displaced Syrian children now have received access to some form of education since the start of the conflict eight years ago.

In Jordan, a hundred and sixty-five thousand Syrian children are now in education after the Jordanian Government overhauled national education policies.

In Lebanon, the public education system has doubled in size since the start of conflict, and as a result more than three hundred and sixty-five thousand Syrian children are now receiving an education.

And in Turkey. More than six hundred thousand Syrian children are now learning in schools.

The education these children are receiving is helping us build the skills and knowledge needed to power the economies of tomorrow.

However, there are nearly six hundred and ninety thousand children in the region without access to any education.

And we need to work together to reach these children or we risk creating a ‘Lost Generation.’

Young people without prospects and without hope. Young people who have a critical role to play in the recovery and rebuilding of the region when peace does eventually come.

As we strive to find a political settlement to the conflict, we must also strive to equip young people with the education they need to find employment.

Currently, the region has one of the highest rates of youth unemployment and lowest rates of female labour market participation.

By helping host countries invest and improve their education systems we can help young men and women transform their economies and spur economic growth across the region.

And this mean donors working with governments to make better use of education data to create better teaching programmes to drive up teaching standards.

And donors making more multi-year pledges. With predictable financing we can create long-term, sustainable programmes that deliver results.

But it’s not just more funding but smarter funding that we need.

Funding has to be linked to results and reforms. It must be able to measure progress and see which programmes work and which programmes need to work harder.

The UK will continue to provide long-term, multi-year support to the region to create the education and employment opportunities that will spur the recovery we all want to see.

But as we do so, we must not forget those most at risk from being left behind.

We must ensure that all our efforts to spur economic development also include refugees and the most vulnerable.

That includes –

Working and undocumented children.


And children with disabilities.

This July we will also co-host an international Disability Summit in London, which we hope Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, will attend.

At the summit we will set forth a set of concrete steps to ensure that people with disabilities are given the opportunities to fulfil their potential wherever they are in the world.

Sadly, many Syrian children are living with injuries sustained in the conflict. And it would be an added penalty – and an injustice – if they are now denied the education opportunities we seek to provide other children.

We must ensure that every child in the region has equal access to a quality education and the opportunity to fulfil their potential so we can create the economies of tomorrow, and a future of peace and prosperity.

Thank you.