National Statistics: Pesticide usage survey: amenity pesticides in the UK, 2016

This report is published on the Health and Safety Executive website.

Official Statistics: Population trends of Breeding Birds in the UK, to 2017

The Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is the main scheme for monitoring the population changes of the UK’s common breeding birds, providing an important indicator of the health of the countryside. BBS trends are produced each year for over 100 species, and the results are used widely to set priorities and inform conservation action and reporting.
The BBS is a Partnership jointly funded by the BTO, RSPB and JNCC, and is indebted to the thousands of volunteer data recorders who take part in the scheme.

National Statistics: Northern Ireland local authority collected municipal waste management statistics report: October to December 2017

This report presents provisional information on the quantities of local authority collected municipal waste managed in Northern Ireland. It provides information on the quantities and rates of local authority collected waste arisings, sent for preparing for reuse, for dry recycling, composting, energy recovery and sent to landfill. Some of these measurements are key performance indicators. These are used to assess progress towards achieving waste strategy targets and where appropriate this is highlighted in the tables and charts.

News story: New laws to protect your home address at Companies House

The law has been changed to make it easier to remove your home address from the company register. This applies to company directors and others such as secretaries, people with significant control (PSC) and LLP members, whose home address is publicly available on company documents.

To remove your home address, you can apply at a cost of £55 for each document you want to suppress.

You must provide an alternative correspondence address if you’re still appointed to a live company, such as a current director. This will replace your home address on the public register.

If you’re no longer appointed to a company, you do not need to provide an alternative address. Instead, only the first half of your postcode will be available to the public.

You cannot use this process to remove a home address if you’ve used it as a company’s registered office.

News story: Alvegesic vet. 10 mg/ml Solution for injection for Horses, Dogs and Cats – Product defect recall alert

We wish to make wholesalers and veterinarians aware that Alvetra u. Werfft GmbH has issued a batch recall of Alvegesic vet. 10 mg/ml Solution for injection for Horses, Dogs and Cats (Vm 32802/4000) due to contamination during production.

The following batch is affected:

  • Product: Alvegesic vet. 10mg/ml, 10mI – Batch No. PO0545 EXPIRY: 03-2019

For further information regarding the recall, please contact Mette Thulstrup Bruhn: