Speech: Dr Liam Fox challenges anti-free trade myths

International Trade Secretary and President of the Board of Trade, Dr Liam Fox MP will today call on people across the country to be bold and optimistic in promoting the benefits of free trade.

In a lecture at the Speaker’s House today (Monday 30 April), he will say that people need to stand up and challenge the myths about free trade.

Making a specific address to colleagues at the event in Parliament, he will ask them to show leadership because they have a responsibility to future generations to make the case for a liberalised, global trading system.

The speech marks the beginning of a long-term drive that will speak to the British public, consumers, businesses and global investors over the coming months. This is a debate that Liam Fox wants to take place in households across the country.

He will say that for too long the argument has been focused on misleading claims about food standards. Instead he wants to shift the focus of the debate onto the opportunities the global market can bring: for example increased UK exports of pharmaceutical drugs to poverty ridden countries.

Dr Liam Fox MP, International Trade Secretary is expected to say:

It would be a major political mistake to assume that the case for free trade is so self-evident that it does not require champions today. We have seen the way in which trade agreements such as the EU’s proposed agreement with United States (TTIP) produced violent reactions, however carefully orchestrated, in traditionally free-trade countries such as Germany.

We need to distinguish between the violent anti-capitalists and the legitimate concerns of those worried about the effects that free trade and the development of new technologies may have on their own jobs and communities.

We need people – to confront the myths and wilful distortions perpetuated by the anti-trade lobby.

It is not only our democratic duty but our responsibility for the generations to come to build the case for free trade by making coherent arguments that are attractive across the political spectrum.

On increasing consumer choice, he is expected to say:

If we’re not willing to take head-on the deceptions of the anti-trade lobby then we will deny to future generations, including those in developing countries, the benefits of free trade that we ourselves have enjoyed with improved living standards, improved safety and reliability of goods and improve choice for consumers.

We can all see the benefits of greater choice, greater competition and lower prices in the vast array of goods in our shops and supermarkets where traditional seasonal provision has given way to year-round availability of an increasingly wide selection of produce – from quality Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand or coffee from South America. We are also seeing increasing demand for global goods with the growth of world food aisles and the popularity of superstores like Whole Foods and Aldi.

He is also expected to say:

…I believe that trade is one of the means by which we can spread prosperity. That prosperity underpins social cohesion and that in turn underpins political stability. That political stability in its turn provides the building blocks of our collective security. It is a continuum that cannot be broken in one part without affecting the rest.

This is why we must take head-on the destructive arguments of the anti-trade lobby whose narrative is that free trade is nothing more than a global corporate conspiracy, a front for their wider ideological anti-capitalist agenda.

They peddle the irresponsible myths that agreements such as the new EU trade agreement with Canada, CETA, will result in reduced protection for workers, a degradation of food and environmental standards and the forced privatisation of organisations like our NHS. Such false claims are as dangerous as they are pernicious.

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Press release: Government to launch review into carbon monoxide alarms

  • review will examine existing legislation, checking if it remains fit for purpose
  • ministers to consider reforms once review reports back

A government review into rules that require carbon monoxide alarms to be fitted in homes across England has been announced today (30 April 2018) by Housing Minister Dominic Raab.

Around 8 million carbon monoxide alarms are currently installed in homes across England – a requirement when solid fuel appliances such as wood burning stoves and boilers are installed, as well as in private rental properties that feature a solid fuel appliance.

Launching later this year, the review will examine the regulations closely to establish whether they remain fit for purpose.

This will include whether there should be a blanket requirement to install alarms for all methods of heating, including gas and oil.

The review will also consider whether the cost of alarms is affecting installation rates and will look at new research into the number of carbon monoxide poisonings.

The announcement follows on-going discussions between ministers at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and Eddie Hughes MP, who has called for extending the regulations to cover all social housing tenants and all combustion appliance types.

Housing Minister Dominic Raab said:

Carbon monoxide can be a silent killer and my top priority is to ensure people remain safe and protected in their own homes.

Working with Eddie Hughes, who has a long track record of campaigning on this issue, this review will look into the adequacy of the current laws and ensure they are providing residents with the necessary protection.

Eddie Hughes MP said:

I’m pleased the Housing Minster has responded positively to my campaign and the work done by all those involved in raising awareness of this silent killer.

I look forward to the outcome of the review and will continue to campaign for improved safety to protect others from the threat of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Any future changes would take account of the outcome of the government’s consultation on the operation of private rented alarm regulations and the Dame Judith Hackitt independent review into building regulations and fire safety.

Further details of the review’s terms of reference will be announced by the government in due course later this year.

The government’s building regulations require the safe installation of combustion appliances in all properties, new and existing, regardless of fuel used or tenure. From 2010, these regulations have also required carbon monoxide alarms when solid fuel burning appliances are installed.

In 2015 the government introduced new regulations requiring private rented sector landlords in England to have a carbon monoxide alarm in any room used as living accommodation where solid fuel is used

Whilst there is a downwards overall trend for carbon monoxide poisonings, the government has continued to raise awareness about the risks posed by combustion appliances and the measures available to reduce the risk of poisoning.

Any reform recommended by this review will be subject to ministers’ agreement, further consultation and scrutiny.

Eddie Hughes MP is the Member of Parliament for Walsall North and is a member of the All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group on Carbon Monoxide.

Mr Hughes previously proposed regulatory changes via his Carbon Monoxide (Detection and Safety) Private Members Bill.

Press release: Appointment of new Chair of the Civil Service Commissioners for Northern Ireland

The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Karen Bradley MP today announced the appointment of Deirdre Blakely Toner as the new Chair of the Civil Service Commissioners for Northern Ireland.

The appointment will take effect on 1 June 2018.

The Civil Service Commissioners for Northern Ireland

The Civil Service Commissioners for Northern Ireland are independent of Government and the Northern Ireland Civil Service, and have a statutory responsibility to uphold selection on merit for appointments to the Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS). The Commissioners also hear appeals under the NICS Code of Ethics. Commissioners work in partnership with the NICS and other stakeholders to uphold the merit principle and promote public confidence in recruitment.

Biography of Appointee

Deirdre Blakely Toner is currently Chief Executive Officer of Samaritans Ireland and serves as an independent member on the Northern Ireland Policing Board.

Deirdre has over 30 years’ experience in governance, performance and risk management from working across the voluntary, community and public sectors in Northern Ireland and further afield. She is a graduate of Public Administration and Management, and Human Rights law with the University of Ulster and Transitional Justice Institute.

Terms of Appointment

Deidre Blakely Toner will take up appointment from 1 June 2018. Her appointment is for a five year term.

She will receive remuneration of £16,000 per annum for Chairing Civil Service Commissioner meetings and participating in Commissioner’s business as required by the Civil Service Commissioners (NI) Order.

This is a Crown Appointment.

Political Activity

All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity in defined categories within the last five years to be made public.

The appointee has declared no such political activity in the past five years.

Notice: WN2 5JY, SED Services Limited: environmental permit issued

The Environment Agency publish permits that they issue under the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED).

This decision includes the permit and decision document for:

  • Operator name: SED Services Limited
  • Installation name: Bryn Hall Farm
  • Permit number: EPR/MP3093VU/V002

Notice: WN2 5JY, SED Services Limited: environmental permit issued

The Environment Agency publish permits that they issue under the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED).

This decision includes the permit and decision document for:

  • Operator name: SED Services Limited
  • Installation name: Bryn Hall Farm
  • Permit number: EPR/MP3093VU/V002