Guidance: Site-specific quality numeric permit limits: discharges to surface water and groundwater

This guide is for operators of standalone water discharge activity and point source groundwater activity permits. Standalone means the activity is not part of another regulated facility such as a waste operation, installation, radioactive substances activity, flood risk activity or mining waste operation.

The guide explains:

  • the 4 types of compliance limit
  • how we set each of these types of limits
  • how we assess compliance against the limits

Guidance: Waste water treatment works: treatment, monitoring and compliance limits

This guide is for operators of WWTW with environmental permits for water discharge activities or point source groundwater activities.

WWTW collect and treat sewage. This guide explains the:

  • level of treatment WWTW must provide
  • numeric compliance limits that define the treatment’s effectiveness
  • monitoring and reporting required to assess compliance with the limits

This guide sets out what you need to do to meet the requirements of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations.

Guidance: Water companies: operator self monitoring (OSM) environmental permits

This guide is for water companies. It will also apply to other operators of standalone water discharge and groundwater activities if they’re required to carry out OSM.

The Environment Agency sets numeric discharge quality limits in environmental permits to make sure discharges comply with water quality objectives.

Water companies must collect and analyse samples of permitted discharges that are subject to numeric quality limits. This is called OSM. It includes discharges to surface water and groundwater.

This guide explains the rules that apply to OSM. It sets out the minimum standards needed to meet the requirements of OSM permit conditions.

The Environment Agency makes sure water companies carry out OSM specified in their permit conditions. Operators must carry out OSM to a standard that meets the requirements for compliance assessment and water quality planning.

Guidance: Water companies: environmental permits for storm overflows and emergency overflows

Updated: Updated the section on ‘Shellfish waters: environmental quality design standards’ to include the new geomean standards.

This guide is to help water companies submit appropriate permit applications for storm overflows and emergency overflows.

Discharges of storm sewage and sewage in an emergency must be authorised by an environmental permit.

This guide explains:

  • how to classify storm overflows
  • water quality, aesthetic control and design standards for storm overflows
  • monitoring and reporting requirements for storm overflows
  • requirements for new or improved emergency overflows
  • what to include in your permit application
  • when the Environment Agency will issue a permit

Guidance: Water companies: control of chemicals used for dosing at waste water treatment works

This guide is for water companies who want to carry out chemical dosing at waste water treatment works (WWTW).

The Environment Agency regulates WWTW by assessing the quality of the waste water they discharge against set compliance limits. This guide explains how we set limits and control the substances used for chemical dosing.

This guide covers dosing:

  • with iron and aluminium salts
  • with polyelectrolytes
  • for pH adjustment