News story: Washroom suppliers’ merger may raise competition concerns

Rentokil, which trades as Initial for these services, and Cannon are 2 of the 3 largest specialist providers of products and services found in washrooms across the UK. These firms install and maintain equipment such as air sanitisers, feminine hygiene units, nappy bins and soap dispensers, in all types of commercial, industrial and public buildings.

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has found that, if the merger goes ahead, the companies could face very limited competition from other suppliers of washroom products and services.

Rentokil and Cannon have until 25 June to offer a solution to the CMA’s concerns, otherwise the merger will be referred for a more in-depth (phase 2) investigation.

More information can be found on the Rentokil / Cannon case page.

News story: Science Minister Sam Gyimah launches new #ScienceSpotlight avatar

Science Minister Sam Gyimah will today (Monday 18 June) appear as an avatar in a first for the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. The new online tool has been developed to promote the work that the government is doing to invest in science, research and development as part of the modern Industrial Strategy.

The animation sees Sam Gyimah as an avatar in a lab coat discussing case studies of projects happening up and down the country.

Science Minister Sam Gyimah said:

This is the first of a number of activities aimed at increasing public engagement in science. We have a fantastic story to tell, with the UK having some of the brightest and best entrepreneurs, innovators and scientists, to our record investment in science and plan to invest 2.4% on R&D by 2027 through our modern Industrial Strategy. Through my #ScienceSpotlight, I will highlight some of the great scientific work going on around the country.

The avatar will appear on the Twitter channel for the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy on a fortnightly basis.

Our modern Industrial Strategy sets out a long term plan to boost the productivity and earning power of people throughout the UK. It sets out how we are building an economy/a Britain fit for the future – how we will help businesses create better, higher-paying jobs in every part of the UK with investment in skills, industries and infrastructure.

We want to be the world’s most innovative economy and through the industrial strategy we have committed to reaching the target of 2.4% of GDP investment in R&D by 2027. As a first step to reaching this target, we are investing an additional £2.3bn in R&D in 2021/22. This means that we will have raised public investment in R&D from around £9.5bn in 2016/17 to around £12.5bn in 2021/22 – a total increase of £7bn over five years. This is the biggest increase in public funding of R&D on record.

Press release: Wales’ compound semiconductor tech prowess must go global”

The time has come to promote Wales’ pioneering prowess in compound semiconductor technology on a global scale. That will be the message from the UK Government today as the Office of the Secretary of State for Wales gather leaders from Wales’ own ‘Silicon Valley’ for progress talks in Newport (18 June).

Compound semiconductors are at the heart of the high-tech devices we use today. From smartphones to tablets to satellite communications to GPS, the technology will continue to impact the way we live, work and spend our leisure time.

Wales already has a wealth of advanced semiconductor expertise in the form of IQE, SPTS Technologies, Newport Wafer Fab and Microsemi, who, along with academic partners and the UK Government’s £50million compound semiconductor applications Catapult, form the world’s first Compound Semiconductor cluster, CS-Connected.

The UK Government will host the meeting at Newport Wafer Fab – the UK’s largest semiconductor centre and the chip Foundry of the CS Cluster – where the industry experts in Wales will be challenged to explore and to capitalise on international opportunities for the sector. Officials will also seek to find out how the UK Government can work with the cluster to market Wales’ expertise in the technology around the globe.

The meeting will be attended by HM Trade Commissioner for China, Richard Burn who is visiting Wales to see first-hand the nation’s growing expertise in the sector following his meeting with Secretary of State at the GREAT Festival of Innovation in Hong Kong. As the UK prepares for future trade agreements with countries around the world, the Department of International Trade has appointed Trade Commissioners for nine geographical areas around the world to champion British trade with some of the UK’s biggest economic partners.

Secretary of State for Wales Alun Cairns said:

If we want Wales to be at the vanguard of the high-tech revolution, we need to up our stakes – and our vision must be global. That is why I’m delighted that the HM Trade Commissioner for China will attend today’s meeting in Newport.

During our meeting at the GREAT Festival of Innovation in Hong Kong earlier this year, I had the opportunity to showcase how Wales’ reputation for innovation excellence can put the UK on a firm trading footing for a post Brexit future.

But the challenge now is to seize those opportunities and to capitalise on the skills right here in south Wales that sets us apart. The UK Government wants to hear strong ideas today on how we develop this cluster and how we market the expertise we have in abundance on a global stage.

Dr Drew Nelson, President and CEO, IQE plc commented:

Compound Semiconductor technologies are fast becoming a critical part of the entire global semiconductor industry (worth over USD400 billion pa), enabling faster, more power efficient and higher functionality chips to be made, and which also harness the incredible properties of light. The UK has always had a strong position in early stage development of CS technologies, but over recent years we have been building the World’s first Compound Semiconductor Cluster (CS-Connected) to fully exploit the commercial potential for the UK.

The CS Connected companies are therefore delighted that the UK Government has recognised the importance of the sector, not only for the future of the UKs new Industrial Strategy, but on a global basis across almost all major industrial, consumer , healthcare and communications industries. The Government’s involvement in helping promote the World’s first CS Cluster on an International basis is greatly welcomed , demonstrating the major benefits of Industry and Government working hand in hand. The full strategic support of the UK , Welsh and Local Governments, will be a critical enabler for the expansion of the cluster.

We are developing breakthrough IP in technologies which will form the foundation of the fourth industrial revolution .Working as a unique collective we firmly believe we can create many thousands of high tech jobs in Wales and throughout the United Kingdom, driving up GVA significantly , and enabling many of our industrial partner companies to introduce innovative products based on Compound Semiconductors to the global marketplace , thereby accelerating the UK’s international competitiveness.

Alun Cairns added:

To realise our global ambitions for the compound semiconductor sector, Government and businesses need to work hand in hand. That is what our Modern Industrial Strategy is all about.

The UK Government will continue to lay the foundations and develop the international relationships – opening doors and taking down barriers.

But it is ultimately our enterprising businesspeople like those around the table today who will make the most of those new opportunities.


About HM Trade Commissioners

All of the new HMTCs will cooperate closely with HM Ambassadors and High Commissioners, the wider diplomatic network, and other HM Government colleagues based in countries in their region, in a joined-up and coordinated government effort overseas to promote UK trade and prosperity.

In total, there will be 9 geographical areas that the HM Trade Commissioners will cover:

  • Africa
  • Asia-Pacific
  • China
  • Eastern Europe and Central Asia Network
  • Europe
  • Latin America
  • Middle East
  • North America
  • South Asia

News story: NHS Funding – An Extra £2 Billion For Scotland

Public services in Scotland are to get a £2 billion funding boost from the UK Government. The cash windfall follows the Prime Minister’s announcement today that, in the NHS’s 70th year, she is investing an extra £20 billion a year in health services in England (by 2023-24, compared to today).

The announcement means the Scottish Government will receive additional Barnett funding worth £2 billion a year in real terms by 2023/24. It will be up to Holyrood how this money is used, but the Scottish Secretary has urged Scottish ministers to invest the windfall in the NHS in Scotland.

David Mundell said:

As a result of the Prime Minister’s significant new investment in the NHS, Scotland will get a £2 billion funding boost from the UK Government by 2023-24. In the NHS’s 70th year, I urge the Scottish Government to invest this extra money in improving health services in Scotland. Our NHS is hugely valued by people in Scotland, but we have seen services under severe strain in recent years. This additional UK Government investment in Scotland has the potential to make a real difference for people in Scotland.

The extra funding announced today comes on top of changes to visas to allow the NHS to recruit more doctors and nurses from overseas.

News story: NHS Funding – An Extra £2 Billion For Scotland

Public services in Scotland are to get a £2 billion funding boost from the UK Government. The cash windfall follows the Prime Minister’s announcement today that, in the NHS’s 70th year, she is investing an extra £20 billion a year in health services in England (by 2023-24, compared to today).

The announcement means the Scottish Government will receive additional Barnett funding worth £2 billion a year in real terms by 2023/24. It will be up to Holyrood how this money is used, but the Scottish Secretary has urged Scottish ministers to invest the windfall in the NHS in Scotland.

David Mundell said:

As a result of the Prime Minister’s significant new investment in the NHS, Scotland will get a £2 billion funding boost from the UK Government by 2023-24. In the NHS’s 70th year, I urge the Scottish Government to invest this extra money in improving health services in Scotland. Our NHS is hugely valued by people in Scotland, but we have seen services under severe strain in recent years. This additional UK Government investment in Scotland has the potential to make a real difference for people in Scotland.

The extra funding announced today comes on top of changes to visas to allow the NHS to recruit more doctors and nurses from overseas.