News story: HMCTS Reform Programme

We have started a very ambitious programme of court reform, which aims to bring new technology and modern ways of working to what is – and will remain – the best justice system in the world.

The principles that underpin the system are enduring. But our systems and processes have not kept pace with the world around us. We know we can make justice less confusing, easier to navigate and better at responding to the needs of the public.

In collaboration with the senior judiciary and the Ministry of Justice, we are investing £1bn to reform our courts and tribunals system. We have made a good start. But we can’t do it alone; and we certainly can’t do it well unless we involve all those who work within it and care about it.

We are keen to share our plans, listen to those who use our courts and tribunals, and work together with our partners to achieve the best possible outcome.

Further detail can be found in our HMCTS reform update (PDF, 1.08MB, 22 pages)

Reform projects

There are over 50 projects included in the reform programme – see the descriptions of each project.

News and announcements

We will publish our latest news and announcements on our GOV.UK homepage.


We will issue a monthly external email newsletter on our reform progress. To receive the newsletter, please sign up to our email alerts and select the relevant topics of interest to you. Previous editions of the newsletter can be seen below:

Inside HMCTS blog

We will use our Inside HMCTS blog on GOV.UK as a communication channel that encourages two-way engagement on our reform progress, included providing regular updates on our projects and new online services.

Reform roadshows

Over the last six months, we have held a series of roadshow events to engage and inform legal professionals on the reform agenda, and we held another event in London on 24 May 2018 as part of an ongoing schedule of activities designed to hear your views.


All of our consultations (those open and closed) are published on GOV.UK.

Further information

Online services

As part of our reform programme we have launched new online services, these include:

We want to hear your views

As our reform programme gathers pace, we want to continue the conversation with you. You can find out the latest and tell us what you think in any of the following ways:

Speech: Matt Hancock speaking at the NSPCC “How safe are our children?” conference

Cicero once said ‘the safety of people must be the highest law.’

Throughout human history, the primary role of any government, of any community, has been to keep its members safe.

Balancing safety and freedom has been the goal throughout the ages.

And we must reset this balance anew in this digital age.

I firmly believe that technology is a powerful force for good. And that the Internet has spread opportunity more quickly across the world than any other technology.

But what we love about the Internet, the fact that it is noisy, open and free, presents so many challenges, especially for our young people.

Today I want to address what we, not just as a Government but as a society, can do to keep the Internet we love safe for our children.

Because young people are different.

While we need to think about the balance between freedom and safety online for adults, we have a special responsibility to our children.

As a society, as parents and as a Government, we recognise children need more protection.

Sadly, while the Internet brings these freedoms for young people, it also makes them more exposed to risks.

This week’s statistic that there have been 3,000 online grooming offences over the past year acts as a stark reminder of the dangers for children.

So when we debate how we want the Internet to be, it is vital that young people should be given centre stage.

Because we have a moral responsibility to build an Internet for the next generation that yes, is transformative, exciting and free, but also that protects those who use it.


A lot of this can be done by tackling trolls with technology. Technology itself holds the answer to solving many of its own problems.

Just as airbags and seatbelts have helped us adapt to advances in speed, emerging technologies, like facial recognition and machine learning, can play an important role in making the Internet a safer place.

From Apple’s overnight switch off feature to Google’s Family Link service, we have seen innovations where technology has been used to address problems.

I’ve even started using artificial intelligence to moderate the comments on my app.

And I want Britain to be known far and wide as the place where this technology for good is developed.

We have the best conditions to do this here in the UK.

From the first diode to Turing’s computers, to the World Wide Web, the UK has been at the heart of some of world’s most important tech inventions.

The UK is a digital dynamo. A nation of pioneers striving to lead in the technology that is transforming the world.

We have the third highest global investment in tech after the giants of USA and China.

And a few weeks ago London was once again ranked as the leading tech hub in Europe.

We have seen some fantastic innovations as a result of our status as a world-leading tech nation.

The fact that we in the UK are at the cutting edge of the development of this technology is a big advantage.

Because we can and must develop the technology that will keep us safe.

I believe that Britain has a special role to play in leading the global debate. And in doing so, we can be the world’s best place to be a digital citizen.

My message today is that we all have a part to play. Parents. Teachers. Platforms. Tech companies. Governments. And civil society.


First, parents have a responsibility.

Our children are introduced to technology at an increasingly young age. Today’s teenagers are the first generation of ‘digital natives’, where interacting online is just as natural as doing so face to face.

In many ways this is a great asset. Digital skills are essential.

But it is easy to see why some parents feel uncomfortable with the technology their children are using, especially when their children may know far more about it than they do.

Parenting in this digital age is hard. But doesn’t mean that it is impossible.

Setting boundaries with the use of new technology is important, just as we set boundaries for children in every other way.

The technology may be new but the principles haven’t changed.

It is certainly true that the Internet has amplified the risks and brought them directly into homes and classrooms.

For example, if a child is being bullied during the day, and has access to social media, they can’t leave the bullies at the school gate.

I firmly believe that very young children don’t need to have access to social media at all. After all, they are children.

Social media is not designed for under 13s. It is often against the terms and conditions for children to be using these platforms.

And although this debate has started, there is much more that needs to be done to help parents protect children online.

Children are still developing. Research from the University of California proves that frontal lobes, which guide our rational decision making, develop all the way throughout adolescence.

This means young children are more susceptible to risks, including being groomed and exploited, both online and in the outside world.

So unlimited and unsupervised access to smartphones can be a portal to some very serious risks. And the Chief Medical Officer has highlighted growing concerns around the impact on children’s mental health.

This backs up every parent’s instinct. That children must be protected.

It is not to say that there is no role for young children to use technology.

The right amount of screen time can have a positive effect. And when supervised the Internet is a wonderful tool, including for homework and education.

We need to redress the balance so parents are given the tools and the advice to take responsibility for the incredibly difficult task of parenting in the digital age.

The NSPCC, and the Children’s Commissioner, have both done fantastic work in beginning the task of helping parents steer a course through what can feel like uncharted waters.


Second, teachers and schools have a major role to play.

Many of the experiences that are fundamental to growing up, like building friendships, testing parental boundaries and exploring sexuality, are complicated by growing up online.

We rightly use our education system to help our children understand face-to-face relationships and what it means to be a citizen.

It is vital that we update these frameworks to reflect the new challenges of the digital age, and to reflect what it means to be a digital citizen.

To help them understand what behaviours are acceptable online and how they can contribute positively to the online world.

And also to help them understand online risks and know how to seek help if they need it.

I am the biggest supporter of edtech. I kicked off a project at DfE to drive the uptake of technology in the classroom for teaching.

But while I bow to nobody in my support of technology, we also need students to know how to stay safe.

Whilst it is up to individual schools to decide rather than Government, I admire the many headteachers who take a firm approach and do not allow mobiles to be used during the school day.

A high performing comprehensive school not far from here is ranked as Outstanding by Ofsted.

And their policy on mobile phones says “We are convinced that mobile phones are a distraction and have serious concerns about the impact of their inappropriate use. We know their use is reducing our students’ ability to connect with one another socially on a day-to-day basis.”

A recent study by The Journal of the Association for Consumer Research has shown that mobile phones can have a real impact on working memory and measured intelligence, even if the phone is on a table or in a bag.

I encourage other schools to look at the evidence and follow their lead.

I am working closely with our brilliant Education Secretary, who really gets this, to make sure both schools and young people get the support they need to be properly equipped in the digital age.

For the first time the Department for Education has made it compulsory for primary-aged children at school in England to be taught Relationships Education, and for all secondary-school children to be taught Relationships and Sex Education.

These new subjects will also include respectful relationships, and how to keep safe online.

We will be consulting on the guidance shortly and I urge you all to get involved and have your say.

But this isn’t just a matter for the Department, it’s a matter for educators everywhere.

And it’s our role in Government to make sure they get the support they need.


Third, platforms of course, have a duty of care to keep their users safe.

Tech companies have done incredible work in giving solutions whilst technology has been making waves and causing unbelievable change.

Social media platforms are effectively public spaces. And the owner of any public space, online or offline, has a duty of care to the public who are invited in.

And just as safety and social impact has become a competitive advantage in other industries, I want safety to be seen as a driver of innovation online, not a barrier to it.

I want us to be seen as a global leader in Internet safety too, just as we are in fintech, cybersecurity and AI.

For this to happen, tech platforms need to keep doing more when it comes to Internet safety.

Platforms should enforce clear terms of use that are easy for children to understand.

Platforms should have well signposted ways to report abusive or harmful content.

And platforms should give users clear explanations about what action has been taken as a result of user reports and complaints.

I welcome the moves that have been made and we need to work together to keep solving these problems.


So Governments, and the citizens they represent, also have a vital role to play.

Not just because Governments have experience in developing and guiding policy.

But also because democratic accountability is important.

Our entire system of liberal democracy is centred on society being governed through the consent of the people. And if people don’t like what they see, come an election, they can change their government.

Any lasting and enduring framework relies on democratic legitimacy and consent.

Despite a range of voluntary initiatives, good work by many charities and technological innovation, Internet safety remains an issue for so many young people.

We cannot allow this behaviour to undermine the very real benefits that the digital revolution can bring.

We cannot let the trolls win.

Either by letting the Internet become a free-for-all, simply too unpleasant for many people to use.

Or through their behaviour making society overreact and losing what makes the Internet great.

Last year, we published our Internet Safety Strategy Green Paper.

The results of our consultation told an interesting story.

Six in ten said they had witnessed inappropriate or harmful content online.

Four in ten had experienced online abuse.

And four in ten thought that their proposed concerns were not taken seriously enough by social media companies.

The message from our consultation, and our wider engagement on this, was clear. Terms and conditions are either not being enforced by platforms or are out of line with what the public expects.

We recently introduced transparency reporting requirements for social media companies.

This will make public how much content is being reported by users, and why, and how much support they are getting as a result.

And this will be reinforced by a statutory code of practice setting out clear standards.

We have published a draft code, which aims to make sure there is improved support for users online, and that more companies are taking consistent action to tackle abuse.

We have seen some good progress. YouTube’s automated flagging systems led to 6.6 million videos being removed globally in just three months last year.

But as online communities continue to grow, industry-wide frameworks are not keeping pace.

So I will be working with our bold new Home Secretary to publish a White Paper, setting out how we plan to tackle online harms.

Some of these proposals will be legislative, building on the successful legislation we have already brought forward.

Two years ago, we legislated to make sure children cannot access pornography online.

And we have legislated this year to give people control over their data through the Data Protection Act.

Internet safety is the next step.

The White Paper will set out legislative proposals to tackle a range of both legal and illegal harms, from cyberbullying to online child sexual exploitation.

Of course Governments have other tools at their disposal too.

We want to make it easier for the tech industry to build safer products.

Startups have told us they lack the capacity and expertise needed to build safety into their products from the start.

Working with industry bodies such as TechUK, we will make sure they have the practical guidance they need to deliver a safer experience for all users.

And of course we in Government can use our voices too.

Civil society

Finally, civil society has a role to play.

Your voice in this debate is critical.

I want to pay tribute to the NSPCC’s tireless work on Internet safety and the quality of your research. The report you have published today makes another important contribution to this crucial debate.

The greatest social and political changes in our history have come about because of like minded groups like yours forming associations to press for change.

Please keep engaging in this debate. Keep asking the searching questions and keep proposing and indeed, building the solutions to these important issues.


Everyone has their part to play in making the Internet a safer place and supporting a new generation of digital citizens.

I pledge to you this. As the father of three small children, I will use my role to do what I can to protect our young people and encourage them to use the Internet in a safe and responsible way.

The question I have is what role are you going to play? Whether you’re a parent, a teacher, run a tech platform or are part of civil society, you can play your part.

We can’t stop technology. In my view, we wouldn’t want to.

But this technology is made by humanity. So we can shape it for the benefit of humanity. And we must.

The stakes are high and the challenge is great.

But it can be done. So let us rise to that challenge, together.

Thank you very much.

News story: Andrew Tyrie begins as Chair of Competition and Markets Authority

Andrew Tyrie, the former Chair of the Treasury Select Committee and Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards has today taken up his role as the new Chair of the UK’s independent competition authority, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).

The CMA is the UK’s independent competition authority with responsibility for carrying out investigations into mergers, markets and the regulated industries and enforcing competition and consumer law, with the aim of making markets work well for consumers, businesses and the economy.

Andrew Tyrie, Chair of the Competition and Markets Authority, said:

First, I would like to thank David Currie for the huge contribution he has made to establishing the CMA as an effective new regulator.

Secondly, as I said in April, competition can and should be put even closer to the centre of British economic life, reaching to every sector, rooting out monopoly and unfair trading practices. By doing so the CMA can benefit millions of people and also play a crucial role in enhancing Britain’s global competitiveness. I am looking forward to getting started.

Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Greg Clark said:

The CMA has a vital role to play in promoting competition and making markets work for consumers, businesses and the economy and I have no doubt Andrew Tyrie will make good use of his experience to help further its position as a world-respected regulatory and enforcement body.

Andrew is an internationally recognised champion for consumers and competition, with an unblemished record of independence as a Select Committee Chair which makes him a perfect fit for this position. He is taking the role at a critical moment in the CMA’s history and I look forward to working closely with him in years to come.

Outgoing CMA Chair David Currie said:

I am proud of what the CMA has achieved in my time as its Chairman. The organisation is working well as a single competition and consumer body for the UK, securing lasting change across a wide range of markets that really matter to millions of households and businesses. I am confident that Andrew and the CMA’s staff can successfully take the organisation into the next phase of its development.

Andrea Coscelli, CEO of the CMA, said:

I look forward to working with Andrew over the crucial period ahead. His distinguished background and strong reputation will bolster our impact as we build on our work to drive a fair deal for consumers across all nations and regions of the UK, including for the most vulnerable in society.

Prior to taking on this role, Andrew served as the chairman of the Parliamentary Commission on banking standards, whose recommendations for the reform of governance in major financial institutions are currently being implemented. He was also Chairman of the Liaison Committee, the committee of select committee chairs, and Chairman of the Treasury Select Committee from 2010 to 2017. He was conservative MP for Chichester from 1997 to 2017.

Andrew also has experience in finance and commerce, including board roles in investment management and property firms, and as an advisor to the law firm DLA Piper.

Today’s appointment follows a pre-appointment hearing by the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Select Committee on 24 April.

Press release: New appointments to the Natural Capital Committee

Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Michael Gove has appointed two new members to the Natural Capital Committee.

Professors Melanie Austen and Chris Collins bring their expertise in marine conservation and soil health and are appointed for the remainder of the Committee’s current term, through to December 2020.

Professor Austen said:

The Natural Capital Committee has been influential in advising government on the importance of natural capital on sustainable economic growth, health and wellbeing.

I feel honoured to have been invited to join the Committee and am particularly looking forward to adding a distinctly marine perspective, and considering how implementation of the 25 year Environment Plan could improve our natural marine environment and the sustainable benefits that we gain from it.

Professor Austen is a marine ecologist and interdisciplinary marine researcher who is a Head of Science for the Sea and Society group at Plymouth Marine Laboratory. She has recently been appointed as an independent member of the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC); completed a three year term as the Chief Scientific Advisor to the UK’s Marine Management Organisation (MMO); and for the last twenty years has been developing and leading UK and EU funded collaborative marine research projects, including currently GCRF Blue Communities in South East Asia.

Through her interdisciplinary research she has examined and quantified the societal consequences and policy relevance of changes to the marine environment and its ecosystems. She has been an Honorary Professor at the University of Exeter medical school since 2014, a member of other Expert Advisory Groups, and has chaired an EU Marine Board expert group on ecosystem valuation.

Professor Chris Collins is Chair of Environmental Chemistry at the University of Reading, where his research focuses on determining the factors controlling exposure of biota to environmental pollution to develop the evidence base for regulators.

He is the Natural Environment Research Council Soils Coordinator, overseeing a £10 million research investment to improve our understanding of how soils resist, recover and adapt to land use and climate change. Professor Collins chairs the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Hazardous Substances Advisory Committee providing expert advice to the UK Government on how to protect the environment, and human health via the environment from chemicals.

Professor Collins said:

Soils have been a bit of a Cinderella topic when compared to air and water, so to restate the commitment to manage soils sustainably by 2030 in the 25 Year Environment Plan was a major step forward. Serving on the Committee will help to ensure we develop the approaches to deliver this aspiration.

Professor Dieter Helm, Chair of the Natural Capital Committee, commented:

Melanie and Chris bring world-leading expertise. They will strengthen the Committee’s ability to support implementation of the Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan at a vital time for the protection and enhancement of our natural environment.

Other members of the Committee include Professors Ian Bateman, Diane Coyle, Paul Leinster, Colin Mayer and Kathy Willis. Dame Georgina Mace recently left the Committee to take up a position on the Adaptation Sub Committee of the Committee on Climate Change.

Press release: New appointments to the Natural Capital Committee

Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Michael Gove has appointed two new members to the Natural Capital Committee.

Professors Melanie Austen and Chris Collins bring their expertise in marine conservation and soil health and are appointed for the remainder of the Committee’s current term, through to December 2020.

Professor Austen said:

The Natural Capital Committee has been influential in advising government on the importance of natural capital on sustainable economic growth, health and wellbeing.

I feel honoured to have been invited to join the Committee and am particularly looking forward to adding a distinctly marine perspective, and considering how implementation of the 25 year Environment Plan could improve our natural marine environment and the sustainable benefits that we gain from it.

Professor Austen is a marine ecologist and interdisciplinary marine researcher who is a Head of Science for the Sea and Society group at Plymouth Marine Laboratory. She has recently been appointed as an independent member of the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC); completed a three year term as the Chief Scientific Advisor to the UK’s Marine Management Organisation (MMO); and for the last twenty years has been developing and leading UK and EU funded collaborative marine research projects, including currently GCRF Blue Communities in South East Asia.

Through her interdisciplinary research she has examined and quantified the societal consequences and policy relevance of changes to the marine environment and its ecosystems. She has been an Honorary Professor at the University of Exeter medical school since 2014, a member of other Expert Advisory Groups, and has chaired an EU Marine Board expert group on ecosystem valuation.

Professor Chris Collins is Chair of Environmental Chemistry at the University of Reading, where his research focuses on determining the factors controlling exposure of biota to environmental pollution to develop the evidence base for regulators.

He is the Natural Environment Research Council Soils Coordinator, overseeing a £10 million research investment to improve our understanding of how soils resist, recover and adapt to land use and climate change. Professor Collins chairs the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Hazardous Substances Advisory Committee providing expert advice to the UK Government on how to protect the environment, and human health via the environment from chemicals.

Professor Collins said:

Soils have been a bit of a Cinderella topic when compared to air and water, so to restate the commitment to manage soils sustainably by 2030 in the 25 Year Environment Plan was a major step forward. Serving on the Committee will help to ensure we develop the approaches to deliver this aspiration.

Professor Dieter Helm, Chair of the Natural Capital Committee, commented:

Melanie and Chris bring world-leading expertise. They will strengthen the Committee’s ability to support implementation of the Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan at a vital time for the protection and enhancement of our natural environment.

Other members of the Committee include Professors Ian Bateman, Diane Coyle, Paul Leinster, Colin Mayer and Kathy Willis. Dame Georgina Mace recently left the Committee to take up a position on the Adaptation Sub Committee of the Committee on Climate Change.