News story: Reduced fishing effort for area VII scallop fishery explained

For the third quarter of 2018 (1 July to 30 September 2018) the fishing limit for scallops in the Western Waters ICES area VII, which includes the English Channel, is being set at 30 days. This is happening in order to carefully manage the remaining effort for this year and help avoid an early closure of the fishery.

The development follows a recommendation by the Scallop Industry Consultation Group (SICG) after its meeting of 7 June, which has now been agreed by UK Fisheries Administrations. The SICG includes representatives from scallop fishing and processing companies, as well as government representatives.

Uptake of scallop fishing in area VII is very high currently (59% at 12 June) and industry negotiations with France to increase the UK’s fishing effort in the area through exchanging additional effort (‘the Baie de Seine agreement’) are still ongoing. During the SICG meeting the group looked at a number of scenarios, which made it clear that a reduction in the quarter 3 limit was required.

A further review of the limit will take place once the outcome of the negotiations are known, likely to be mid-July.
A variation taking effect 1 July 2018 will soon be issued affecting all vessels of 15 metres and over.

More guidance and explanation of ‘days at sea’ appears elsewhere on GOV.UK.

Press release: Secretary of State extends appointment of members of the Equality Commission for NI

The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Karen Bradley MP has extended the appointments of eleven members of the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland.

Joseph McVey, William Gamble, Reverend Lesley Carroll, William McKee, David Rose, Tom Hartley, Hazel Francey and Judith Gillespie have been extended until 31 May 2018 and Geraldine McGahey, Deborah Donnelly and Robin Mullan have been extended until 28 February 2020.

Notes to Editors:

The extensions will allow the introduction of a more staggered approach to future appointments and improve business continuity.

Biographies of Appointees

Biographies can be found here

Terms of Appointment

The positions are part-time.

The position of Commissioner attracts an annual remuneration of £5,000 and the Deputy Chief Commissioner receives an annual remuneration of £10,000.

These positions are non-pensionable.

Political Activity

All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity in defined categories within the last five years to be made public.

Lesley Carroll declared that she stood for election as an Ulster Unionist candidate at the 2016 Assembly elections. Tom Hartley has undertaken activities on behalf of Sinn Fein, including representing the party on the Commission on Flags, Identity, Culture and Tradition.

Corporate report: Cefas Annual Reports and Accounts 2017-2018

Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science annual reports and accounts 2017-18.

News story: NDA reveals its commercial ambitions at NIA Decom2018 conference

Speaking at the Nuclear Industry Association’s (NIA) Decom2018 event, in London, Kate said the aspiration would be achieved by colleagues across the NDA group working together towards a common goal.

Kate takes responsibility for the organisation’s procurement, contract management and commercial activities associated with cleaning up the UK’s civil nuclear legacy.

It is the first major event she has spoken at in her new role, and she took the opportunity to reveal to industry representatives how the NDA is transforming its procurement and contract management capabilities.

Kate, who joined the NDA in November 2017, said:

We are in the process of strengthening our approach to contracting: becoming better, more efficient, clearer, providing best value for taxpayers.

This is about getting better at awarding the contracts but also, equally importantly, making sure the work performed is in line with those contracts and the costs agreed in them. Across government, and within our own group of businesses, this is an emerging theme.

We are also identifying new opportunities to minimise the cost of decommissioning to the taxpayer. One way in which we’re doing this is generating revenue through our intellectual property in international markets.

To date, there have been a number of revenue-generating agreements ranging in value, from £10,000s to millions.

We are in the middle of exciting times across the estate.

The two-day event, which welcomed delegates from around the world, covered topics on nuclear decommissioning, hazard reduction and waste management. It was held at London’s County Hall.
Exhibitions from the sector’s top organisations gave visitors the chance to network and learn more about opportunities in the nuclear decommissioning sector.

Tom Greatrex, Chief Executive of the NIA, said:

It was a pleasure to have Kate speak at our Decom2018 conference this week, particularly as this was the first major engagement she has taken part in since she joined the NDA in November 2017.

The NIA’s 2017 Activity Report, published in December found that the nuclear industry provides over 65,000 jobs and £6.4 billion GVA contribution every year, with £1.6 billion of this contribution coming from the North West of England, home to the most complex decommissioning site in the world.

Decom2018 is an important opportunity to showcase such the end of life benefits of nuclear power to the UK, and to set out the agenda for the future.

News story: NDA reveals its commercial ambitions at NIA Decom2018 conference

Speaking at the Nuclear Industry Association’s (NIA) Decom2018 event, in London, Kate said the aspiration would be achieved by colleagues across the NDA group working together towards a common goal.

Kate takes responsibility for the organisation’s procurement, contract management and commercial activities associated with cleaning up the UK’s civil nuclear legacy.

It is the first major event she has spoken at in her new role, and she took the opportunity to reveal to industry representatives how the NDA is transforming its procurement and contract management capabilities.

Kate, who joined the NDA in November 2017, said:

We are in the process of strengthening our approach to contracting: becoming better, more efficient, clearer, providing best value for taxpayers.

This is about getting better at awarding the contracts but also, equally importantly, making sure the work performed is in line with those contracts and the costs agreed in them. Across government, and within our own group of businesses, this is an emerging theme.

We are also identifying new opportunities to minimise the cost of decommissioning to the taxpayer. One way in which we’re doing this is generating revenue through our intellectual property in international markets.

To date, there have been a number of revenue-generating agreements ranging in value, from £10,000s to millions.

We are in the middle of exciting times across the estate.

The two-day event, which welcomed delegates from around the world, covered topics on nuclear decommissioning, hazard reduction and waste management. It was held at London’s County Hall. Exhibitions from the sector’s top organisations gave visitors the chance to network and learn more about opportunities in the nuclear decommissioning sector.

Tom Greatrex, Chief Executive of the NIA, said:

It was a pleasure to have Kate speak at our Decom2018 conference this week, particularly as this was the first major engagement she has taken part in since she joined the NDA in November 2017.

The NIA’s 2017 Activity Report, published in December found that the nuclear industry provides over 65,000 jobs and £6.4 billion GVA contribution every year, with £1.6 billion of this contribution coming from the North West of England, home to the most complex decommissioning site in the world.

Decom2018 is an important opportunity to showcase such the end of life benefits of nuclear power to the UK, and to set out the agenda for the future.