News story: LLWR awards multi-million pound contract to Orano TN

LLW Repository Ltd has signed a multi-million pound contract with Orano TN for the supply of packaging, professional services and equipment to facilitate the safe and cost effective transport of waste from UK nuclear sites to Sellafield for storage.

The scope of the contract includes the modernisation and maintenance of three TN Gemini packages, owned by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), and the supply of logistical equipment recently approved by the French Nuclear Safety Authority.

David Rossiter, LLWR’s Head of Waste Management Services, who attended the contract launch event in Paris on behalf of the organisation, said:

Orano TN has deployed these market-leading containers in France for over two decades, and this contract marks a milestone in establishing a long term relationship with the UK.

It will facilitate the transport in TN Gemini packages of legacy waste stored on Magnox sites, and that is great news for the NDA estate.

The contract covers the requirements of multiple UK nuclear Site Licence Companies for up to six years.

LLWR Programme Manager Alan Jackson said:

LLWR’s engagement with Orano TN for these supply and professional services contracts embodies a key part of our mission.

Not only does it represent LLWR’s international outlook for the safest solutions to the UK’s waste transport programme, but it also shows our commitment to gaining the best value for money for the UK taxpayer.

David Ohayon, Senior Vice President Waste of Orano TN, the logistics subsidiary of the global nuclear fuel cycle company, Orano, said:

Our ability to offer innovative and competitive products and services has been formally recognised by our partners LLWR and Magnox.

Orano TN is proud to contribute to this vital programme for the sustainability of nuclear energy in the UK.

News story: LLWR awards multi-million pound contract to Orano TN

LLW Repository Ltd has signed a multi-million pound contract with Orano TN for the supply of packaging, professional services and equipment to facilitate the safe and cost effective transport of waste from UK nuclear sites to Sellafield for storage.

The scope of the contract includes the modernisation and maintenance of three TN Gemini packages, owned by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), and the supply of logistical equipment recently approved by the French Nuclear Safety Authority.

David Rossiter, LLWR’s Head of Waste Management Services, who attended the contract launch event in Paris on behalf of the organisation, said:

Orano TN has deployed these market-leading containers in France for over two decades, and this contract marks a milestone in establishing a long term relationship with the UK.

It will facilitate the transport in TN Gemini packages of legacy waste stored on Magnox sites, and that is great news for the NDA estate.

The contract covers the requirements of multiple UK nuclear Site Licence Companies for up to six years.

LLWR Programme Manager Alan Jackson said:

LLWR’s engagement with Orano TN for these supply and professional services contracts embodies a key part of our mission.

Not only does it represent LLWR’s international outlook for the safest solutions to the UK’s waste transport programme, but it also shows our commitment to gaining the best value for money for the UK taxpayer.

David Ohayon, Senior Vice President Waste of Orano TN, the logistics subsidiary of the global nuclear fuel cycle company, Orano, said:

Our ability to offer innovative and competitive products and services has been formally recognised by our partners LLWR and Magnox.

Orano TN is proud to contribute to this vital programme for the sustainability of nuclear energy in the UK.

News story: LLWR awards multi-million pound contract to Orano TN

LLW Repository Ltd has signed a multi-million pound contract with Orano TN for the supply of packaging, professional services and equipment to facilitate the safe and cost effective transport of waste from UK nuclear sites to Sellafield for storage.

The scope of the contract includes the modernisation and maintenance of three TN Gemini packages, owned by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), and the supply of logistical equipment recently approved by the French Nuclear Safety Authority.

David Rossiter, LLWR’s Head of Waste Management Services, who attended the contract launch event in Paris on behalf of the organisation, said:

Orano TN has deployed these market-leading containers in France for over two decades, and this contract marks a milestone in establishing a long term relationship with the UK.

It will facilitate the transport in TN Gemini packages of legacy waste stored on Magnox sites, and that is great news for the NDA estate.

The contract covers the requirements of multiple UK nuclear Site Licence Companies for up to six years.

LLWR Programme Manager Alan Jackson said:

LLWR’s engagement with Orano TN for these supply and professional services contracts embodies a key part of our mission.

Not only does it represent LLWR’s international outlook for the safest solutions to the UK’s waste transport programme, but it also shows our commitment to gaining the best value for money for the UK taxpayer.

David Ohayon, Senior Vice President Waste of Orano TN, the logistics subsidiary of the global nuclear fuel cycle company, Orano, said:

Our ability to offer innovative and competitive products and services has been formally recognised by our partners LLWR and Magnox.

Orano TN is proud to contribute to this vital programme for the sustainability of nuclear energy in the UK.

News story: LLWR awards multi-million pound contract to Orano TN

LLW Repository Ltd has signed a multi-million pound contract with Orano TN for the supply of packaging, professional services and equipment to facilitate the safe and cost effective transport of waste from UK nuclear sites to Sellafield for storage.

The scope of the contract includes the modernisation and maintenance of three TN Gemini packages, owned by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), and the supply of logistical equipment recently approved by the French Nuclear Safety Authority.

David Rossiter, LLWR’s Head of Waste Management Services, who attended the contract launch event in Paris on behalf of the organisation, said:

Orano TN has deployed these market-leading containers in France for over two decades, and this contract marks a milestone in establishing a long term relationship with the UK.

It will facilitate the transport in TN Gemini packages of legacy waste stored on Magnox sites, and that is great news for the NDA estate.

The contract covers the requirements of multiple UK nuclear Site Licence Companies for up to six years.

LLWR Programme Manager Alan Jackson said:

LLWR’s engagement with Orano TN for these supply and professional services contracts embodies a key part of our mission.

Not only does it represent LLWR’s international outlook for the safest solutions to the UK’s waste transport programme, but it also shows our commitment to gaining the best value for money for the UK taxpayer.

David Ohayon, Senior Vice President Waste of Orano TN, the logistics subsidiary of the global nuclear fuel cycle company, Orano, said:

Our ability to offer innovative and competitive products and services has been formally recognised by our partners LLWR and Magnox.

Orano TN is proud to contribute to this vital programme for the sustainability of nuclear energy in the UK.

World news story: CSSP Brazil

O encontro aconteceu em Exeter, Inglaterra, e foi organizado pelo programa Climate Science for Services Partnership (CSSP), no âmbito do Fundo Newton. O evento integra o calendário do Ano Brasil-Reino Unido de Ciência e Inovação 2018/19.

O uso da ciência climática para auxiliar em políticas públicas de prevenção e mitigação de desastres naturais foi debatido entre cientistas do Brasil e do Reino Unido em um encontro em Exeter, na Inglaterra, no dia 25 de junho. Esta discussão integra o workshop anual do programa Climate Science for Services Partnership (CSSP), programa de pesquisa climática que visa desenvolver modelos científicos conjuntos para análise de mudanças climáticas.

Este acordo bilateral de parcerias científicas para estudos climáticos é financiado pelos governos do Reino Unido e do Brasil, por meio do Fundo Newton, em parceria entre o UK Met Office Hadley Centre e três institutos subordinados ao Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações (MCTIC): o Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), o Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) e o Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais (CEMADEN).

O objetivo da reunião foi estudar os resultados dos programas de cooperação atuais, e investigar formas de integrá-los às decisões políticas para auxiliar no planejamento contra possíveis ocorrências de desastres naturais. Nos próximos dois dias, o workshop estudará como aperfeiçoar os modelos científicos existentes para análise de mudanças climáticas para contribuir com a prevenção e redução de desastres associados à influência humana sobre o clima. “É essencial que os tomadores de decisão, do planejamento de contingência até os que respondem aos desastres, sejam capazes de utilizarem as melhores e mais robustas ferramentas científicas, e o CSSP Brasil está trabalhando para fornecer isso”, disse o diretor do Met Office Hadley Centre, o Prof. Albert Klein Tank. “O projeto está apoiando a Quarta Comunicação Nacional do Brasil para a Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima. As melhorias da compreensão do que gera ganhos e perdas de carbono no Brasil fornecerão evidências que sustentem os esforços em direção às metas do Acordo de Paris”, explica Tank.

Estiveram presentes em Exeter representantes de todos os parceiros citados: o diretor do UK Met Office Hadley, Professor Albert Klein-Tank, a supervisora de Meteorologia e Clima, também do UK Met Office Hadley, Dra. Kirstine Dale, o diretor do Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais (Cemaden), Dr. Osvaldo Luiz Leal de Moraes, o diretor do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Luiz Renato França, e o diretor do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Ricardo Magnus Osório Galvão.

O Fundo Newton, que financia o CSSP Brasil, tem como objetivo construir parceiras igualitárias em ciência e inovação e é administrado pelo Departamento de Negócios, Meio Ambiente e Estratégia do Reino Unido (BEIS). O evento em Exeter é parte do calendário do Ano Brasil-Reino Unido de Ciência e Inovação: uma oportunidade para que os países aprofundem seus laços em pesquisa e desenvolvimento ao longo de um ano de eventos, conferencias e workshops onde pesquisadores, organizações cientificas e centros de pesquisa podem estreitar parcerias. O calendário tem atividades nas áreas de Saúde & Ciências da Vida, Clima & Biodiversidade, Agricultura Sustentável e Energia.