News story: Graves of 2 north west soldiers killed in the great war rededicated a century later

The resting place of Lieutenant (Lt) Charles Stonehouse and Private (Pte) Frederick William Birks, have both been rededicated more than a century after their deaths. The rededication services took place today, Tuesday 3 July, at the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) Serre Road Cemetery No. 3 on the Somme and Perth Cemetery (China Wall) near Ypres respectively.

New headstone for Lieutenant Charles Stonehouse with Regimental Wreath from the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment, Crown Copyright, All rights reserved

The services, organised by the MOD’s Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre (JCCC), part of Defence Business Services, were conducted by the Reverend Andrew Earl CF, Senior Chaplain HQ NW.

Rosie Barron, JCCC said:

It is an honour to have organised both rededication services for these 2 men and to have, after more than 100 years, given them their names back. It is important that the sacrifices of men such as Lieutenant Stonehouse and Private Birks are not forgotten and their stories are told to future generations.

The Reverend Andrew Earl, said:

It is a privilege to be asked to honour these 2 men who died in the service of their country as we gather and say, ‘We will remember them’. We once again recall all those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice and give thanks for the freedoms we enjoy. May they rest in peace.

Five great nephews of Lieutenant Charles Stonehouse who attended today’s ceremony in France, Crown Copyright, All rights reserved

Lt Stonehouse was a member of the 11th Battalion, The East Lancashire Regiment, better known as the Accrington Pals. On 1 July 1916, the first day of the Battle of the Somme, he led W Company into the battalion’s attack on Serre, he was killed during the attack aged 34. With no known grave Lieutenant Stonehouse was commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial in the Somme region of France.

The rededication service at Serre Road Cemetery No. 3 was attended by members of Lieutenant Stonehouse’s family.

Statement on behalf of those family members attending:

Twelve members of the Rowntree and Hoyle families, descendants of Charles Stonehouse’s brother, Harry, and sister, Nellie, were very pleased to be able to attend the rededication service and felt a great sense of humility and pride in the sacrifice made by our great uncle.

Pte Birks was killed on 2 July 1917 whilst serving with 17th Battalion, The King’s (Liverpool Regiment) near Ypres. He was aged 36.

Attendees including representatives from the British Embassy and the Regiment at Private Frederick William Birks ceremony, Crown Copyright, All rights reserved

Pte Birks was buried in a small battlefield cemetery until after the great war when he was moved to Perth Cemetery (China Wall). However, by this point the wooden cross marking his grave had been damaged and his name was lost. New research found that this grave of an unknown soldier was in fact that of Private Birks and his name has now been added to his headstone. He was previously commemorated on the Menin Gate in Ypres.

Attendees including representatives from the British Embassy and the Regiment at Private Frederick William Birks ceremony, Crown Copyright, All rights reserved

The final resting places of these two soldiers came to light after researchers submitted evidence regarding their whereabouts. Further research was undertaken by the JCCC and the National Army Museum to corroborate the submitted evidence and the identification of the ‘Unknown Soldier’ graves were finally confirmed by the JCCC.

Mel Donnelly, CWGC said:

Commemorated on memorials to the missing for almost a century, it is now known that Lieutenant Stonehouse had been buried in Serre Road No 3 Cemetery and Private Birks in Perth Cemetery (China Wall). Thanks to the dedicated efforts of many, they have now been identified and today the Commonwealth War Graves Commission are honoured to be able to mark their graves with headstones bearing their names.

Two new headstones bearing the names of Lieutenant Stonehouse and Private Birks have been provided by the CWGC, who will now care for their final resting places in perpetuity.

Press release: Zac Goldsmith announced as Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference champion

On Tuesday 3 July, the Government announced that Zac Goldsmith MP will play a key role in the preparations for an international conference about the illegal wildlife trade.

As Champion for the Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference being hosted in London in October, Mr Goldsmith will help bring together global leaders, the private sector and wildlife experts in the fight against the illegal wildlife trade, building support and partnerships among external stakeholders before the conference.

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said:

The London conference is a once in a generation opportunity to produce a seismic shift in global attitudes to better protect the world’s most iconic species from the threat of extinction.

Zac has the extensive knowledge of, and passion for, environmental issues to make the London Illegal Wildlife Conference 2018 in October as ambitious and successful as possible.

Environment Secretary Michael Gove said:

We are introducing one of the world’s toughest bans on ivory sales and showing global leadership through international funding for enforcement projects.

But wildlife crime does not respect borders. We must share skills and expertise worldwide. That’s why the London conference will be crucial in tackling international issues that allow the vile and illegal trade in wildlife to continue.

Zac will bring tremendous energy and drive to this new role. Through his extensive knowledge and experience of working with international environmental groups I am sure he will help to make the conference a huge success.

International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt said:

Protecting endangered species and tackling the criminal activity that threatens them also delivers opportunities for people to be lifted out of poverty.

The British public care deeply about this issue, and UK aid is working to eradicate the trade in illegal wildlife which fuels corruption and insecurity. This is a win for developing countries, a win for the UK and a win for our planet.

Zac Goldsmith MP said:

The illegal wildlife trade is not only taking countless species to the brink of extinction, it is a serious organised crime and fuels some of the world’s worst organisations. The UK has led global efforts to tackle it, but the problem continues to grow and now is the time for us to significantly step up our efforts. I am thrilled to have been asked to play a part in making that happen.

The Illegal Wildlife Trade is a serious criminal industry, estimated to be worth between £7bn and £17bn a year.

The UK government has committed £26 million to tackle the Illegal Wildlife Trade. This includes around £14 million through the joint DFID/Defra Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund. The fund has been allocated to 47 projects since 2015 and demonstrates the UK Government’s commitment to tackling the wider illegal trade in wildlife. Projects that have received support encourage the development of sustainable livelihoods, strengthening law enforcement, ensuring effective legal frameworks and reducing demand for products made from illegal flora and fauna.

Mr Goldsmith has campaigned for many years on issues related to animal welfare through the Ecologist Magazine, which he edited for a decade, and as an MP since 2010. He is a member of the Environment Audit Committee and during his political career animal welfare has been a strong focus for him.

The Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference will be co-hosted by the FCO, Defra and DFID between 11-12 October.

Further information

Media enquiries

For journalists

Press release: Zac Goldsmith announced as Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference champion

On Tuesday 3 July, the Government announced that Zac Goldsmith MP will play a key role in the preparations for an international conference about the illegal wildlife trade.

As Champion for the Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference being hosted in London in October, Mr Goldsmith will help bring together global leaders, the private sector and wildlife experts in the fight against the illegal wildlife trade, building support and partnerships among external stakeholders before the conference.

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said:

The London conference is a once in a generation opportunity to produce a seismic shift in global attitudes to better protect the world’s most iconic species from the threat of extinction.

Zac has the extensive knowledge of, and passion for, environmental issues to make the London Illegal Wildlife Conference 2018 in October as ambitious and successful as possible.

Environment Secretary Michael Gove said:

We are introducing one of the world’s toughest bans on ivory sales and showing global leadership through international funding for enforcement projects.

But wildlife crime does not respect borders. We must share skills and expertise worldwide. That’s why the London conference will be crucial in tackling international issues that allow the vile and illegal trade in wildlife to continue.

Zac will bring tremendous energy and drive to this new role. Through his extensive knowledge and experience of working with international environmental groups I am sure he will help to make the conference a huge success.

International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt said:

Protecting endangered species and tackling the criminal activity that threatens them also delivers opportunities for people to be lifted out of poverty.

The British public care deeply about this issue, and UK aid is working to eradicate the trade in illegal wildlife which fuels corruption and insecurity. This is a win for developing countries, a win for the UK and a win for our planet.

Zac Goldsmith MP said:

The illegal wildlife trade is not only taking countless species to the brink of extinction, it is a serious organised crime and fuels some of the world’s worst organisations. The UK has led global efforts to tackle it, but the problem continues to grow and now is the time for us to significantly step up our efforts. I am thrilled to have been asked to play a part in making that happen.

The Illegal Wildlife Trade is a serious criminal industry, estimated to be worth between £7bn and £17bn a year.

The UK government has committed £26 million to tackle the Illegal Wildlife Trade. This includes around £14 million through the joint DFID/Defra Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund. The fund has been allocated to 47 projects since 2015 and demonstrates the UK Government’s commitment to tackling the wider illegal trade in wildlife. Projects that have received support encourage the development of sustainable livelihoods, strengthening law enforcement, ensuring effective legal frameworks and reducing demand for products made from illegal flora and fauna.

Mr Goldsmith has campaigned for many years on issues related to animal welfare through the Ecologist Magazine, which he edited for a decade, and as an MP since 2010. He is a member of the Environment Audit Committee and during his political career animal welfare has been a strong focus for him.

The Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference will be co-hosted by the FCO, Defra and DFID between 11-12 October.

Further information

World news story: Call for proposals for Mexico’s Technical Assistance Programme

Updated: We have updated that the call for proposals is now closed.

Call for proposals in now CLOSED. All applicants have been notified on the decision, if you have not heard about your application by October 3rd, 2018 please write to let us now at:

The International Climate Fund (ICF) in the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), has allocated up to £2 million for technical assistance activities in Mexico through an open and competitive call for proposals.

The BEIS ICF Technical Assistance Programme aims to:

  1. Contribute to the reduction of the country’s emissions by improving the capacity and capability of key institutions (national, sub-national and non-state)
  2. Support demand-led technical assistance that prioritises implementation and helps raise climate ambition, by addressing barriers, constraints and areas of opportunity at different levels of government based on the country’s political and economic context and sectorial priorities

The programme has five themes:

a) Local level implementation that translates Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) targets into actions at the state and municipal level

b) Coordination across different levels of government and non-state actors remains a challenge and needs to be strengthened

c) Increase transparency through development and implementation of functional MRV systems and standardisation of disclosure practices

d) Capacity building and developing technical capabilities for effective policy implementation and enforcement in key areas at different levels of government

e) Innovative approaches to overcome systemic barriers, constraints and develop markets that accelerate the mobilisation of private sector capital at scale

Call for proposals (C4P)

BEIS ICF has allocated up to £2 million for technical assistance activities in Mexico through an open, competitive call for proposals. Funds are available for projects of up to one year in length.

This C4P request implementation partners to submit concept bids for the following project types:

  1. Year 1 projects. Year 1 projects should aim to deliver a series of activities between November 2018 and November 2019

  2. Skill share projects. Skill share projects should aim to facilitate skill-sharing between Mexican, UK or international experts (public and private) to share technical knowledge and embed good practice in an identified policy area of specific need. Skill-sharing could range from short-term deployments, thematic conferences and long-term secondments depending on need

  3. Early transition activity projects. Early transition activity projects will be delivered between October 2018 and March 2019 and shall aim to support the new administration’s transition period

Projects funded though this bidding round must:

  • relate to one or more of the five themes of the call for proposals

  • require funding of between £25,000 – £500,000 (indicative), for up to one year length of activity from the point of contracting, based on the project types described in the ICF Mexico Call for Proposals Strategy and Guidelines

  • be compatible with Official Development Assistance (ODA) criteria

  • facilitate the exchange of policy and commercial expertise. Good proposals will demonstrate substantial collaboration and involvement on implementation between Mexican and UK and/or international partners

  • demonstrate that host relevant actors have been consulted and are supportive of the project

Further information on our programme work can be found in the attached publication (links below).

Bidding round stages

The ICF Technical Assistance Programme in Mexico is coordinated by the British Embassy in Mexico City. The bidding process is split between a concept stage and a full proposal stage.

  • Stage 1: Concept bid development. Implementing organisations develop concept bids in consultation with the Embassy, and submit by the deadline (using the Project Concept Bid form provided)

  • Stage 2: Approval of concept bids. Concept bids are assessed on five criteria: strategic fit, potential for transformational impact, value for money, additionality and deliverability. Implementers successful at this concept stage will be invited to develop full bids

  • Stage 3: Development and approval of full bids. Successful implementing organisations are invited to submit full bids, which are assessed by a Programme Board. Successful projects will then begin from Autumn 2018

Applications for TAP are now closed.

Notification of results

  • Feedback on Early Transition Activity proposals: Successful and unsuccessful candidates will be notified on 17 August 2018 via email.

Successful candidates will be invited to a 45 minute chat with the Mexico TAP team to address feedback prior to submission of a full proposal.

Unsuccessful candidates will be provided with feedback via email.

*Feedback on Skill Sharing and 1 Year Projects: Due to the large number of concept bids for Skill Sharing and 1 Year Projects received, notification of successful and unsuccessful proposals will be delayed.

Updated timelines for these projects will be updated on this website in due course.

The timetable is subject to change, at the discretion of the Mexico TAP Team

If proposals are accepted at the concept stage, implementers will be required to submit a more detailed bid form and more detailed activity-based budget (ABB). The Mexico TAP Team will provide the template documents for full proposals to successful implementing organisations in due course.

Deadline for full proposals

Candidates who were successful in the concept bid stage will be invited to submit a full proposal according to the following timetable:

  • Early Transition Activity: 23:59 (Mexico Time) on Sunday 2 September 2018
  • Skill Sharing: to be announced
  • 1 Year Projects: to be announced

Templates and guidance for full bid submission will be sent via email to successful candidates only.

Please be aware that our servers will block any emails with attachments exceeding 8MB without any warning. Where possible, please try not to attach any files larger than this size.

The timetable is subject to change, at the discretion of the Mexico TAP Team.

Mexico TAP Team contact details

For further details on the call for proposals, please contact the Mexico TAP Team by email at and

TAP Programme Questions & Answers

Does the scope of the project cover geothermal energy, training and capability training of Mexican scientists, CCUS?

The Technical Assistance Programme Call for Proposals (C4P) has identified the following as indicative priority sectors for 2018/2019:

  • Mobility

  • Waste

  • Green Finance

  • Diffusion of renewable energy

However, it is important to note that this C4P is not limited to activities that fall under this initial prioritisation of sectors. However, implementers must provide strong evidence to justify the consideration of other sectors. In this sense, geothermal energy and CCUS may be considered as potential themes for TAP proposal, but must comply with eligibility and selection criteria, as well as with rest of the requirements included in the Call for Proposals – Strategy and Guidelines document. It is advised to consult the full Strategy and Guidelines document and the rest of attachments contained in this website

Under the theme Priority Sector: Green Finance: Is it possible that the key beneficiary is a private bank?

No, private and/or commercial banks cannot be implementers nor beneficiaries. NGO’s, think tanks and consultancy firms related with the financial sector can be potential implementers, but not beneficiaries. Only governmental sector is eligible to be beneficiary.

If we cannot attend the workshop, will there be a website (live streaming)

Unfortunately, we will not be live streaming the workshop.

What must be delivered or what must be the output of the project?

The Technical Assistance Programme, funded by the International Climate Fund (ICF) will support technical assistance activities that contribute to at least one of the following objectives:

*The reduction of the country’s emissions by improving the capacity and capability of key institutions (national, sub-national and non-state).
*Support demand-led technical assistance that prioritises implementation and helps raise climate ambition, by addressing barriers, constraints and areas of opportunity at different levels of government based on the country’s political and economic context and sectorial priorities.
Please visit our website for further details about eligibility and selection criteria, other requirements and indicative priority sectors.

Can an organisation submit more than one concept bid? E.g. different bids against different project types?

Yes, you can. Each organisation can be the lead implementer in more than one application. However, the organisation must guarantee team capacity delivery for each proposal. For any further question, please consult the Call for proposal website Frequently Asked Questions Document.

Can you tell me if “Administration costs” refers to staff time or if it refers to another category instead?

No, administrative costs are mainly operational costs.

If it does refer to another category, is there a limit (%) on staff time that can be included in the budget?

Yes, staff will be considered as another category. There is no limit on staff time that can be included in the budget. That responds to an internal decision from implementer.

May the staff team of our main Mexican project partner would be eligible?

Yes, if they form part of the project during the implementation phase.

Given that this is the concept stage and not the full bid stage, please can you tell me what the accepted parameters for changes in budget will be between concept stage and full bid stage?

Budget in concept stage is indicative and further information can be provided in more detail at the full bid.

I was wondering if I could apply for funding despite being a former Chevening Scholar

You are eligible to apply for funding despite being a former Chevening Scholar.

Are you able to give suggestions regarding best deliver mechanisms in order to give technical advice? e.g. workshops, round tables, discussion panels, conferences, group and personal mentoring are there other suggestions?

This will depend on each project

Through one organisation is possible to address 2 sectors within one project? E.g. Waste and Mobility.

It can address more than two sectors within one project, the four sectors are indicative.

Within skills share projects; by short-term deployments and long-term secondments, do you mean personalised advice from the firm experts to beneficiaries (government, private sector) on-site, remote, etc.?

Yes, that is correct.

Regarding and calculation for key implementer’s payment; I assume is correct to do it as a full-time job taking into account the timescale of the project proposal?

It can be full-time however; it can be less depending on the activities that might need to be implemented.

Does the budget includes taxes or is this type of funding-activity exempt from Mexican taxes?

This is not under our jurisdiction; therefore, it is up to implementers to declare income and that income to be subject to national tax laws.

I assume that fiscal invoices (facturas) despite they could be taxed cero, will be issued by the lead implementer in order to demonstrate expenditure on detail e.g. (administration costs). Does this include cost of each individual working in the organisation? e.g. professional services cost of 2 key implementers are declared on 1 invoice or each needs a separate invoice, that is, 2 separate invoices?

The payment schedule will be determined in the proposal. Payments will be paid to the lead organisation and should be distributed accordingly between partner organisations.

I read in the “Mexico Call for Proposals Strategy and Guidelines” that implementing organisations should develop bids in consultation with the British Embassy. Could you please let us know how we can fulfil this requirement? What information we need to send you to check the eligibility? Do we need to wait until British Embassy’s approval of eligibility to submit the Concept bid?

You can find these on our website Strategy and Guidance and must be compatible with ODA. You do not need our approval for you to submit your concept bid; however, you must fulfil the eligibility requirements. If something is not clear with some of the criteria then you should contact us.

News story: New law introduced to protect vulnerable people in care

The Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill was introduced to the House of Lords on Tuesday 3 July and seeks to replace the current system known as ‘Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards’ (DoLs).

DoLs is an assessment currently carried out on people who do not have the mental capacity to make their own decisions about their care, for example because they are living with dementia. It was criticised by a 2017 Law Commission review for being too complex and bureaucratic.

The government has now developed a new system, known as ‘Liberty Protection Safeguards’, which will become law through the bill.

The reforms seek to:

  • introduce a simpler process that involves families more and gives swifter access to assessments
  • be less burdensome on people, carers, families and local authorities
  • allow the NHS, rather than local authorities, to make decisions about their patients, allowing a more efficient and clearly accountable process
  • consider restrictions of people’s liberties as part of their overall care package
  • get rid of repeat assessments and authorisations when someone moves between a care home, hospital and ambulance as part of their treatment

The reforms will also save local authorities an estimated £200 million or more a year.

DoLs and the new system are both intended as a safeguard to ensure people are only deprived of their liberty when it is in their best interest, for example, to keep them safe.

An example of a deprivation of liberty would be the use of locks or key pads which stop a person from going out or into different areas of the building.

Minister for Care Caroline Dinenage said:

Treating people with respect and dignity, no matter their disability or condition, is the touchstone of a civilised society. I want to ensure that the system works for everyone and ensures that individuals’ fundamental rights are protected while reassuring families their loved ones are getting good care.

We know local authorities are under pressure which is why these reforms are so important: to reduce the burden on councils so they can focus their resources where they are needed on the frontline.

Law Commissioner Nicholas Paines QC said:

In our report we were clear that the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards needed to be replaced as a matter of pressing urgency.

This new legislation, based broadly on our recommendations, will go a long way towards addressing the flaws of the current system and better protect the most vulnerable in our society.