Press release: Foreign flagged ships detained in the UK during June 2018

During June, there were seven new detentions of foreign flagged vessels in a UK port, four vessels remained under detention from previous months. A total of five vessels remain under detention at the end of June.

  1. In response to one of the recommendations of Lord Donaldson’s inquiry into the prevention of pollution from merchant shipping, and in compliance with the EU Directive on Port State Control (2009/16/EC as amended), the Maritime and Coastguard agency (MCA) publishes details of the foreign flagged vessels detained in UK ports each month.

  2. The UK is part of a regional agreement on port state control known as the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (Paris MOU) and information on all ships that are inspected is held centrally in an electronic database known as THETIS. This allows the ships with a high risk rating and poor detention records to be targeted for future inspection.

  3. Inspections of foreign flagged ships in UK ports are undertaken by surveyors from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. When a ship is found to be not in compliance with applicable convention requirements, a deficiency may be raised. If any of their deficiencies are so serious they have to be rectified before departure, then the ship will be detained.

  4. All deficiencies should be rectified before departure if at all possible.

  5. When applicable, the list includes those passenger craft prevented from operating under the provisions of the EU Directive on Mandatory Surveys for the safe operation of regular Ro-Ro ferry and high speed passenger craft services (1999/35/EU).

Notes on the list of detentions

  • Full details of the ship. The accompanying detention list shows ship’s International Maritime Organization (IMO) number which is unchanging throughout the ship’s life and uniquely identifies it. It also shows the ship’s name and flag state at the time of its inspection.
  • Company. The company shown in the vessel’s Safety Management Certificate (SMC) or if there is no SMC, then the party otherwise believed to be responsible for the safety of the ship at the time of inspection.
  • Classification Society. The list shows the Classification Society responsible for classing the ship only.
  • Recognised Organisation. Responsible for conducting the statutory surveys: and issuing statutory certificates on behalf of the Flag State
  • White (WL), Grey (GL) and Black lists (BL) are issued by the Paris MoU on 01 July each year and shows the performance of flag State.


Vessel Name: DOUWENT

GT: 1311

IMO: 8703139

Flag: Liberia (White list)

Company: Sky Mare Navigation Co

Classification Society: IRS

Recognised Organisation: IRS

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: IRS

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: IRS

Date and Place of Detention: 26th June 2018 at Avonmouth

Summary: Six deficiencies with one ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
02109 – Permanent means of access Not as required No
01201 – Certificates of Master and officers Missing No
10127 – Voyage or Passage Plan Not as required No
01225 – Seafarer’s employment agreement (SEA) Invalid No
04109 – Fire Drills Lack of training, Lack of knowledge No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes

This vessel was still detained on 30th June 2018


GT: 2611

IMO: 9318230

Flag: Malta (White list)

Company: Pallas Shipping AS

Classification Society: RINA

Recognised Organisation: RINA

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: RINA

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: RINA

Date and Place of Detention: 25th June 2018 at Ipswich

Summary: Twenty deficiencies with three ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01209- Manning specified by the minimum safe manning doc Not as required No
04102 – Emergency fire pump and it’s pipes Inoperative Yes
10135 – Monitoring of voyage or passage plan Not as required No
10106 – Compass correction log Not as required No
18318 – Food temperature Not as required No
01310 – Signs, indications Not as required No
07108 – Ready availability of fire fighting equipment Not properly stowed No
07105 – Fire doors/openings in fire resisting divisions Not as required Yes
18315- Provisions quality and nutritional value Not as required No
01308 – Records of seafarers’ daily hours of work or rest Incorrect entries No
11129 – Operational readiness of lifesaving appliances Not as required No
11117 – Lifebuoys incl. provision and disposition Not as required N0
07111 – Personal equipment for fire safety Not as required No
14104 – Oil filtering equipment Not as required No
01218 – Medical certificate Not as required No
07120 – Means of escape Blocked No
04103 – Emergency, lighting, batteries and switches Not as required No
09232 – Cleanliness of engine room Insufficient No
10101 – Pilot ladders and hoist/pilot transfer arrangements Damaged No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes
13105 – UMS – Ship Inoperative No

This vessel was still detained on 30th June 2018

Vessel Name: NEW HYDRA

GT: 92944

IMO: 9579781

Flag: Panama (White list)

Company: New Shipping Ltd

Classification Society: ABS

Recognised Organisation: ABS

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: ABS

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: ABS

Date and Place of Detention: 16th June 2018 at Port Talbot

Summary: Nine deficiencies with two ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
07106 – Fire detection and alarm system Not as required Yes
07106 – Fire detection and alarm system Not as required No
01139 – Maritime Labour Certificate Entries missing No
01140- Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (Part I and II) Invalid No
01315 – Oil record book Entries missing No
01220 – Seafarers’ employment agreement (SEA) Expired No
01218 – Medical certificate Expired No
10133 – Bridge operation Lack of familiarity No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes

This vessel was released on 17th June 2018


GT: 1814

IMO: 8883290

Flag: Russian Federation (Grey list)

Company: Tecoil Shipping Ltd

Classification Society: RMRS

Recognised Organisation: RMRS

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: RMRS

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: RMRS

Date and Place of Detention: 6th June 2018 at Immingham

Summary: Twenty seven deficiencies with eight ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01123 – Continuous synopsis record Entries missing No
01218 – Medical certificate Missing No
01320 – Garbage record book Incorrect No
01308 – Record of seafarers’ daily hours of work or rest False No
04110 – Abandon ship drill Insufficient frequency No
10105 – Magnetic compass Inoperative Yes
10128 – Navigation bridge visibility Not as required No
10104 – Gyro compass Inoperative Yes
11122 – Radio life-saving appliances Inoperative No
11129 – Operational readiness of lifesaving appliances Not as required Yes
04109 – Fire drills Lack of communication No
10127 – Voyage or passage plan Not as required Yes
10123 – International code of signals – SOLAS Missing No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes
05110 – Facilities for reception of marine safety inform. Not as required No
05199 – Other (radiocommunication) Other No
11104 – Rescue boats Not properly maintained Yes
11101 – Lifeboats Not ready for use Yes
10101 – Pilot ladder and hoist/pilot transfer arrangements Unsafe No
06105 – Atmosphere testing instrument Not properly maintained No
07105 – Fire doors/openings in fire resisting divisions Not as required No
01117 – International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Invalid Yes
14604 – Bunker delivery note Not as required No
01315 – Oil record book Not properly filled No
02105 – Steering gear Not properly maintained No
02108 – Electrical installations in general Not properly maintained No
11134 – Operations of life saving appliances Lack of familiarity No

This vessel was still detained on 30th June 2018

Vessel Name: YEOMAN BANK

GT: 24870

IMO: 7422881

Flag: Liberia (White list)

Company: SMT Shipping Poland

Classification Society: DNV-GL

Recognised Organisation: DNV-GL

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: DNV-GL

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: DNV-GL

Date and Place of Detention: 5th June 2018 at Glasgow

Summary: Fourteen deficiencies with four ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
18410- Gas instruments Not as required Yes
04118 – Enclosed space entry and rescue drills Not as required Yes
04109 – Fire drills Lack of knowledge No
11108 – Inflatable liferafts Not ready for use No
04110 – Abandon ship drills Lack of knowledge Yes
11117 – Liefebuoys incl. provision and disposition Not ready for use No
03103 – Railing, gangway, walkway and means of safe passage Damaged No
02101 – Closing devices/watertight door Not as required No
18202 – Legal documentation on work and rest hours Not as required No
07109 – Fixed fire extinguishing installation Not as required No
03110 – Manholes/flush scuttles Not as required No
99101 – Other safety in general Other No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes

This vessel was released on 7th June 2018

Vessel Name: BURHOU I

GT: 674

IMO: 7726897

Flag: Panama (White list)

Company: Great Glen Shipping Co Ltd

Classification Society: INSB

Recognised Organisation: INSB

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: INSB

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: INSB

Date and Place of Detention: 2nd June 2018 at Campbelltown

Summary: Eight deficiencies with two ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
02106 – Hull damage impairing seaworthiness Not as required Yes
18420 – Cleanliness of engine room Not as required No
18103 – Medical fitness Not as required Yes
07105 – Fire doors/openings in fire-resisting divisions Not as required No
7114 – Remote means of control (opening, pumps, ventilation, etc) machinery spaces Inoperative No
10105 – Magnetic compass Not as required No
07105 – Fire doors/openings in fire-resisting divisions Missing No
07120 – Means of escape Not marked No

This vessel was released on 21st June 2018

Vessel Name: EPIC CORFU

GT: 3818

IMO: 9227118

Flag: Singapore (White list)

Company: Epic Shipmanagement PTE

Classification Society: LR

Recognised Organisation: LR

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: NKK

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: NKK

Date and Place of Detention: 15th May 2018 at Shearness

Summary: Sixteen deficiencies with two ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01139 – Maritime Labour Certificate Not properly filled No
01140 – Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (Part I & II) Entries missing No
01220 – Seafarers’ employment agreement (SEA) Invalid No
05110 – Facilities for reception of marine safety inform. Inoperative No
11112 – Launching arrangements for survival craft Not properly maintained Yes
14104 – Oil filtering equipment Not properly maintained No
07105 – Fire doors/openings in fire-resisting divisions Not as required No
07114 – Remote means of control (opening pumps, ventilation, etc.) Machinery spaces Not as required No
18312 – Galley, handling room (maintenance) Damaged No
04102 – Emergency fire pump and its pipes Not properly maintained No
02108 – Electrical installations in general Not as required No
18304 – Lighting (Accommodation) Damaged No
18311 – Messroom and recreational facilities Not as required No
06199 – Other (cargo) Other No
18421-Guards – fencing around dangerous machinery parts Damaged No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes

This vessel was released on 5th June 2018


Vessel Name: ATLANTIC

GT: 2195

IMO: 8002731

Flag: St Kitts and Nevis (Black list)

Company: JMB Bjerrum & Jensen Aps

Classification Society: RINA

Recognised Organisation: RINA

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: DNV GL

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: RINA

Date and Place of Detention: 15th May 2018 at Sheerness

Summary: Nineteen deficiencies with seventeen ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
18314 – Provisions quantity Insufficient Yes
18315 – Provisions quality and nutritional value Not as required Yes
01123 – Continuous synopsis record Missing Yes
01315 – Oil record book Incorrect Yes
01220 – Seafarers’ employment agreement (SEA) Not as required Yes
01199 – Other (certificates) Other Yes
10105 – Magnetic compass Not as required Yes
10111 – Charts Expired Yes
05103 – Main installation Not as required Yes
18201 – Fitness for duty – work and rest hours Not as required Yes
18203 – Wages Not according SEA Yes
18326 – Laundry, Adequate Locker Not as required Yes
18413 – Warning notices Missing No
07110 – Fire fighting equipment and appliances Not properly maintained Yes
07108 – Ready availability of fire fighting equipment Missing Yes
07115 – Fire dampers Not as required Yes
99101 – Other safety in general Other No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes
10116 – Nautical publications Expired Yes

This vessel was released on 1st June 2018

Vessel Name: CELTICA HAV

GT: 1537

IMO: 8422022

Flag: Bahamas

Company: HAV Ship Management NorRus AS

Classification Society: DNV GL

Recognised Organisation: DNV GL

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: DNV GL

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: DNV GL

Date and Place of Detention: 4th April 2018 at Swansea

Summary: Three deficiencies with two ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
02106 – Hull damage impairing seaworthiness Holed Yes
10127 – Voyage or passage plan Not as required Yes
10111 – Charts Not updated No

This vessel was released on 5th June 2018

Vessel Name: SEA TRIDENT

GT: 964.

IMO No: 7393169.

Flag: PANAMA (white list)


Classification Society: Expired

Recognised Organisation: Expired

Recognised Organisation for ISM DOC:

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC:

Date and Place of Detention: 17 June 2016, West Cowes

Summary: Seventeen deficiencies with seventeen grounds for detentions

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01101 – Cargo ship safety equipment cert Expired Yes
01102 – Cargo Ship safety construction cert Expired Yes
01104 – Cargo ship safety radio cert Expired Yes
01108 – Loadline cert Expired Yes
01117 – IOPP (International Oil Pollution Prevention cert Expired Yes
01119 – International Sewage Pollution Prevention cert Expired Yes
01124 – International Air Pollution Prevention cert Expired Yes
01137 – Civil liability for bunker oil pollution damage cert Expired Yes
01199 – Other certs (Certificate of class) Expired Yes
01201 – Certificates for master and officers Missing Yes
10111 – Charts Not updated Yes
10116 – Publications Nautical Not updated Yes
11108 – Inflatable liferafts Expired Yes
11116 – Distress flares Missing Yes
07109 – Fixed fire fighting extinguishing installation Not as required Yes
07110 – Fire fighting equipment & appliances Not as required Yes
01140 – Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Missing Yes

This vessel was still detained on 30th June 2018

Vessel Name: CIEN PORCIENTO (General Cargo)

GT: 106.

IMO No: 8944446.

Flag: Unregistered.

Company: Open Window Inc.

Classification Society: Unclassed.

Recognised Organisation: Not applicable.

Recognised Organisation for ISM DOC: Not applicable.

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: Not applicable

Date and Place of detention: 4 March 2010, Lowestoft

Summary: Thirty deficiencies including seven grounds for detention

This vessel was still detained on 30th June 2018

Notes to Editors • The MCA is a partner in the Sea Vision UK campaign to raise awareness and understanding of the sea and maritime activities. Sea Vision promotes the importance and economic value of the sector and works to highlight the exciting range of activities and career opportunities available to young people within the UK growing maritime sector at

• Follow us on Twitter: @MCA_media

For further information please contact Maritime and Coastguard Agency Press Office, on: +44 (0) 2380 329 401 Press releases and further information about the agency is available here.

Press release: Foreign flagged ships detained in the UK during June 2018

During June, there were seven new detentions of foreign flagged vessels in a UK port, four vessels remained under detention from previous months. A total of five vessels remain under detention at the end of June.

  1. In response to one of the recommendations of Lord Donaldson’s inquiry into the prevention of pollution from merchant shipping, and in compliance with the EU Directive on Port State Control (2009/16/EC as amended), the Maritime and Coastguard agency (MCA) publishes details of the foreign flagged vessels detained in UK ports each month.

  2. The UK is part of a regional agreement on port state control known as the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (Paris MOU) and information on all ships that are inspected is held centrally in an electronic database known as THETIS. This allows the ships with a high risk rating and poor detention records to be targeted for future inspection.

  3. Inspections of foreign flagged ships in UK ports are undertaken by surveyors from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. When a ship is found to be not in compliance with applicable convention requirements, a deficiency may be raised. If any of their deficiencies are so serious they have to be rectified before departure, then the ship will be detained.

  4. All deficiencies should be rectified before departure if at all possible.

  5. When applicable, the list includes those passenger craft prevented from operating under the provisions of the EU Directive on Mandatory Surveys for the safe operation of regular Ro-Ro ferry and high speed passenger craft services (1999/35/EU).

Notes on the list of detentions

  • Full details of the ship. The accompanying detention list shows ship’s International Maritime Organization (IMO) number which is unchanging throughout the ship’s life and uniquely identifies it. It also shows the ship’s name and flag state at the time of its inspection.
  • Company. The company shown in the vessel’s Safety Management Certificate (SMC) or if there is no SMC, then the party otherwise believed to be responsible for the safety of the ship at the time of inspection.
  • Classification Society. The list shows the Classification Society responsible for classing the ship only.
  • Recognised Organisation. Responsible for conducting the statutory surveys: and issuing statutory certificates on behalf of the Flag State
  • White (WL), Grey (GL) and Black lists (BL) are issued by the Paris MoU on 01 July each year and shows the performance of flag State.


Vessel Name: DOUWENT

GT: 1311

IMO: 8703139

Flag: Liberia (White list)

Company: Sky Mare Navigation Co

Classification Society: IRS

Recognised Organisation: IRS

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: IRS

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: IRS

Date and Place of Detention: 26th June 2018 at Avonmouth

Summary: Six deficiencies with one ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
02109 – Permanent means of access Not as required No
01201 – Certificates of Master and officers Missing No
10127 – Voyage or Passage Plan Not as required No
01225 – Seafarer’s employment agreement (SEA) Invalid No
04109 – Fire Drills Lack of training, Lack of knowledge No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes

This vessel was still detained on 30th June 2018


GT: 2611

IMO: 9318230

Flag: Malta (White list)

Company: Pallas Shipping AS

Classification Society: RINA

Recognised Organisation: RINA

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: RINA

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: RINA

Date and Place of Detention: 25th June 2018 at Ipswich

Summary: Twenty deficiencies with three ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01209- Manning specified by the minimum safe manning doc Not as required No
04102 – Emergency fire pump and it’s pipes Inoperative Yes
10135 – Monitoring of voyage or passage plan Not as required No
10106 – Compass correction log Not as required No
18318 – Food temperature Not as required No
01310 – Signs, indications Not as required No
07108 – Ready availability of fire fighting equipment Not properly stowed No
07105 – Fire doors/openings in fire resisting divisions Not as required Yes
18315- Provisions quality and nutritional value Not as required No
01308 – Records of seafarers’ daily hours of work or rest Incorrect entries No
11129 – Operational readiness of lifesaving appliances Not as required No
11117 – Lifebuoys incl. provision and disposition Not as required N0
07111 – Personal equipment for fire safety Not as required No
14104 – Oil filtering equipment Not as required No
01218 – Medical certificate Not as required No
07120 – Means of escape Blocked No
04103 – Emergency, lighting, batteries and switches Not as required No
09232 – Cleanliness of engine room Insufficient No
10101 – Pilot ladders and hoist/pilot transfer arrangements Damaged No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes
13105 – UMS – Ship Inoperative No

This vessel was still detained on 30th June 2018

Vessel Name: NEW HYDRA

GT: 92944

IMO: 9579781

Flag: Panama (White list)

Company: New Shipping Ltd

Classification Society: ABS

Recognised Organisation: ABS

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: ABS

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: ABS

Date and Place of Detention: 16th June 2018 at Port Talbot

Summary: Nine deficiencies with two ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
07106 – Fire detection and alarm system Not as required Yes
07106 – Fire detection and alarm system Not as required No
01139 – Maritime Labour Certificate Entries missing No
01140- Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (Part I and II) Invalid No
01315 – Oil record book Entries missing No
01220 – Seafarers’ employment agreement (SEA) Expired No
01218 – Medical certificate Expired No
10133 – Bridge operation Lack of familiarity No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes

This vessel was released on 17th June 2018


GT: 1814

IMO: 8883290

Flag: Russian Federation (Grey list)

Company: Tecoil Shipping Ltd

Classification Society: RMRS

Recognised Organisation: RMRS

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: RMRS

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: RMRS

Date and Place of Detention: 6th June 2018 at Immingham

Summary: Twenty seven deficiencies with eight ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01123 – Continuous synopsis record Entries missing No
01218 – Medical certificate Missing No
01320 – Garbage record book Incorrect No
01308 – Record of seafarers’ daily hours of work or rest False No
04110 – Abandon ship drill Insufficient frequency No
10105 – Magnetic compass Inoperative Yes
10128 – Navigation bridge visibility Not as required No
10104 – Gyro compass Inoperative Yes
11122 – Radio life-saving appliances Inoperative No
11129 – Operational readiness of lifesaving appliances Not as required Yes
04109 – Fire drills Lack of communication No
10127 – Voyage or passage plan Not as required Yes
10123 – International code of signals – SOLAS Missing No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes
05110 – Facilities for reception of marine safety inform. Not as required No
05199 – Other (radiocommunication) Other No
11104 – Rescue boats Not properly maintained Yes
11101 – Lifeboats Not ready for use Yes
10101 – Pilot ladder and hoist/pilot transfer arrangements Unsafe No
06105 – Atmosphere testing instrument Not properly maintained No
07105 – Fire doors/openings in fire resisting divisions Not as required No
01117 – International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Invalid Yes
14604 – Bunker delivery note Not as required No
01315 – Oil record book Not properly filled No
02105 – Steering gear Not properly maintained No
02108 – Electrical installations in general Not properly maintained No
11134 – Operations of life saving appliances Lack of familiarity No

This vessel was still detained on 30th June 2018

Vessel Name: YEOMAN BANK

GT: 24870

IMO: 7422881

Flag: Liberia (White list)

Company: SMT Shipping Poland

Classification Society: DNV-GL

Recognised Organisation: DNV-GL

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: DNV-GL

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: DNV-GL

Date and Place of Detention: 5th June 2018 at Glasgow

Summary: Fourteen deficiencies with four ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
18410- Gas instruments Not as required Yes
04118 – Enclosed space entry and rescue drills Not as required Yes
04109 – Fire drills Lack of knowledge No
11108 – Inflatable liferafts Not ready for use No
04110 – Abandon ship drills Lack of knowledge Yes
11117 – Liefebuoys incl. provision and disposition Not ready for use No
03103 – Railing, gangway, walkway and means of safe passage Damaged No
02101 – Closing devices/watertight door Not as required No
18202 – Legal documentation on work and rest hours Not as required No
07109 – Fixed fire extinguishing installation Not as required No
03110 – Manholes/flush scuttles Not as required No
99101 – Other safety in general Other No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes

This vessel was released on 7th June 2018

Vessel Name: BURHOU I

GT: 674

IMO: 7726897

Flag: Panama (White list)

Company: Great Glen Shipping Co Ltd

Classification Society: INSB

Recognised Organisation: INSB

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: INSB

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: INSB

Date and Place of Detention: 2nd June 2018 at Campbelltown

Summary: Eight deficiencies with two ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
02106 – Hull damage impairing seaworthiness Not as required Yes
18420 – Cleanliness of engine room Not as required No
18103 – Medical fitness Not as required Yes
07105 – Fire doors/openings in fire-resisting divisions Not as required No
7114 – Remote means of control (opening, pumps, ventilation, etc) machinery spaces Inoperative No
10105 – Magnetic compass Not as required No
07105 – Fire doors/openings in fire-resisting divisions Missing No
07120 – Means of escape Not marked No

This vessel was released on 21st June 2018

Vessel Name: EPIC CORFU

GT: 3818

IMO: 9227118

Flag: Singapore (White list)

Company: Epic Shipmanagement PTE

Classification Society: LR

Recognised Organisation: LR

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: NKK

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: NKK

Date and Place of Detention: 15th May 2018 at Shearness

Summary: Sixteen deficiencies with two ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01139 – Maritime Labour Certificate Not properly filled No
01140 – Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (Part I & II) Entries missing No
01220 – Seafarers’ employment agreement (SEA) Invalid No
05110 – Facilities for reception of marine safety inform. Inoperative No
11112 – Launching arrangements for survival craft Not properly maintained Yes
14104 – Oil filtering equipment Not properly maintained No
07105 – Fire doors/openings in fire-resisting divisions Not as required No
07114 – Remote means of control (opening pumps, ventilation, etc.) Machinery spaces Not as required No
18312 – Galley, handling room (maintenance) Damaged No
04102 – Emergency fire pump and its pipes Not properly maintained No
02108 – Electrical installations in general Not as required No
18304 – Lighting (Accommodation) Damaged No
18311 – Messroom and recreational facilities Not as required No
06199 – Other (cargo) Other No
18421-Guards – fencing around dangerous machinery parts Damaged No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes

This vessel was released on 5th June 2018


Vessel Name: ATLANTIC

GT: 2195

IMO: 8002731

Flag: St Kitts and Nevis (Black list)

Company: JMB Bjerrum & Jensen Aps

Classification Society: RINA

Recognised Organisation: RINA

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: DNV GL

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: RINA

Date and Place of Detention: 15th May 2018 at Sheerness

Summary: Nineteen deficiencies with seventeen ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
18314 – Provisions quantity Insufficient Yes
18315 – Provisions quality and nutritional value Not as required Yes
01123 – Continuous synopsis record Missing Yes
01315 – Oil record book Incorrect Yes
01220 – Seafarers’ employment agreement (SEA) Not as required Yes
01199 – Other (certificates) Other Yes
10105 – Magnetic compass Not as required Yes
10111 – Charts Expired Yes
05103 – Main installation Not as required Yes
18201 – Fitness for duty – work and rest hours Not as required Yes
18203 – Wages Not according SEA Yes
18326 – Laundry, Adequate Locker Not as required Yes
18413 – Warning notices Missing No
07110 – Fire fighting equipment and appliances Not properly maintained Yes
07108 – Ready availability of fire fighting equipment Missing Yes
07115 – Fire dampers Not as required Yes
99101 – Other safety in general Other No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes
10116 – Nautical publications Expired Yes

This vessel was released on 1st June 2018

Vessel Name: CELTICA HAV

GT: 1537

IMO: 8422022

Flag: Bahamas

Company: HAV Ship Management NorRus AS

Classification Society: DNV GL

Recognised Organisation: DNV GL

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: DNV GL

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: DNV GL

Date and Place of Detention: 4th April 2018 at Swansea

Summary: Three deficiencies with two ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
02106 – Hull damage impairing seaworthiness Holed Yes
10127 – Voyage or passage plan Not as required Yes
10111 – Charts Not updated No

This vessel was released on 5th June 2018

Vessel Name: SEA TRIDENT

GT: 964.

IMO No: 7393169.

Flag: PANAMA (white list)


Classification Society: Expired

Recognised Organisation: Expired

Recognised Organisation for ISM DOC:

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC:

Date and Place of Detention: 17 June 2016, West Cowes

Summary: Seventeen deficiencies with seventeen grounds for detentions

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01101 – Cargo ship safety equipment cert Expired Yes
01102 – Cargo Ship safety construction cert Expired Yes
01104 – Cargo ship safety radio cert Expired Yes
01108 – Loadline cert Expired Yes
01117 – IOPP (International Oil Pollution Prevention cert Expired Yes
01119 – International Sewage Pollution Prevention cert Expired Yes
01124 – International Air Pollution Prevention cert Expired Yes
01137 – Civil liability for bunker oil pollution damage cert Expired Yes
01199 – Other certs (Certificate of class) Expired Yes
01201 – Certificates for master and officers Missing Yes
10111 – Charts Not updated Yes
10116 – Publications Nautical Not updated Yes
11108 – Inflatable liferafts Expired Yes
11116 – Distress flares Missing Yes
07109 – Fixed fire fighting extinguishing installation Not as required Yes
07110 – Fire fighting equipment & appliances Not as required Yes
01140 – Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Missing Yes

This vessel was still detained on 30th June 2018

Vessel Name: CIEN PORCIENTO (General Cargo)

GT: 106.

IMO No: 8944446.

Flag: Unregistered.

Company: Open Window Inc.

Classification Society: Unclassed.

Recognised Organisation: Not applicable.

Recognised Organisation for ISM DOC: Not applicable.

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: Not applicable

Date and Place of detention: 4 March 2010, Lowestoft

Summary: Thirty deficiencies including seven grounds for detention

This vessel was still detained on 30th June 2018

Notes to Editors • The MCA is a partner in the Sea Vision UK campaign to raise awareness and understanding of the sea and maritime activities. Sea Vision promotes the importance and economic value of the sector and works to highlight the exciting range of activities and career opportunities available to young people within the UK growing maritime sector at

• Follow us on Twitter: @MCA_media

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Transparency data: 2018 Government Purchasing Card (GPC) spend for transactions over £500

As part of the government’s commitment to transparency in expenditure, the Forestry Commission publishes GPC spend for transactions of over £500.

Detailed guide: Consultation and the public registers

There are 2 pubic registers:

Public Register of Grant Schemes and Felling

This register shows all applications for grant-aided woodland creation proposals and all applications for tree felling in England (excluding those only containing thinning). Most applications are for forestry work on private land.

Proposals are published on the public register for 28 days.

There are 2 lists within the Register of Grant Schemes and Felling: the G&L Online Register and the Register of New Planting and Felling.

G&L Online Register list

This register shows tree felling and woodland creation grant applications under the English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS). This scheme has now closed and no new cases will be published.

Register of New Planting and Felling list

Applications on this public register have a ‘status’ of either FPR or CNT, indicating the stage of the proposal and whether you can comment on the case or not.

  • FPR: this denotes a firm proposal. You can send us comments on how the proposals may affect you during this stage, which lasts for 28 days. We consider any comments and review them with the applicant. If appropriate, the application may be amended or rejected. If you are a consultee with whom we regularly confer (such as a local authority or statutory body) then we will write to you with details of the forestry proposal and to invite you to comment via letter, email or through the public register.

  • CNT: if we approve the application then the details of the approved application are displayed for information for 28 days. Proposals at this stage are not open to comment.

How to get information or submit a comment on an application on the Register of New Planting and Felling

  • Click on the case reference in the ‘Ref’ column.
  • You will be presented with a map of the forestry project location. There’s a help facility denoted by a question mark that provides guidance on how to use the map controls.
  • Click on the ‘i’ icon and then click on the relevant area on the map for basic details of the forestry project.
  • Contact your local Forestry Commission Admin Hub if you require more information on the proposal. You will need to quote the case reference number (shown in the ‘Ref’ column). Note that personal information contained in the application (such as the applicant’s name and contact details) will not be included when we provide copies of information. If the copy is large or requested regularly then we may charge a fee for this service.

Comments on applications must be submitted in writing, by email or by letter to the appropriate FC Area office clearly quoting the case reference number. They should relate to the proposal’s compliance with the UK Forestry Standard. The Register of New Planting and Felling is updated weekly, usually on a Monday, and you have 28 days from when the case first appears on the register to submit your comments. Comments received after the closing date will not be considered.

How we consult about grant and felling applications

Before deciding whether to approve applications for woodland planting or tree felling, the Forestry Commission may consult with local authorities and other organisations with statutory powers over land use and land use change. We will write to these bodies to seek their views on the appropriateness of the proposals, and their advice may result in proposals being amended or rejected.

The Forestry Commission will also use this consultation phase to determine if any other consents or permissions are required to enable the project to proceed, and will liaise with the applicant and the statutory body in order to seek agreement on the works required.

Public register of Environmental Impact Assessment

The Forestry Commission assesses the environmental impact of proposals that fall under any of the 4 EIA (Forestry) Regulations: afforestation (new planting), deforestation, forest roads and forest quarries. The Register of Environmental Impact Assessment shows decisions that the Forestry Commission has made during the assessment process.

The register shows details of individual cases in 3 following stages: opinion, consultation on Environmental Statement and Determination.


The Forestry Commission’s opinion on whether the project is likely to have a significant impact on the environment and therefore requires our consent. Opinions are displayed on the EIA Register for 28 days. Case details are for information only, and there is no opportunity to comment.

Where a project is likely to have a significant effect on the environment, the applicant is required to apply for EIA consent if they wish to proceed with the project. To do so, they must submit an Environmental Statement that analyses the impact of the project on the environment. The proposed work cannot proceed without consent from the Forestry Commission. Where an applicant does apply for consent, 2 further stages will be shown on the EIA register:

Consultation on Environmental Statement

As part of determining whether consent for the project will be granted or refused, a 30-day period of consultation takes place on the Environmental Statement. Comments on environmental statements must be submitted in writing, by email or by letter to the appropriate FC Area office, clearly quoting the case reference number shown on the Public Register. They should relate to the proposal’s compliance with the UK Forestry Standard and how you will be affected by the proposal.


The final decision stage is when the Forestry Commission decides whether to grant or refuse consent for the project, after reviewing the Environmental Statement and the feedback collected through the consultation. Information at this stage is presented for information only to show the Forestry Commission’s decision and will be displayed for 28 days.

Detailed guide: Urban forestry

Find out how to protect and manage trees and woodlands in urban areas from information provided by both Forestry Commission and urban forestry partners.

The Forestry Commission works in partnership with national and local urban forestry partners. Our partners lead the management of trees and woodlands within urban and peri-urban areas across England. The Forestry Commission’s work demonstrates how protecting, expanding and improving woodland can help deliver the Government’s priorities in urban areas.

Understand what the urban forest is

The urban forest is made up of all trees in towns and cities including:

  • along linear transport routes and waterways – eg canals and rivers
  • in amenity areas
  • in urban woodlands
  • in parks and informal open spaces
  • along streets
  • in domestic gardens
  • on institutional land

urban forest
(PDF, 486KB, 2 pages)

is a big element of urban green infrastructure and contributes to all the wider benefits provided by these varied land use types.

Understand what benefits the urban forest brings to our towns and cities

The urban forest brings many benefits to our towns and cities. The Urban Forest and Woodland Advisory Committee Network (UFWACN) advises the Forestry Commission on urban forestry. Find out more about the work of the Urban FWAC Network. Their
Urban Forestry and Woodlands Advisory Committee (FWAC) vision for urban forestry
(PDF, 2.9MB, 26 pages)

sets out how a resilient urban forest can deliver these benefits:

  • strategic planning and infrastructure
  • climate change
  • natural environment
  • human health and quality of life
  • planning and development
  • economy and growth
  • value and resources
  • risks and resilience

Look at
The case for trees
(PDF, 1.97MB, 28 pages)

to see great pictures of how trees improve our urban areas and to understand the benefits and evidence for the positive role that trees play as part of green infrastructure.

You can maximise the benefits of the urban forest by considering 3 principles set out in the Urban FWAC vision:

  • do you know the scale and value of your urban forest?
  • how well do you support the care of your existing urban forest?
  • do you have a target to increase canopy cover in your town or city?

You also need to ensure that the right tree is planted in the right place.

The Trees and Design Action Group have set out 12 principles to help decision makers incorporate trees in the urban area.

Understand the scale and value of the urban forest

To understand how you can value the urban forest, read
Urban Forestry and Woodlands Advisory Committee (FWAC) – introduction to England’s urban forests
(PDF, 5.76MB, 15 pages)

. The Urban FWAC Network has also published a
guide to using tree canopy cover data
(PDF, 922KB, 6 pages)

as an indicator of the extent, and to secure the benefits of the urban forest, using i-Tree Canopy. It demonstrates the variability in tree canopy cover across England’s towns and cities.

To more fully assess the value of the urban forest in your area, you can support or participate with i-Tree Eco surveys. In the UK this started with Torbay in 2011 and is still happening, the most current survey being in Bristol. Forestry Commission led the development of iTree London, which estimated that the city’s 8.4 million trees provide more than £133 million worth of benefits annually. i-Tree Eco assesses the value of certain ecosystem services delivered by trees. Read their final report,
Valuing London’s urban forest
(PDF, 5.59MB, 84 pages)

Find out more on iTree Eco direct from i-Tree, from Forest Research, or the social enterprise Treeconomics.

You can use Treezilla to help generate a ‘monster map’ of urban trees.

For London, you can access data on the status of woodland management with
Making London’s woodlands work: summary.
(PDF, 3.59MB, 4 pages)

It outlines the proportion of London’s woodlands in sustainable management and opportunities / barriers to management. Read the
full report.
(PDF, 5.94MB, 56 pages)

Ensure resilience of the urban forest

Data on the urban forest individual towns and cities enables effective management of the urban forest in those locations. This data can be the basis of a Tree and Woodland Strategy, which can outline objectives, management and monitoring approaches for a local authority area. Find out how to develop a Tree and Woodland Strategy (based on work in London).

The Right Trees for a Changing Climate database helps you decide what trees are suitable to plant in urban areas in face of a changing climate. TDAG have set out species selection for green infrastructure.

Large trees bring particular value to the urban environment. The Forestry Commission assisted the Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) and partners to produce The benefits of large species trees in urban landscapes: a costing, design and management guide, which you can buy. It highlights how to integrate large species trees into new and existing developments.

Tree Preservation Orders help to protect the urban forest, as a key part of green infrastructure. They are issued by local authorities.

Further guidelines, produced in London, can help in managing the urban forest:

Manage the risks, including tree health, in the urban forest

Find out about tree pests and diseases and make sure your biosecurity measures are appropriate.

The National Tree Safety Group (NTSG) brings together organisations with expertise in tree risk management who offer free guidance for you to download.

The Joint Mitigation Protocol (JMP) sets out best practice in investigating building damage where trees are implicated as being the cause of building movement. Find out more from the London Tree Officers Association.

Support people to enjoy and care for their local urban forest

These partners work in different locations across England to engage local communities with their urban trees and woodlands:

The Northern Forest will include tree planting in urban areas.

Evidence to help you manage the urban forest

Forest Research is the research agency of the Forestry Commission. They develop evidence on the benefits and value of urban forestry, eg:

  • planning green networks for urban communities
  • exploring urban health inequalities
  • identifying the social and economic value of street trees