Ukraine’s voice must be at the heart of any peace negotiations: UK statement at the UN Security Council

Statement by Ambassador Barbara Woodward, UK Permanent Representative to the UN, at the UN Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security.

UK Government awards grant to strengthen mangrove conservation in Belize

Award from Sustainable Blue Economies Programme Blue Social Challenge Fund reaffirms UK’s commitment to collaborating with Caribbean nations to safeguard vital ocean resources.

Guidance: Marine and fisheries science, evaluation and advice expert list: privacy notice

How Defra’s Marine and Fisheries Science, Evaluation and Advice Team uses your data for its expert list.

Guidance: Delinked payments: replacing the Basic Payment Scheme

Find out if you’re eligible for delinked payments, how they’re calculated and when you’ll receive them.

Guidance: Recyclability assessment methodology: materials and outputs

How to categorise and rate individual materials under the recyclability assessment methodology (RAM).