International Day in Support of Victims of Torture 2024: Joint Statement to the OSCE

Danish Deputy Ambassador delivers a joint statement on behalf of 43 OSCE participating States marking the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

UK calls out Russia’s systematic effort to eradicate Ukrainian identity: UK statement to the OSCE

Acting Ambassador Brown condemns Russia's attempts to eradicate Ukrainian identity. As part of a systematic effort of repression, Russia has expanded its forced passportisation, deported thousands of Ukrainian children …

61st round of Geneva International Discussions: UK statement to the OSCE

Acting Ambassador Brown voices strong UK support for the Geneva International Discussions as well as for Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Report by OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre: UK statement to the OSCE

UK Acting Ambassador Brown thanks Director of OSCE's Conflict Prevention Centre for the institution's work across the region, which Russia seeks to undermine.

Fleasolve 134 mg Spot-on Solution for Medium Dogs – Product defect recall alert

Product defect recall alert for: Fleasolve 134 mg Spot-on Solution for Medium Dogs Vm 49507/4004 by Naqua Ltd.