
Author Archives: hksar gov

Sick person in custody dies in public hospital

     â€‹A sick 62-year-old female person in custody at Lo Wu Correctional Institution died in a public hospital today (April 21).

     The person in custody suffered from lung cancer. She required continuous medical care and follow-up treatment at the institution hospital and a public hospital. On April 8, she was sent to a public hospital for treatment due to physical discomfort. During hospitalisation, her condition deteriorated and she was certified dead at 2.23pm today.

     The case has been reported to the Police. A death inquest will be held by the Coroner’s Court.

     The person in custody was sentenced to imprisonment for the offence of theft in September 2023. read more

Basic Law Quiz Competition Final and Prize Presentation Ceremony held today (with photos)

     Jointly organised by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau (HYAB), the Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education (CPCE) and the Working Group on Local Community under the Constitution and Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee, the Basic Law Quiz Competition Final and Prize Presentation Ceremony was held today (April 21). This year’s competition received an overwhelming response, attracting a record-breaking number of over 42 000 participants.
     Speaking at the ceremony, the Acting Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Mr Clarence Leung, said that the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) stemmed from the Constitution. Article 31 of the Constitution stipulates that “the state may establish special administrative regions when necessary”. The formulation of the Basic Law and the “one country, two systems” principle were also based on the Constitution. Under the “one country, two systems” principle, the Central Government authorises the HKSAR to enact laws on its own to prohibit acts that endanger national security in accordance with Article 23 of the Basic Law. The Safeguarding National Security Ordinance officially took effect upon gazettal on March 23, ensuring the effective protection of national security and enhancing social stability and harmony. With safety comes stability; with stability comes prosperity.
     He added that the HKSAR Government has been dedicated to enhancing public understanding of the Constitution, the Basic Law and the National Security Law, while the ceremony is one of the flagship events of the HYAB. He said he was delighted to know that the number of participants this year reached a record high and thanked the public for their support for the competition.
     The quiz competition covered the relationship between the Constitution and the Basic Law, the Basic Law and its history and the National Security Law. The competition comprises the Family, Senior Primary School, Secondary School and Open categories. To tie in with the quiz competition, the organisers hosted four seminars in February and March to introduce the Constitution and the Basic Law to secondary and primary school students.
     The HYAB has long been working closely with the CPCE in promoting the Constitution, the Basic Law and the National Security Law at the community level through various channels and diversified means, including publishing parent-child magazines, creating websites and social media pages, organising competitions, seminars and exhibitions, as well as sponsoring eligible organisations to organise various promotional and exchange activities on civic and national education.

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Hong Kong Customs detects two dangerous drugs internal concealment cases involving passengers at airport (with photos)

     â€‹Hong Kong Customs detected two dangerous drugs internal concealment cases involving two incoming passengers at Hong Kong International Airport and seized about 1.4 kilograms of suspected cocaine with an estimated market value of about $1.4 million today (April 21) and yesterday (April 20). 
     In the first case, Customs officers yesterday intercepted a 36-year-old male passenger, who arrived in Hong Kong from Montego Bay, Jamaica, via Frankfurt, Germany, and Dubai, United Arab Emirates. During customs clearance, Customs officers found him to be suspicious and suspected that the passenger had dangerous drugs concealed inside his body cavity. He was then escorted to the hospital for examination.
     Upon examination on the same day, he was confirmed by a doctor to have foreign objects concealed inside his body cavity and was arrested. As at 3pm today, the arrested person has discharged 55 pellets of suspected cocaine weighing about 800 grams in total.
     The second case involved a 37-year-old male passenger arriving in Hong Kong from Entebbe, Uganda via Doha, Qatar, yesterday. During customs clearance, Customs officers found him to be suspicious and suspected that he had dangerous drugs concealed inside his body cavity. He was then escorted to the hospital for examination.
     Upon examination, the doctor today confirmed the man to have foreign objects concealed inside his body cavity. He was arrested immediately. As at 3pm today, the arrested man has discharged 48 pellets of suspected cocaine weighing about 600g in total.
     Investigations of the two cases are ongoing.
     Following the increasing number of visitors to Hong Kong, Customs will continue to apply a risk assessment approach and focus on selecting passengers from high-risk regions for clearance to combat transnational drug trafficking activities.
     Under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, trafficking in a dangerous drug is a serious offence. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $5 million and life imprisonment.
     Members of the public may report any suspected drug trafficking activities to Customs’ 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account ( or online form (

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Speech by DCS at Opening Ceremony of Equal Opportunities Commission Racial Diversity and Inclusion Sports Day 2024 (with photos)

     Following is the speech by the Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing, at the Opening Ceremony of the Equal Opportunities Commission Racial Diversity and Inclusion Sports Day 2024 today (April 21):


  早晨,大家好ï¼�很高興出席今日由平等機會委員會(平機會)舉辦的「種æ—�多元共èž�é�‹å‹•æ—¥ã€�。今日的活動是平機會為響應三月二å��一日「國際消除種æ—�歧視日ã€�å�Šæ…¶ç¥�香港法例第602章《種æ—�歧視æ¢�例》實施15周年而舉辦的é‡�點節目。平機會將奧林匹克格言「更高ã€�æ›´å¿«ã€�æ›´å¼·——更團çµ�ã€�çš„ç�†å¿µå’Œç¨®æ—�平等共èž�çµ�å�ˆï¼Œé€�é�Žä»Šæ—¥çš„é�‹å‹•æ—¥è®“ä¸�å�Œæ—�裔ã€�背景ã€�年齡ã€�è�·æ¥­çš„å�ƒåŠ è€…,以體育會å�‹ï¼Œä»¥ç«¶æŠ€ä¿ƒé€²äº¤æµ�。今日也是第ä¹�屆全港é�‹å‹•æœƒé–‹å¹•çš„æ—¥å­�,令今日的é�‹å‹•æ—¥æ›´å…·é›™é‡�çš„æ„�義。










     I would now like to repeat what I just said in English.

     Good morning everyone. It is great pleasure to join you all at this Racial Diversity and Inclusion Sports Day organised by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC). This event is part of EOC’s efforts to commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and celebrate the 15th anniversary of the implementation of the Race Discrimination Ordinance. Today, we gather here to promote racial equality and inclusion through sports and competition under the Olympic motto of Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together. Today is also the opening day of the 9th Hong Kong Games, which makes this event doubly meaningful.

     There are over 300 000 non-ethnic Chinese calling Hong Kong home. They are no doubt an integral part of the Hong Kong family. Working dutifully and diligently across various professions and areas, our non-ethnic Chinese brothers and sisters have made equal contributions for the growth of Hong Kong.

     Since the implementation of the Race Discrimination Ordinance 15 years ago, EOC has been committed to promoting equal opportunities in various aspects of daily life, work and education, etc., for all Hong Kong residents regardless of their race, so that they are free from discrimination, harassment and vilification.

     The Government has always strived to ensure that citizens irrespective of their race have equal access to public services. We are committed to promoting racial integration and building a caring and inclusive society. The Government has been providing additional resources for EOC to establish the Ethnic Minorities Unit since 2015 and to strengthen its relevant work from promotion and education to training and community engagement.

     In last year’s Policy Address, the Chief Executive announced a series of services and support for ethnic minorities on various fronts, such as integration into the community, education, employment, welfare, and healthcare.

     In terms of employment, the Government encourages departments to design their own language tests to provide an additional pathway for ethnic-minority applicants to meet the appointment requirements on language proficiency. For instance, more than 300 ethnic-minority applicants have passed the Chinese/English written exam designed for police recruitment. This would allow ethnic minorities who may not have participated in public examinations in Hong Kong to gain the opportunity to join and work for the Government. In addition, the Internship Programme for non-ethnic Chinese students also provides participants with basic workplace Chinese training, to enhance their understanding on the application of Chinese and the required level of Chinese proficiency in daily work.

     As regards measures for promoting community integration in last year’s Policy Address, the Government has embarked on the preparatory work for setting up two additional support service centres for ethnic minorities in Kowloon Central and New Territories East. A service centre providing emotional support and counseling services for ethnic minorities has also commenced operation last year while the Ethnic Minority Care Teams are expected to commence service within this year.

     Promoting racial integration and building a harmonious society requires the collaboration and support of the entire community. It is encouraging to see so many representatives from different sectors in today’s event, as a pledge of their support for a more diverse and inclusive society. On this promising note, I wish today’s event great success.

     Thank you.

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