
Author Archives: hksar gov

Speech by SJ at signing ceremony of MOU between DoJ and Ministry of Justice of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (English only)

     Following is the speech by the Secretary for Justice, Mr Paul Lam, SC, at the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding of Cooperation between the Department of Justice of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Ministry of Justice of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia today (April 22) to strengthen their co-operation on issues relating to dispute avoidance and resolution:

Your Excellency Dr Waleed Mohammed Alsmani (Minister of Justice of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     It is my great honour to sign the Memorandum of Understanding, on behalf of the Department of Justice of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, with the Ministry of Justice of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

     This Memorandum is the first memorandum on legal co-operation that Hong Kong signs with a Middle East jurisdiction. This signifies the great value and importance Hong Kong attaches to fostering stronger and closer relationship with the Middle East, in particular, Saudi Arabia.

     Under the principle of “one country, two systems”, Hong Kong has the unrivalled advantages of enjoying strong support of the Central People’s Government of China and at the same time being closely connected to the world. As the only common law jurisdiction within China, our well-established legal system and top-notch legal and dispute resolution services give Hong Kong a unique edge which attracts business opportunities from across the globe. These distinctive features afford Hong Kong the solid foundation to act as a “super connector” and a “super value-adder” connecting China and countries around the world.

     Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia have nurtured a close friendship and partnership over the years, especially since the visit to Riyadh by our Chief Executive last year. The signing of the Memorandum will no doubt strengthen the relationship between Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia to the next level by enhancing our communication, collaboration and co-operation on issues relating to dispute avoidance and resolution, and facilitating development of the related services. I am very confident that the Memorandum will promote cross-fertilisation of legal talent and encourage exchanges between the legal profession of the two jurisdictions at the international level. It is worth mentioning that the Department of Justice is going to establish the Hong Kong International Legal Talents Training Academy. Pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding we signed, our initiative in this respect, namely the setting up of the Hong Kong International Legal Talents Training Academy, will be one of the means to implement various objectives under the Memorandum.

     Another thing that is worth mentioning to highlight Hong Kong’s status as an international legal and dispute resolution services centre is that Hong Kong is going to host the biennial International Council for Commercial Arbitration Congress from May 5 to 8 this year. This is the most important international commercial arbitration event. Representatives of the Ministry of Justice of Saudi Arabia and other interested participants from Saudi Arabia are most welcome to join this important event.

     Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to Saudi Arabia for their trust and support, and the warm hospitality that they extended to the Hong Kong delegation led by the Deputy Secretary of Justice, Mr Horace Cheung, during their visit in Riyadh last month for participating in the Riyadh International Disputes Week. I myself will also lead a delegation from the legal and dispute resolution sectors and other related sectors to visit Saudi Arabia in a few weeks’ time. So the timing for the signing of this Memorandum of Understanding is perfect for my upcoming visit. It lays a very good foundation for Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia to further discuss and exchange on various areas of legal co-operation. I very much look forward to the upcoming visit as well as the myriad opportunities to deepen collaboration and co-operation between our two respective jurisdictions in the future, which would be in the mutual interests of Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia. Thank you very much. read more

Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia sign Memorandum of Understanding of Cooperation on dispute avoidance and resolution

     The Department of Justice (DoJ) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and the Ministry of Justice of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia signed a Memorandum of Understanding of Cooperation (MOU) today (April 22) to strengthen their co-operation on issues relating to dispute avoidance and resolution.

     The Secretary for Justice, Mr Paul Lam, SC, and the Minister of Justice of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dr Waleed Mohammed Alsmani, signed the MOU at a ceremony held in the Hong Kong Legal Hub.

     The MOU provides a framework for the HKSAR and Saudi Arabia to strengthen collaboration, communication and co-operation between them on issues relating to dispute avoidance and resolution, and to facilitate development of the related services in the two jurisdictions. It is expected that both places will benefit from the enhanced co-operation under the MOU.
     This is the first MOU of the same nature that the HKSAR has with a Middle East jurisdiction, which signifies the commitment to enhance the growing ties between Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia, and foster closer relationships between legal and dispute resolution professions of both sides. The MOU is the fifth after Japan, Korea, Thailand and Brunei, which will further promote Hong Kong’s status as a major centre for international legal and dispute resolution services in the Asia-Pacific region and foster exchanges in regions along the Belt and Road. The DoJ will continue to pursue and conclude co-operation or partnership arrangements with other jurisdictions and international organisations. The DoJ is planning to visit the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia, next month to meet with local legal and business sectors, and to promote Hong Kong’s legal and dispute resolution services.
     Mr Lam indicated that the DoJ is now taking forward the establishment of the Hong Kong International Legal Talents Training Academy which will provide a further platform for co-operation and exchanges between HKSAR and Saudi Arabia under the MOU.

     On the same day, the Minister of Justice of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and his delegation also visited the AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre and the International Organization for Mediation Preparatory Office at the Hong Kong Legal Hub. read more

Update on cases of Legionnaires’ disease

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health today (April 22) reported the latest number of cases of Legionnaires’ disease (LD), and stressed the importance of using and maintaining properly designed man-made water systems, adding that susceptible groups should strictly observe relevant precautions.

     From April 14 to 20, the CHP recorded two community-acquired LD cases and two imported LD cases:

  1. A female patient, aged 71 with underlying illnesses, who lives in Wong Tai Sin District;
  2. A male patient, aged 70 with underlying illnesses, who lived in the Mainland during the incubation period and was classified as an imported case;
  3. A male patient, aged 46 with good past health, who lives in Wong Tai Sin District; and
  4. A male patient, aged 76 with underlying illnesses, who had been to the Mainland during the incubation period and was classified as an imported case.

     “Epidemiological investigations are ongoing to identify potential sources of infection, high-risk exposure and clusters, if any,” a spokesman for the CHP said.

     As of April 20, 23 LD cases had been recorded this year. In 2023 and 2022, there were 121 and 80 cases respectively.

     “Men, people aged over 50, smokers, alcoholics and persons with weakened immunity are more susceptible to LD. Some situations may also increase the risk of infection, including poor maintenance of water systems; living in areas with old water systems, cooling towers or fountains; using electric water heaters, whirlpools and spas or hot water spring spas; and recent stays in hotels or vessels,” the spokesman said.

     Legionellae are found in various environmental settings and grow well in warm water (20 to 45 degrees Celsius). They can be found in aqueous environments such as water tanks, hot and cold water systems, cooling towers, whirlpools and spas, water fountains and home apparatus that support breathing. People may become infected when they breathe in contaminated droplets (aerosols) and mist generated by artificial water systems, or when handling garden soil, compost and potting mixes.

     Immunocompromised persons should:
  • Use sterile or boiled water for drinking, tooth brushing and mouth rinsing;
  • Avoid using humidifiers, or other mist- or aerosol-generating devices; and
  • If using humidifiers, or other mist- or aerosol-generating devices, fill the water tank with only sterile or cooled freshly boiled water, and not water directly from the tap. Also, clean and maintain humidifiers/devices regularly according to manufacturers’ instructions. Never leave stagnant water in a humidifier/device. Empty the water tank, wipe all surfaces dry, and change the water daily. 
  â€‹The public should observe the health advice below:
  • Observe personal hygiene;
  • Do not smoke and avoid alcohol consumption;
  • Strainers in water taps and shower heads should be inspected, cleaned, descaled and disinfected regularly or at a frequency recommended by the manufacturer;
  • If a fresh-water plumbing system is properly maintained, it is not necessary to install domestic water filters. Use of water filters is not encouraged as clogging occurs easily, which can promote growth of micro-organisms. In case water filters are used, the pore size should be 0.2 micrometres (µm) and the filter needs to be changed periodically according to the manufacturer’s recommendations;
  • Drain and clean water tanks of buildings at least quarterly;
  • Drain or purge for at least one minute infrequently used water outlets (e.g. water taps, shower heads and hot water outlets) and stagnant points of the pipework weekly or before use;
  • Seek and follow doctors’ professional advice regarding the use and maintenance of home respiratory devices and use only sterile water (not distilled or tap water) to clean and fill the reservoir. Clean and maintain the device regularly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. After cleaning/disinfection, rinse the device with sterile water, cooled freshly boiled water or water filtered with 0.2 µm filters. Never leave stagnant water in the device. Empty the water tank, keep all surfaces dry, and change the water daily; and
  • When handling garden soil, compost and potting mixes: 
  1. Wear gloves and a face mask;
  2. Water gardens and compost gently using low pressure;
  3. Open composted potting mixes slowly and make sure the opening is directed away from the face;
  4. Wet the soil to reduce dust when potting plants; and
  5. Avoid working in poorly ventilated places such as enclosed greenhouses.

     â€‹The public may visit the CHP’s LD page, the Code of Practice for Prevention of LD and the Housekeeping Guidelines for Cold and Hot Water Systems for Building Management of the Prevention of LD Committee, and the CHP’s risk-based strategy for prevention and control of LD. read more

Speech by SCED at opening ceremony of High-Level Forum and Global Roadshow of APEC CEO Summit 2024 (English only)

     Following is the speech by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Algernon Yau, today (April 22) at the opening ceremony of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit 2024: High-Level Forum and Global Roadshow:
Mr Zavala (Chairman of the APEC CEO Summit 2024, Mr Fernando Zavala), Dr Sta Maria (Executive Director of the APEC Secretariat, Dr Rebecca Fatima Sta Maria), Mr Ning (Chairman of APEC China Business Council and APEC Business Advisory Council China Member, Mr Ning Gaoning), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
     Good afternoon. I am delighted to be joining today’s APEC CEO Summit 2024: High-Level Forum and Global Roadshow. Allow me to first thank APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) Peru for organising today’s event, which gathers over 100 business leaders from APEC member economies to share their valuable insights and perspectives on promoting balanced, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region. For those travelling from abroad, may I also extend my warmest welcome to you to Hong Kong, China (HKC).
     More than two decades ago, the first APEC CEO Summit was held in Manila with the aim of bringing together global business CEOs and representatives, APEC Economic Leaders, thought leaders, policymakers, entrepreneurs for direct dialogues and engagement. Since its inception, the APEC CEO Summit has become an integral part of the APEC process, provoking thoughts, dialogues and collaborations between the public and private sectors to build an open, dynamic, resilient and peaceful Asia-Pacific community. We are all excited for the forthcoming edition of the Summit, which will take place during the APEC Economic Leaders’ Week this November in Lima. Today’s Forum is a timely and useful platform for key stakeholders from different sectors to create momentum for dialogue and collaboration towards the Summit, and we are glad that ABAC Peru has given a vote of confidence in HKC to host today’s Forum.
     Our economies have changed much since the first Summit, while building a better world continues to be a core focus of APEC. In the APEC CEO Summit last year, President Xi delivered a written speech entitled “Meeting challenges with unity of purpose to write a new chapter for Asia-Pacific Cooperation”, accentuating APEC’s remarkable journey of opening regionalism, and promoting harmony without uniformity, solidarity and mutual assistance. For HKC, we are proud to be part of this great journey.
     As stipulated under the Basic Law, we participate in APEC using the name “Hong Kong, China” as a separate and full member. Our full and separate membership in APEC demonstrates the successful implementation of the “one country, two systems” principle. Under this unique framework, HKC represents our own interests and reflects our views in APEC and ABAC. The hosting of this year’s second ABAC Meeting this week by our HKC’s representatives to ABAC clearly illustrates our high level of autonomy in external trade and economic matters. Indeed, with the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance taking effect last month, we have most solid security guarantee to back up the full-speed development of our economy.
     The Forum today will discuss “Opportunities to further connect the Pacific”, and soon, you will hear from business leaders and representatives from the APEC community on issues dearest to the APEC agenda, with a focus on the renewed sustainability and trade agendas for the Asia-Pacific region. Indeed, combating climate change, along with promoting sustainable and inclusive development, has topped the agenda of the APEC meetings. To set the scene for this discussion, allow me to share HKC’s domestic efforts in the next few minutes.
     Green transition involves a huge amount of investment. In HKC, we are lucky to have a strong and mature financial market, coupled with a deep liquidity pool, leading professional services and diversified product types to support such a transition. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has established a Green Technology and Finance Development Committee, a public-private platform to assist in the formation of an action agenda for promoting the development of our city into an international green technology and financial centre. Areas being looked at include development of green certification and alignment with international standards, promotion of commercialisation of research and development outcomes, green finance application and innovation, and talent development.
     Last month, the One Earth Summit, a pivotal global gathering held in Hong Kong, brought together over 500 sustainability leaders and change-makers to discuss the wide-ranging realm of sustainability, from finance and technology, to urban infrastructure and development, as well as agriculture, energy transition, new materials, industrial decarbonisation and more. During the Summit, our Government issued a vision statement on developing our own sustainability disclosure ecosystem. These demonstrate our strong commitment to creating sustainable economic growth and realising a more equitable and resilient future.
     Also leveraging our role as a leading international trading hub, HKC is committed to ensuring our trade policies are green and sustainable in the face of climate change and other challenges. We are encouraged by the endorsement of the San Francisco Principles on Integrating Inclusivity and Sustainability into Trade and Investment Policy last November by our Economic Leaders, recognising the importance of practical integration of inclusivity and sustainability into trade and investment policies by maximising talent and innovation, fostering open and participatory processes in trade policy development, as well as sharing data and analysis on impacts of trade policies, among others. In similar veins, we also support APEC’s efforts in advancing the work on environmental goods and services to expand sustainable trade.
     HKC has always been a strong advocate for free and open trade. We reaffirm our full support for Peru’s leadership in advancing substantial outcomes to reinvigorate our work on the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP). We welcome the renewed discussions on the FTAAP and remain committed to constructive engagement in APEC to build consensus on next-generation trade and investment issues that are in the mutual interest of all member economies. As part of our commitment to fostering regional economic integration, we have commenced negotiations with Peru on a free trade agreement. Furthermore, we are also more than ready to join and add value to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, the world’s largest free trade agreement, as it has been recognised as one of the possible pathways for the eventual realisation of the FTAAP.
     In addition to sustainability and inclusive trade, I see digitalisation as another opportunity to further connect the Pacific. In fact, digitalisation has also been identified as one of the key economic drivers under the APEC Putrajaya Vision 2040, and a lot of meaningful work has been undertaken by APEC and ABAC. Domestically, a series of measures will be implemented this year, including the inaugural Hong Kong Shopping Festivals on e-commerce platforms, as well as capacity building for small and medium enterprises to seize the business opportunities brought by e-commerce.
     During the 13th World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference held in Abu Dhabi in February, I highlighted the importance of maintaining an enabling environment for international e-commerce to flourish. I took note that the business community of ABAC has called on the World Trade Organization to ensure a predictable and tariff-free environment for the continued development and prosperity of digital trade, and reaffirmed HKC’s strong support in this regard.

     Ladies and gentlemen, I strongly believe that public-private collaboration is the key to building a green, sustainable and digital future for the Asia-Pacific region. May our collective efforts form the foundation for the success of the APEC CEO Summit this year. I look forward to the continued collaboration between APEC and ABAC in the years ahead, and wish you all a rewarding meeting and a pleasant stay in HKC.

     Thank you very much. read more

2024 Voter Registration Campaign launched (with video)

     The 2024 Voter Registration Campaign was launched today (April 22). The Registration and Electoral Office (REO) appeals to eligible persons/bodies who have not yet registered as electors/voters of geographical constituency (GC), functional constituency and/or Election Committee subsector to submit registration applications on or before the statutory deadline of June 2 so that their registration particulars can be included in the final registers of electors/voters to be published in September this year.
     Hong Kong permanent residents holding an identity document, who have reached 18 years of age and are ordinarily residing in Hong Kong, are eligible to register as GC electors.
     A spokesperson for the REO said, “Subsequent to the pilot scheme launched last year, the REO welcomes eligible persons to submit applications this year for new registration as GC electors and change of voter registration particulars including providing/updating mobile phone number and email address through ‘iAM Smart+’.” The REO has provided a step-by-step guide on its Voter Registration website ( to help the public understand how to submit applications through “iAM Smart+”.
     “Members of the public may also check their registration status through ‘iAM Smart’, the Voter Registration website ( or by calling the REO hotline at 2891 1001.”
     Applications for new registration as GC electors or change of residential address by registered electors must be submitted along with an address proof. Applicants should also provide their phone number and email address for easy contact by the REO. Those who are the registered occupants of public rental housing under the Housing Department or subsidised housing under the Hong Kong Housing Society are not required to submit any address proof.
     There is no need for registered electors/voters to register again, but they should notify the REO in case of any changes in their residential address or other registration particulars by the same statutory deadline of June 2.

     Meanwhile, to enhance the accuracy and integrity of the registration particulars of electors, the REO will continue to implement checking measures during this registration cycle and issue inquiry letters to electors. A message, “Immediate action required. Your voting right is at stake”, is printed on the envelopes of all inquiry letters to remind electors that the letters are important. The REO will also contact the electors under inquiry through other contact information they provided by phone, SMS, email or fax, to remind them to reply as soon as possible. Electors under inquiry must reply on or before June 2 by scanning the QR code on the letter to log on to the Voter Registration website, or by email, post or fax, so as to maintain their voter registration status.
     The Announcements in the Public Interest of the Voter Registration Campaign will run on television, radio and the online platforms from today. Promotional messages will also be displayed on posters, social media platforms, websites, mobile applications as well as at MTR stations and bus shelters.
     Apart from submitting applications through “iAM Smart+”, specified forms for new registration and change of registration particulars are available on the Voter Registration website ( for download, or at the District Offices, the management offices of public housing estates and the REO. Completed forms can be sent to the REO by post (13/F, Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre, 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay), by fax (2891 1180), by email ( or via the REO e-Form Upload Platform ( read more