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Speech by FS at Opening Ceremony of 2024 Second Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Advisory Council Meeting (English only) (with photos)

     Following is the speech by the Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, at the Opening Ceremony of the 2024 Second Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Advisory Council Meeting today (April 23):

Julia (Chair of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Advisory Council 2024, Mrs Julia Torreblanca), Ambassador Carlos Vasquez (Chair of the APEC Senior Officials’ Meetings 2024), distinguished members of the APEC Business Advisory Council, ladies and gentlemen,

     Good morning and a very warm welcome to Hong Kong!  

     I have great pleasure to meet you all at the second meeting of the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) this year. This remarkable event gathers nearly 200 business leaders, representing the voice of all 21 APEC member economies.

     First, let me express my sincere gratitude to the representatives of ABAC Peru and ABAC Hong Kong, China for working together to stage this prestigious business event here in Asia’s world city, after a hiatus of nine years. For long, APEC and ABAC have been the powerhouse in spearheading efforts in the region to promote free trade and economic co-operation, and we are proud to be a part of it.

Welcome to Hong Kong

     Amid the uneven pace of recovery across regions, the global economic environment remains complicated. Sharply tightened financial conditions over the past two years continue to hinder the growth of advanced economies. Although the market has generally expected interest rate cuts by major central banks, their timing, pace and scale remain unclear. Intensifying geopolitical tensions and conflicts continue to impact on international trade and capital flows, and cause disruption to global supply chains.  

     Here in Hong Kong, our economy grew by 3.2 per cent last year, led by a strong rebound in inbound tourism after the pandemic. Visitor numbers reached 34 million, which was slightly above 50 per cent of pre-pandemic levels. This year, we are expecting some 50 million tourists. Private consumption and overall investment also improved. But high interest rate environment and geo-economic fragmentation had dampened our merchandise exports. Inflation remained at a low level of 1.7 per cent, while unemployment rate was just around 3 per cent.   

     Hong Kong remains a magnet for global business, investments and talent. In our survey last year, there were over 9 000 companies in Hong Kong with parent companies outside of the city, similar to the pre-pandemic levels. Since the establishment of the Office for Attracting Strategic Enterprises in December 2022, we have attracted nearly 50 such companies to expand their business here. In the coming years, they will invest more than US$5 billion, creating over 13 000 jobs. Separately, Invest Hong Kong has also attracted more than 380 other companies, which together would invest another US$7 billion to US$8 billion.

     For talent, we have approved around 160 000 applications under the various talent admission schemes since December 2022, and over 110 000 of them have already arrived in Hong Kong.

     For the asset market, residential property prices dropped by nearly 7 per cent last year, while the stock market fell by around 14 per cent last year, both with reduced trading volume. High interest rate environment, geopolitical tensions and its impact on capital flow, and investment sentiment were at play.  

     Looking ahead, under a complex external environment, the Hong Kong economy is expected to grow by 2.5 per cent to 3.5 per cent in 2024, on account of improvement in merchandise exports, continued recovery of inbound tourism, and inflow of strategic enterprises and talent. 

     In a nutshell, our economy is solid and growing. With a comprehensive set of legislation to safeguard national security in place, the business community here has commonly expressed that Hong Kong will offer a safer and more stable business environment for businesses to thrive.  

     As an international financial, trade and shipping centre, Hong Kong will advance our role as the region’s “super connector” and “super value-adder”, by capitalising on our unparalleled advantages of connecting the Mainland with the rest of the world. Under the “one country, two systems” principle, we enjoy convenient and sometimes priority access to the Mainland’s market, while continuing to maintain all the advantages that have made us a unique international city: the rule of law; free flow of capital, goods, information and talent; freely convertible currency pegged to the US dollar, seamless alignment with the best international standards; simple and low tax regime, and more. It is our nation’s solemn commitment to maintain the “one country, two systems” principle in Hong Kong for the long run. 

     Our future development will rest with seizing opportunities brought by two mega trends: green development and digital economy. We will also fully leverage the staunch support of our country, China, and focus on the “eight centres” development direction laid out in the National 14th Five-Year Plan: financial services, innovation and technology, trade, aviation, shipping, legal services and dispute resolution, intellectual property trading, and international cultural exchange.  

Forging closer regional collaboration for a better future

     Ladies and gentlemen, as a member of APEC, Hong Kong, China is a proud contributor to the region’s economic development. We are committed to communicating and co-operating with other member economies to advance the APEC and ABAC agenda, for the benefits of the businesses and people in the region.

     We are living in a world that has a high degree of interconnectedness and interdependence. But it is also filled with uncertainties that may disrupt or even threaten global economic prosperity. With the privilege of engaging in conversation with you all, allow me to highlight a few areas that we should work together. 

     First, let’s work together to promote international free trade, and overcome roadblocks to the supply chain and logistics network. Over the past few decades, the power of free trade and competition has unleashed immense productivity worldwide, driving economic growth and raising the incomes and living standards of billions of people. Today, protectionism and unilateralism, and all the talks and actions of “de-risking”, “on-shoring”, “near-shoring”, and “friend-shoring”, are threatening the world’s economic growth and progress. As a founding member of the World Trade Organization, Hong Kong, China is a steadfast supporter of free trade and a rules-based multilateral trading system. In this regard, Hong Kong is willing to enter into more free trade agreements and investment promotion and protection agreements with various economies in the world. 

     Second, let’s work together to promote regional green transition and transformation. The challenges of climate change are pressing and on everyone’s agenda. Last year was the hottest year on record by a clear margin. No country, no politician should say that we shouldn’t be worried about climate change. To combat climate change, the amount of investment required for green transformation is huge, measured in trillions of US dollars. We are Asia’s leader in green and transition finance, with the volume of green and sustainable bonds accounting for more than one-third of Asia’s total. We also lead in green finance product innovation such as tokenised green bond. Working with sister cities in the Greater Bay Area, our green tech ecosystem is also thriving. We warmly welcome public and private partners in the region and beyond to access green and transition capital and technologies through Hong Kong. 
     Third, let’s work together to drive the growth of the digital economy. Digital development, particularly artificial intelligence, is rapidly changing the models of industrial production, urban management, lifestyles, and much more. Here in Hong Kong, we are making significant strides to drive the digital economy, one important initiative of which is facilitating the orderly flow of data within the Greater Bay Area – of course with proper personal data protection. In other words, Hong Kong will be converging data from the Mainland and the world, enabling us to be an international hub for research and development in artificial intelligence and biomedicine.  

     On digital finance, Hong Kong is a leader, too. For example, Phase 1 of Project mBridge, a settlement mechanism of Central Bank Digital Currencies, or CBDCs, will be launched this year. It will be one of the first projects in the world to settle cross boundary business transactions using CBDCs.

Concluding remarks 

     Ladies and gentlemen, before I close, I would like to invite you to take this opportunity to enjoy this city – Hong Kong continues to be an open, vibrant and safe metropolis full of vitality and vigour. I look forward to our continued collaboration in the years ahead as we work together to build an open, dynamic, resilient and peaceful Asia-Pacific community. 

     Now, for all the charisma of this city, may I invite you to watch a video that tells all. 

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CareerConnect Expo to offer quality job information and tailored solutions for settling in (with video)

     Hong Kong Talent Engage (HKTE) today (April 23) welcomes talent who are interested in coming to Hong Kong or have recently arrived in the city, stakeholders in various sectors who are concerned about talent development, non-local university students and members of the public to visit the CareerConnect Expo to be held on May 7 and 8 in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre concurrently with the Global Talent Summit · Hong Kong.

     The Director of HKTE, Mr Anthony Lau, said, “Apart from organising the Summit to exchange experiences and discuss trends in talent development with partners around the world and in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), we will hold the Expo in tandem with the Summit to enable international, local and regional strategic enterprises and counterparts to present to participants and global talent the opportunities of Hong Kong and the Mainland as well as development prospects of various sectors.”

     HKTE will stage an exhibition area at the Expo to promote Hong Kong’s unique advantages and development opportunities, various talent admission schemes as well as HKTE’s support services, coupled with experience sharing by incoming talent on settling in the city. Guangdong Province and the Macao Special Administrative Region will also introduce the latest manpower developments and opportunities of the GBA at their booths.

     The Expo is anticipated to bring together nearly 100 public and private organisations as exhibitors, including HKTE partners (covering employment, accommodation, social and community networking, integrated settlement services, education, banking and finance, business and corporate services as well as telecommunications), the Office for Attracting Strategic Enterprises, Invest Hong Kong, the Independent Commission Against Corruption, the Information Services Department, the Airport Authority Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, the Hong Kong Productivity Council, the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, the MTR Corporation Limited and the Hospital Authority.

     Human resources agencies and recruitment platforms will introduce quality positions of various professions, including financial services, innovation and technology as well as financial technology in Hong Kong which are suitable for talent with diverse backgrounds, qualifications and experience. Talent who have recently arrived can also learn about relevant information on job searches, working or starting a business in Hong Kong as well as the latest skill demands of different sectors and professions. In addition, some exhibitors will provide visiting talent and their families with consultation services and settling-in solutions or offers, with a view to helping them move to Hong Kong, adapt smoothly and stay in the city for development.

     The Expo will be held from 10am to 5.30pm at Hall 3F, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Admission is free. Visitors may register in advance through the Summit’s website ( and enter the Expo with a QR Code on the selected date. For the latest updates, please refer to the Summit’s website or HKTE’s social media. Enquiries may be sent via email to read more

Hongkong Post to issue “Intangible Cultural Heritage – Cheung Chau Jiao Festival” special stamps (with photos)

     Hongkong Post announced today (April 23) that a special stamp issue and associated philatelic products on the theme of “Intangible Cultural Heritage – Cheung Chau Jiao Festival” will be released for sale on May 9 (Thursday).
     Cheung Chau Jiao Festival was inscribed onto the third National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2011, and the first Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Hong Kong in 2017. Held from the fifth to ninth days of the fourth lunar month every year, the activity has been practised for more than a century. Jiao Festival is the time for Cheung Chau residents to express gratitude to Pak Tai for dispelling disasters and blessing the local community with peace. During the Jiao Festival, various folk crafts and folk performing arts of Cheung Chau, such as unicorn dance, gongs and drums and Piu Sik Parade, are showcased.
     Hongkong Post will issue a set of four stamps, two stamp sheetlets and associated philatelic products on the theme of “Intangible Cultural Heritage – Cheung Chau Jiao Festival” to promote this intangible cultural heritage in Hong Kong, in the hope that this traditional festival and the folk crafts can pass down through generations.
     Official first day covers for “Intangible Cultural Heritage – Cheung Chau Jiao Festival” will be on sale at all post offices and on Hongkong Post’s online shopping mall ShopThruPost ( from April 24 (Wednesday). This set of special stamps and associated philatelic products will be on sale at all post offices and on ShopThruPost from May 9, while serviced first day covers affixed with the special stamps will be available at philatelic offices only.
     A hand-back date-stamping service will be provided on May 9 at all post offices for official first day covers/souvenir covers/privately made covers bearing the first day of issue indication and a local address.
     Information about this set of special stamps and associated philatelic products is available on the Hongkong Post Stamps website ( and in the ShopThruPost mobile app.

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Services to be suspended at WSD Tai Kok Tsui Customer Enquiry Centre during underground pipeline repair

     The Water Supplies Department (WSD) announced today (April 23) that the services of Tai Kok Tsui Customer Enquiry Centre will be suspended on April 25 and 26 for an underground pipeline repair in the building. The centre will resume operation on April 29.
     Members of the public applying for fishing or plumber’s licenses may visit the Wan Chai Customer Enquiry Centre for services. Customers who wish to purchase water tickets may visit the Shau Kei Wan Marine Office located at 10 Tam Kung Temple Road, Shau Kei Wan. For its service hours, please call the enquiry hotline of the Marine Department at 2542 3711.
     Members of the public requiring other services may visit the WSD’s Customer Enquiry Centres located in Wan Chai, Sha Tin, Tai Po and Tuen Mun, or through the WSD Customer Services Hotline 2824 5000, or by email ( for enquiries. read more