
Author Archives: hksar gov

LCQ10: Construction and protection of public facilities

     Following is a question by the Hon Chan Chun-ying and a written reply by the Acting Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Liu Chun-san, in the Legislative Council today (April 24):


     It is learnt that a large number of public and transport facilities were damaged during the period of black-clad violence, and apart from restoring the damaged facilities, the Government has also retrofitted the facilities with protective devices in certain districts. Moreover, some members of the public have relayed to me that some of the damaged public and transport facilities have not yet been fully restored so far. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(1) whether it has examined the status of the restoration of all the public and transport facilities damaged during the period of black-clad violence; if so, of the details, and set out in a table the latest status of the restoration of such facilities;

(2) whether it has reviewed the need to retrofit public and transport facilities with protective devices; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and

(3) whether it will, in the light of the extent of the damage caused to public and transport facilities during the period of black-clad violence, review the materials used in the construction of such facilities and consider using stronger and more durable materials in the future; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that?



     In consultation with the Security Bureau, the Environment and Ecology Bureau and other relevant departments, my reply to the various parts of the question raised by the Hon Chan is as follows:

(1) The major public and transport facilities damaged during the black-clad violence have been restored with details as follows:

Facilities Status of restoration
Pedestrian pavement About 22 000 square metres of paving blocks were removed and the relevant restoration work was completed.
Railings About 60 kilometres of railings were removed and the relevant restoration work was completed.
Traffic lights About 740 sets of damaged traffic lights and traffic signal controllers were all repaired and have fully resumed operation.
Traffic bollards and traffic signs About 2 700 traffic bollards and about 300 traffic signs were damaged (e.g. being removed or defaced, etc.) and the relevant restoration work was completed.
Bus stops and facilities of public transport interchange All the damaged bus stops and facilities of public transport interchange were repaired and have fully resumed operation (Note).
MTR stations All the damaged station facilities (including entry/exit gates, ticket issuing machines, lifts and escalators) (involving 85 heavy rail stations and 63 light rail stations) were repaired and have resumed service.
Highway structures (including vehicular/pedestrian footbridges, pedestrian subways) About 700 highway structures were damaged (e.g. with lighting damaged or being defaced, etc.) and the relevant restoration work was completed.
Lifts/escalators About 20 lifts/escalators were damaged (e.g. with glass panels damaged or being defaced, etc.) and the relevant restoration work was completed.
Lamp posts About 1 500 lamp posts and about 100 control cubicles were damaged and the relevant restoration work was completed.
Litter bins and recycling bins About 1 320 litter bins and about 130 recycling bins were damaged and all facilities were subsequently replaced.
Note: Franchised bus operators and the Transport Department do not have record of the specific number of bus stops and facilities of public transport interchange that were damaged during 2019.

(2) The Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) and other relevant departments will from time to time review measures to retrofit protective devices on the facilities concerned in the light of the actual situation and in accordance with the principle of public safety.

     For example, the Transport Department (TD) had installed protective devices for the traffic signal controllers and protective meshes for pedestrian traffic signal heads at some major road junctions. After co-ordination with the HKPF, as well as careful consideration and balancing of factors such as the installation and maintenance costs and the social conditions, the TD has ceased the installation and removed the protective devices installed earlier.

     In addition, to meet the Government’s need to enhance public safety, the Highways Department (HyD) has installed temporary fencing at about 60 vehicular/pedestrian footbridges to prevent the throwing of miscellaneous articles onto nearby roads, which may affect public travel. After co-ordination with the HKPF, and taking into account various factors, the HyD has removed the temporary fencing at six of these vehicular/pedestrian footbridges and will continue to review the need for the relevant measure.

(3) In view of the damage to major public and transport facilities, the relevant government departments have not only reviewed the materials of these facilities, but also further strengthened the facilities from the design aspect. Examples include:
  • In resurfacing the footpath pavement, the HyD has taken into account the actual situation and needs (e.g. the number of underground utilities, appearance, pedestrian flow, etc.), as well as considerations of public safety and security, etc, and has suitably changed the material of the footpath pavement at individual locations by replacing the paving blocks with concrete which is more durable; or by applying joint stabilising sealer in the joints of the resurfaced paving blocks to enhance their stability, with a view to minimising the occurrence of damages and the maintenance work required;
  • In reinstating roadside railings, the HyD has improved the design by reinforcing the connections of the railings to minimise the recurrence of damage to the railings that may affect road safety;
  • Regarding the defacement of highway structures, apart from removing the graffiti, the HyD also carries out timely renovation and beautification works to tie in with the maintenance cycle of these facilities. The works include the use of plastic wallpapers with different patterns or colors, which not only further improve the overall appearance of the structures, but also make it easier to clean when they are defaced;
  • In line with the principles of “waste reduction at source” and “maximising the use of resources”, the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) will continue to use metal kerbside recycling bins. The EPD will require in the contract that the materials used in the manufacturing of the new recycling bins possess the characteristics of fire-resistance, corrosion-resistance and UV-resistance, etc, to ensure that the recycling bins are sturdy and durable for safe use by the public; and 
  • The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department has trialed a new design of kerbside litter bins made of recycled plastic materials in phases starting from November 2023 to test whether they are more durable and sturdy than the existing bins made of fiberglass. 
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LCQ16: Cross-boundary arrangement for Guangdong-Hong Kong cross-boundary private cars

     Following is a question by the Hon Gary Zhang and a written reply by the Acting Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Liu Chun-san, in the Legislative Council today (April 24):
     It is learnt that at present, Guangdong-Hong Kong cross-boundary private cars with a Guangdong-Hong Kong cross-boundary private car regular quota and a valid Closed Road Permit for cross-boundary vehicles are allowed to cross the boundary via Lok Ma Chau Control Point (LMCCP) during overnight hours after the closure of the designated boundary control points (BCPs) at night or midnight, and such arrangement applies to BCPs not providing round-the-clock services. However, Guangdong-Hong Kong cross-boundary private cars allocated to use Heung Yuen Wai Control Point (HYWCP) are not allowed to cross the boundary via LMCCP after the closure of HYWCP at night. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:
(1) of the number of Guangdong-Hong Kong cross-boundary private car trips diverted to LMCCP for boundary crossing due to the closure of various designated BCPs at night or midnight in each month of the past 12 months (broken down by BCP allocated for use by such private cars); and

(2) of the reasons why Guangdong-Hong Kong cross-boundary private cars allocated to use HYWCP are not allowed to cross the boundary via LMCCP after the closure of HYWCP at night, and whether such private cars will be permitted to do so in the future; if so, of the timetable; if not, the reasons for that?
     At present, according to the arrangements agreed between Guangdong and Hong Kong, cross-boundary private cars holding the regular quota and closed road permit (the permit) for Lok Ma Chau Control Point can cross the border using that control point 24 hours a day. As for the cross-boundary private cars holding the regular quotas and permits for Shenzhen Bay, Man Kam To and Sha Tau Kok Control Points, they can cross the border using Lok Ma Chau Control Point during overnight period (i.e. from midnight to 6.30 the next morning) after the respective designated control points are closed. Cross-boundary private cars holding permits for various land control points (including Heung Yuen Wai Control Point) can cross the border using the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) Hong Kong Port 24 hours a day.
     Having consulted the Transport Department and the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department, our reply to the Hon Zhang’s question is as follows:
(1) By each month in 2023, the numbers of trips of cross-boundary private cars that switch to use Lok Ma Chau Control Point after Shenzhen Bay, Man Kam To and Sha Tau Kok Control Points close at night are as follows: 

2023 Numbers of trips of cross-boundary private cars that switch to use Lok Ma Chau Control Point after Shenzhen Bay, Man Kam To and Sha Tau Kok (Note 2) Control Points close at night (Note 3)
(rounding up to nearest hundred)
January (Note 1) 0
February 2 900
March 5 800
April 7 600
May 9 600
June 10 400
July 11 600
August 13 000
September 12 300
October 14 300
November 13 400
December 15 100
Note 1: Lok Ma Chau Control Point has resumed operations at normal opening hours after the full resumption of travel between the Mainland and Hong Kong in February 2023. 

Note 2: Cross-boundary passenger transport services at Sha Tau Kok Control Point remains suspended after the full resumption of travel between the Mainland and Hong Kong in February 2023. 

Note 3: As some cross-boundary private cars hold permits for more than one control points, the above list does not include breakdown by control points.

(2) To facilitate cross-boundary private cars to cross the border beyond the operating hours of the respective designated control points, Guangdong and Hong Kong agreed to allow cross-boundary private cars holding the regular quotas and permits for Man Kam To and Sha Tau Kok Control Points, as well as the regular quota and permit for Shenzhen Bay Control Point to cross the border using Lok Ma Chau Control Point during overnight period starting from 2003 and 2008 respectively. Heung Yuen Wai Control Point was opened in 2020 and cross-boundary private cars began to use the control point after the full resumption of travel in February 2023. Currently, cross-boundary private cars holding the permit for that control point can cross the border using that control point from 7am to 10pm every day, as well as using the HZMB Hong Kong Port to cross the border 24 hours a day. Regarding the suggestion of allowing cross-boundary private cars holding the regular quota and permit for Heung Yuen Wai Control Point to use Lok Ma Chau Control Point during overnight period, the HKSAR Government is discussing with the relevant Mainland authorities and will release information in due course. read more

EDB announces arrangements for fourth round of Basic Law and National Security Law Test in 2023/24 school year

     The Education Bureau (EDB) today (April 24) announced that the fourth round of the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST) in the 2023/24 school year will be open for application from 9am on April 26 to 5pm on May 9. The test will be held on June 16 (Sunday).
     The target participants for the fourth round of the test are persons without a bachelor’s degree and planning to join or change to another secondary school, primary school or kindergarten to take up a teaching post. Applications can be made through the EDB’s online application system ( Limited places for the test will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that a pass result in the test at a non-degree level is only applicable for applying for non-graduate teaching posts. Those who have already obtained a pass result in the BLNST organised by the EDB, the Civil Service Bureau or recruiting departments/grades will not be accepted to sit the test again.

     Starting from this school year, all newly appointed teachers in public sector schools, Direct Subsidy Scheme schools and kindergartens joining the Kindergarten Education Scheme (including newly joined teachers, and teachers changing schools) are required to pass the BLNST in order to be considered for appointment. The requirement applies to all ranks of the teacher grade including principals.

     The EDB is conducting five rounds of the BLNST for degree holders and non-degree holders respectively in this school year. Details are available on the EDB webpage ( The fifth round will be open for degree holders and will be held on July 20 (Saturday). Relevant arrangements will be announced in due course. read more