Service arrangements of Yau Ma Tei Methadone Clinic today

     Taking into consideration transportation service disruptions and to ensure the safety of patients and staff members, the Department of Health today (November 14) announced that Yau Ma Tei Methadone Clinic will not open today. Those who have been receiving methadone treatment there can receive their daily dose at other methadone clinics.

     Subject to the situation in other districts, the operating hours of other methadone clinics may also be adjusted today.

     Please visit the following website for information on methadone clinics:

Contractor of WENT Landfill convicted for illegal discharge of wastewater

     The contractor of the West New Territories (WENT) Landfill, SITA Waste Services Limited, which discharged substandard landfill leachate, was convicted and fined a total of $28,000 at Fanling Magistrates' Courts today (November 14) for contravening the Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO) and the Water Pollution Control (General) Regulations.
     Enforcement officers of the Environmental Compliance Division of the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) conducted an investigation on the suspected sources of wastewater discharge and gathered evidence in August 2018. Wastewater samples were taken from an abandoned gas pipe from the landfill, which was one of the sources of leakage, for analysis. The results confirmed that the contractor had not treated the leachate from the landfill properly in accordance with the license requirements. The EPD subsequently prosecuted the contractor in accordance with the WPCO.
     Under the WPCO, anyone who discharges substandard wastewater into a water control zone or violates the relevant license requirements commits an offence. First-time offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $200,000 and six months' imprisonment. A maximum fine of $400,000 and six months' imprisonment may be imposed on a second or subsequent conviction.
     The Environmental Infrastructure Division (EID), which is responsible for the management of environmental infrastructure, under the EPD stressed that the EPD attaches great importance to the management and supervision of facilities by its contractors. Upon learning of the incident in August last year, the EPD instructed the landfill contractor to conduct thorough investigation and rectify the problem immediately, and held follow-up meetings with its management team. The contractor conducted thorough inspections of similar facilities and pipelines to ensure that no similar incident would occur again.

     In addition, the EID has stepped up its own monitoring of water bodies adjacent to the WENT Landfill, including the Tai Shui Hang River, has added more sampling locations and is taking more frequent samplings. Monitoring results showed that the water bodies were not polluted. Details of the monitoring results can be found on the EPD website ( To allay public concerns, the EID has also engaged academics to conduct independent assessment of the Tai Shui Hang River's water quality, with additional water samples taken for independent laboratory testing. The test results show no sign of pollution of the Tai Shui Hang River due to the leachate.

Hong Kong Rehabilitation Programme Plan third stage public consultation session at New Territories East postponed

     The Labour and Welfare Bureau today (November 14) announced that the public consultation session of the Hong Kong Rehabilitation Programme Plan (Consensus Building Stage), originally scheduled for November 16 (Saturday) from 1.30pm to 4pm at Hall, Hang Hau Community Hall, G/F, Sai Kung Tseung Kwan O Government Complex, 38 Pui Shing Road, Hang Hau, Tseung Kwan O by the Rehabilitation Advisory Committee will be postponed to a later date until further notice.

Red flag hoisted at Clear Water Bay Second Beach

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (November 14) that due to big waves, the red flag has been hoisted at Clear Water Bay Second Beach in Sai Kung District. Beach-goers are advised not to swim at the beach.

Rioters maliciously assault Police officers

     Rioters continue to block roads and wreak havoc at various districts, seriously jeopardising public safety and order. At around 6.45am today (November 14), some rioters shot an arrow from Hong Kong Polytechnic University to several patrolling Police officers at the junction of Austin Road and Chatham Road South. Such an act can be fatal. When more officers came to their aids, rioters still threw flower pots from heights, endangering public safety.
     In face of the situation, Police officers have deployed tear gas to effect dispersal, during which rioters shot another round of arrows. Then at around 8.50am, rioters shot the third around of arrows, causing an immense threat to public safety. Currently, a section of Austin Road close to Nathan Road and Chatham Road South was closed off. 
     In this incident, no Police officer was injured. Six arrows were seized at the scene. The case is pending as “Assaulting Police Officer”. The Investigation Team of Yau Tsim District is pursuing the case. No one has been arrested.
     Police strongly condemn all despicable acts calculated to jeopardise public safety. Such acts constitute “Assaulting Police Officer” and even “Wounding with Intent”, which carries a maximum penalty of 2 years and life imprisonment respectively. Due to the rioters’ atrocious acts, Police appeal to members of the public to stay vigilant when passing through the area and mind their own safety. Members of the public are also advised not to stay to watch and leave immediately if they come across any illegal activities.
     Police warn rioters to stop all illegal and violent acts and will bring all offenders to justice through resolute enforcement actions.