
Author Archives: hksar gov

Police appoint Special Constables to enhance manpower

     In response to media enquiries, a Government spokesman said today (November 14) that the Commissioner of Police has, in accordance with section 40 of the Public Order Ordinance (Cap. 245), appointed a batch of officers of the Correctional Services Department (CSD) as Special Constables to enhance the Police’s manpower and strength.
     For concerted efforts to stop violence, the various disciplined services of the Government (including the Customs and Excise Department, the Fire Services Department, the Government Flying Service, the Immigration Department and the CSD) have made the greatest possible effort within their respective purview to support the Police in stopping violence and curbing disorder in accordance with the law.
     The spokesman said, “The ongoing riots over the past few months, with their massive scale, simultaneous occurrence in various districts and grave severity of violence, make it necessary to strengthen the support for the Police’s front-line officers. After consideration, the Government takes the view that making use of the appointment mechanism under section 40 of the Public Order Ordinance to arrange appropriate officers of other disciplined services to share part of and participate in the Police’s work would help strengthen the manpower and strength of the Police.”
     The Police have, as a pilot, arranged to appoint not more than 100 CSD officers as Special Constables. These officers are familiar with the use of anti-riot equipment, are responsible for related duties in their routine work, and are willing to take up appointment as Special Constables.
     “As a pilot run, in accordance with the operational needs of the Police, the CSD officers appointed as Special Constables on this occasion will be mainly responsible for guarding government premises as specified by the Commissioner of Police. The work includes such areas as anti-riot operations and handling of emergencies,” the spokesman added.
     During their appointment as Special Constables, the relevant CSD officers will be temporarily on loan to the Police from the CSD on a part-time basis to discharge the duties of Special Constables. For this, the CSD will flexibly deploy its work to cope with the relevant arrangements.
     Depending on the Police’s manpower needs and development of the social events, the Government does not preclude the appointment of officers of other local disciplined services as Special Constables in the future to alleviate the burden of the Police. read more

Twenty-nine building plans approved in September

     The Buildings Department approved 29 building plans in September, with nine on Hong Kong Island, nine in Kowloon and 11 in the New Territories.
     Of the approved plans, 11 were for apartment and apartment/commercial developments, eight were for commercial developments, four were for factory and industrial developments, and six were for community services developments.
     In the same month, consent was given for works to start on 14 building projects which, when completed, will provide 328 886 square metres of gross floor area for domestic use involving 5 583 units, and 112 272 sq m of gross floor area for non-domestic use. The department has received notification of commencement of superstructure works for seven building projects.
     The department also issued 36 occupation permits, with 12 on Hong Kong Island, seven in Kowloon and 17 in the New Territories.
     Of the buildings certified for occupation, the gross floor area for domestic use was 250 823 sq m involving 4 085 units, and 71 745 sq m was for non-domestic use.
     The declared cost of the new buildings completed in September totalled about $10 billion.
     In addition, five demolition consents involving five building structures were issued.
     The department received 2 334 reports about unauthorised building works (UBWs) in September and issued 1 243 removal orders on UBWs.
     The full version of the Monthly Digest for September can be viewed on the Buildings Department’s homepage ( read more

LegCo committee meetings

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:      The Legislative Council (LegCo) House Committee will hold a special meeting at 2.30pm tomorrow (November 15) in Conference Room 1 of the LegCo Complex… read more