
Author Archives: hksar gov

Speech by CE at South African National Day Cocktail (English only) (with photo/video)

     Following is the speech by the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, at South African National Day Cocktail today (April 25):
Honourable Consul-General Mojalefa Mogono (Consul-General of South Africa in Hong Kong), Deputy Commissioner Pan Yundong (Deputy Commissioner of Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
     Good evening to you all. I am pleased to have this welcome opportunity to speak to you tonight, as we celebrate the 30th Freedom Day of the Republic of South Africa.
     Thirty years ago, when President Nelson Mandela addressed his country in an inaugural speech, he passionately said, and I quote, “We enter into a covenant that we shall build the society in which all South Africans, both black and white, will be able to walk tall, without any fear in their hearts, assured of their inalienable right to human dignity – a rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world.”
     And walked tall you have. The rainbow nation now has the biggest securities exchange, busiest airports and longest road network in Africa. Your vibrant mix of cultures, abundance of thrilling landscapes and majestic wildlife fascinates millions of visitors every year. Please join me in a round of applause to congratulate the people of South Africa, for the great strides you have made in the past three decades!
     Last year marked the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Africa. During his state visit to South Africa last year, President Xi Jinping met with His Excellency President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa. President Xi remarked that China is ready to work with South Africa to carry forward the friendship, deepen co-operation, and strengthen coordination, in an effort to take the China-South Africa comprehensive strategic partnership to new heights, and build a high-quality China-South Africa community with a shared future.
     The Hong Kong SAR maintains a strong and committed partnership with South Africa. With South Africa as our largest trading partner in Africa, Hong Kong’s success is closely intertwined with the country, particularly as we look to further strengthen our relations with new markets such as those in Africa.
     Last year, the total merchandise trade between Hong Kong and South Africa amounted to 1.9 billion US Dollars, with about 6.6 per cent of the total trade in goods between Mainland China and South Africa routing through Hong Kong.
     This year also marks the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Comprehensive Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement between the Hong Kong SAR and South Africa, an important agreement that has strengthened our economic ties, and facilitated trade and investments between the two places.
     As the relations between our two countries continue to grow, Hong Kong SAR is eager to contribute, as it always has, as a key gateway for South Africa’s entry to the vast Chinese market.
     Under “one country, two systems” principle , Hong Kong is the only city in the world that enjoys both the China advantage and the global advantage. Hong Kong is well-known to be a “super connector”, connecting the international market with the Mainland market. Hong Kong is, also, a “super value-adder”. Our multi-lingual and multi-talented workforce provides world-class professional services, to global investors. Accountants, lawyers, bankers, engineers, architects, surveyors, IT specialists, the list just keeps going on.
     Hong Kong is determined to serve as a “super connector” and “super value-adder” between the Mainland and Belt and Road countries. South Africa, I am pleased to note, was the first country in Africa to sign a co-operation agreement with our country on the Belt and Road Initiative. We welcome our friends from South Africa to join us in this journey of opportunities.
     Arts and culture is another area of collaboration between Hong Kong and South Africa. In February this year, the Hong Kong Arts Development Council entered into a global strategic partnership with the National Arts Council of South Africa. This partnership facilitates international market access for Hong Kong and South African artists, and lays a solid foundation for their future collaboration.
     This October, the inaugural Hong Kong Performing Arts Expo will be launched. I’m pleased to note that one of the Expo’s programmes, “Journey of Discovery”, will showcase a collaboration of young musicians from Hong Kong and South Africa, bringing our cultural ties to a new and higher level.
     The Hong Kong SAR Government looks forward to continue working closely with the South African Consulate-General in Hong Kong, and promote stronger connections in business and trade, culture and education, and many more areas with South Africa in the years ahead.
     Ladies and gentlemen, may I wish the people of the Republic of South Africa the best of health and harmony. A happy Freedom Day! Thank you!

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DH appeals for continued vigilance against influenza and respiratory tract infection

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health today (April 25) announced that, according to the latest surveillance data, local seasonal influenza activity persists at a high level and it is believed that the current influenza season would persist for a period of time. The CHP appealed again to members of the public to heighten their vigilance, and people belonging to high risk priority groups should receive seasonal influenza vaccination (SIV) as soon as possible for prevention of severe disease and death.

     Hong Kong has entered the current influenza season since early January this year. According to the latest surveillance data (as at the week ending April 20), the majority of positive detections in that period were influenza A(H1) (around 83 per cent), showing a shift from influenza A(H3) which was the dominating virus during January to March this year. The influenza admission rate in public hospitals has remained at a high level (0.69 cases per 10 000 population) and the latest percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for seasonal influenza viruses received by the Public Health Laboratory Services Branch of the CHP and Hospital Authority (HA) was also at a high level of 9.76 per cent. Meanwhile, as at the week ending April 20, 29 influenza-like illness outbreaks occurring in schools/institutions were recorded, representing a significant increase as compared to about 10 outbreaks recorded per week in the first half of April. In addition, a total of 20 paediatric cases of influenza-associated complication/death were recorded in this influenza season (including two fatal cases). Three quarters of the cases (15 cases) were known to have not yet received the 2023/24 SIV.

     “Seasonal influenza virus strains detected in Hong Kong include influenza A(H1), influenza A(H3) and influenza B viruses, and they are typically more active during influenza seasons. The influenza season in Hong Kong usually lasts for eight to 12 weeks while the duration would be prolonged when there is a transition of the dominating virus strain. For example, in the 2015/16 winter influenza season, influenza A (H1) predominated initially and was then overtaken by influenza B as the predominant strain, resulting in a prolonged season that lasted for about 16 weeks with more severe cases. The CHP observed a gradual change of the predominant strain from influenza A(H3) to influenza A(H1) this season. It is believed that the current influenza season would persist for a period of time and more outbreaks and severe cases might be recorded in the upcoming weeks,” a spokesman for the CHP elaborated.

     Separately, the CHP has also been continuing its monitoring against other respiratory pathogens. For children, surveillance data as of April 20 revealed that the rhinovirus/enterovirus continued to have the highest activity level among the respiratory pathogens, accounting for 22 per cent of the children respiratory specimens received by the HA. The next active pathogen is adenovirus, with the positive percentage of 8.6 per cent. Meanwhile, according to the figures from the HA, the percentage of positive specimens for Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in children has increased from about 5 per cent two months ago to 8 per cent currently. The proportion of other respiratory pathogens including respiratory syncytial virus, human metapneumovirus and parainfluenza viruses are at 6.7 per cent, 5.5 per cent and 3.5 per cent respectively.

     The spokesman reiterated that many respiratory pathogens including influenza virus may have transmission simultaneously, while vaccination is safe and effective for preventing seasonal influenza. The Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Diseases under the CHP opined that SIV are effective against influenza A (including H1 and H3) and B. Members of the public who have not received SIV, in particular high risk groups such as young children, the elderly and chronic disease patients, should get vaccinated as soon as possible.

     The Government has all along been committed in encouraging members of the public to receive SIV. Various SIV programmes and relevant subsidy schemes of the Government have included injectable inactivated influenza vaccines and nasal live attenuated influenza vaccine for citizens to choose. Since the launch of the 2023/24 season SIV programmes from September last year, a total of over 1.84 million doses of SIV have been administered so far, representing an increase of 20 per cent compared with the same period of last season. An obvious increase in SIV uptake this season for high-risk groups has been observed, especially among the elderly and children, when compared with previous years. Currently, about 534 100 doses of SIV have been administered for children aged between 6 months and below 18 years of age. The overall vaccine coverage rate has reached 52.5 per cent. Vaccination at residential care homes for the elderly has covered over 81 per cent of the residents by arranging visiting doctors’ outreach vaccination service, while the SIV administered to elders increased by 15 per cent compared to last year, and the overall vaccine coverage rate of elders has reached 50.8 per cent. Members of the public who have not received SIV this current season should consult their family doctors about the vaccines available and receive vaccination as soon as possible for personal protection.

     The spokesman reminded that wearing a surgical mask properly could effectively prevent respiratory diseases transmitted through respiratory droplets. High-risk persons should wear a surgical mask when visiting public places, and the public should also wear a surgical mask when taking public transportation or staying at crowded places. Persons who are symptomatic, even if having mild symptoms, should wear a surgical mask, refrain from work or attending classes at school, and seek medical advice promptly with a view to lowering the risk of spreading the virus.

     â€‹â€‹The CHP will continue to closely monitor local and overseas situation of infectious diseases. For the latest information, please visit the CHP’s influenza page and COVID-19 & Flu Express. As for vaccination, the public may visit the CHP’s Vaccination Schemes page. read more

Hong Kong and Shanghai hold meeting to enhance financial co-operation (with photos)

     Representatives of the governments, financial regulators and exchanges of Hong Kong and Shanghai held the ninth Working Meeting of Hong Kong-Shanghai Financial Co-operation in Hong Kong today (April 25) to discuss how to further enhance financial co-operation between the two places.
     The Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Mr Christopher Hui, and the Director-General of the Shanghai Office for Advancing International Financial Center Development, Mr Zhou Xiaoquan, provided an update of the latest market situation and developments of the financial services sectors in Hong Kong and Shanghai respectively. Representatives of the two places discussed issues of mutual concern, including the latest developments of financial services in the Mainland (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (FTZ); co-operation in respect of cross-boundary Renminbi (RMB) business, securities, futures, insurance, financial technology (fintech) and green finance; and enhancing talent exchange.
     Addressing the meeting, Mr Hui said that the Central Financial Work Conference highlighted strengthening Shanghai’s competitiveness and influence as an international financial centre, as well as consolidating and enhancing Hong Kong’s position as an international financial centre, fully underscoring the important and unique status of Hong Kong and Shanghai in building the strength in finance of the country. He said he looks forward to closer financial co-operation between Hong Kong and Shanghai on various fronts, and joint implementation of the series of measures for further expanding the mutual access between the capital markets of the Mainland and Hong Kong announced by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on April 19, which cover expanding the eligible product scope of equity exchange-traded funds (ETFs) under Stock Connect, including real estate investment trusts (REITs) under Stock Connect, supporting the inclusion of RMB stock trading counter under Southbound trading of Stock Connect, enhancing the arrangements for mutual recognition of funds, and encouraging leading enterprises of industries on the Mainland to list in Hong Kong, thereby jointly contributing to the high-quality financial development of the country.
     The Shanghai side introduced the updated progress of promoting Shanghai as an international financial centre as well as the implementation of various financial initiatives. Mr Zhou said that under the new circumstances, Shanghai and Hong Kong must co-ordinate developments, with division of work as well as synergy and co-operation, and make concerted effort to build the financial core competitiveness of the country and to contribute to its development as a financial powerhouse and the national rejuvenation. As the country’s two locomotives in the areas of finance, both sides should strengthen co-operation, and realise capital and resource connection to create joint forces in serving national strategies.
     At the meeting, both sides agreed to work on the continuous enhancement of the mutual market access programmes, such as Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, Bond Connect and Swap Connect, collaborate closely to implement the newly announced measures and explore further deepening of co-operation between the securities markets of the two places. On insurance, both sides will facilitate exchange and co-operation in the industry on such development issues as risk management of Belt and Road projects, captive insurance and insurance-linked securities. 
     Both sides supported the strengthening of co-operation on product development, services and innovation relating to green finance; encouraging enterprises of the two places to conduct green and sustainable financing, investment and certification, and develop diversified financial products; and enhancing exchange on carbon trading, carbon finance product research, development and supervision. Both sides also agreed to enhance exchange and co-operation among fintech enterprises of the two places.
     The Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the Shanghai Office for Advancing International Financial Center Development agreed to take the lead in holding regular meetings to enhance exchanges and financial co-operation between the two places.

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Second 2024 ABAC Meeting concludes successfully in Hong Kong

     The following is issued on behalf of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Advisory Council Hong Kong, China:

     The second 2024 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Advisory Council (ABAC) Meeting (the second Meeting) successfully concluded in Hong Kong today (April 25).

     Co-organised by ABAC Hong Kong, China (HKC) and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), the second Meeting was attended by over 200 ABAC delegates and staffers from all 21 APEC member economies.

     Under the theme “People. Business. Prosperity.” for ABAC 2024 and led by the Chair from ABAC Peru, Mrs Julia Torreblanca, the four-day meeting commenced on April 22 and focused its discussions on business sector priorities in the key areas of trade and investment facilitation, digital transformation, sustainability and inclusion. ABAC delegates deliberated on emerging challenges to free trade and their potential impact on undermining economic progress, and put forward a set of recommendations to APEC ministers to address these urgent issues.

      ABAC HKC welcomed the outcomes of the second Meeting, including ABAC’s recommendations to APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade on, for instance, strengthening the World Trade Organization, revitalising the strategy towards achieving the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific and advancing digital trade. ABAC HKC also welcomed the recommendations to APEC ministers on enhancing women’s participation in the economy.
     Indeed, taking the opportunity of the full attendance of the 21 member economies at the second Meeting, ABAC HKC has put in place a comprehensive programme for the delegates, with an aim to showcasing HKC’s role as an international finance and business centre, as well as its unique strengths in cultural exchange, performance sports, technological development, start-up ecosystem, smart heath care, conservation and world-class logistics infrastructure, etc.

     On April 23, HKC’s representative to ABAC Ms Mary Huen hosted a luncheon titled Hong Kong’s Resilience as an International Financial Centre with the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Mr Eddie Yue, as the keynote speaker, as well as the Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, Ms Bonnie Chan, and Chairman, UBS Global Wealth Management Asia, Head and Chief Executive, UBS Hong Kong, Mrs Amy Lo, as panellists.

     ABAC HKC extended its heartfelt thanks to the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, for hosting a welcome dinner for the ABAC delegates and guests on April 23 at the Hong Kong Palace Museum, as well as to the Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, for giving a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the second Meeting on the same day.

     On April 24, the Airport Authority Hong Kong, the Hospital Authority and Ocean Park Hong Kong organised three site visits respectively for interested ABAC delegates to learn about HKC’s strengths as an aviation and logistics hub, its application of smart health care and technology as well as work in conservation and sustainable development. The Hong Kong Jockey Club hosted a gala dinner for the ABAC delegates, at which the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Algernon Yau, spoke on the importance of public-private collaboration in building a strong, resilient and sustainable future of the Asia-Pacific Region.

      Earlier that day, HKC’s representative to ABAC Ms Nisa Leung organised a luncheon titled Global Biotech Innovation from Hong Kong with the participation of the Under Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Ms Lillian Cheong, and three home-grown biotech companies.

     The second Meeting concluded today with a press conference, with the Chair of ABAC 2024 giving an overview on the outcomes of the four-day meeting. The Chair of ABAC 2024 also thanked the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), ABAC HKC and the HKTDC for their support in hosting the second Meeting.

     The remarkable success of the Meeting relies on the invaluable support rendered by a number of organisations. ABAC China wishes to particularly express sincere appreciation to the HKSAR Government, the HKTDC, the Hong Kong Tourism Board, the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, the Airport Authority Hong Kong, the Hospital Authority, the Hong Kong Jockey Club, Ocean Park Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, as well as the sponsors for their support to this four-day Meeting.

     Set up in 1989, APEC is a forum for high-level government-to-government dialogue on trade and economic issues. It currently comprises 21 member economies.
     ABAC was established in 1996 as a permanent business advisory body to provide advice to APEC on business sector priorities. The Chief Executive has appointed Ms Marjorie Yang, Ms Mary Huen and Ms Nisa Leung as HKC’s representatives to ABAC, as well as Mr Spencer Fung and Mr Duncan Chiu as HKC’s alternate representatives.

      ABAC meets four times a year. HKC last hosted a meeting of ABAC in 2015. The third 2024 ABAC Meeting will be held in Tokyo, Japan, from August 1 to 4. read more

8th Inter-departmental Cyber Security Drill held to enhance cyber defence capability of government departments (with photos)

    The Government Computer Emergency Response Team Hong Kong (GovCERT.HK) under the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) and the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau (CSTCB) of the Hong Kong Police Force co-organised the 8th Inter-departmental Cyber Security Drill today (April 25). The Drill aimed to strengthen the preparedness and the overall incident response capability of government departments to cyberattacks.
    In their opening remarks, the Assistant Government Chief Information Officer (Cyber Security and Digital Identity), Mr Daniel Cheung, and the Assistant Commissioner of Police (Crime), Ms Chung Wing-man, both expressed their hope that the Drill could enhance the ability of the participants in countering the escalating threat of cyberattacks in this era of digitalisation to further strengthen the Government’s overall capacity to prevent, detect and respond to cyberattacks.
    The GovCERT.HK and the CSTCB have jointly hosted the Inter-departmental Cyber Security Drill since 2017, with a view to enhancing the cyber security awareness and overall response capabilities of government departments. Over 250 government officers from 70 bureaux and departments (B/Ds) joined the Drill. It simulated a real-world cyber security incident where participants had to take immediate actions against various simulated cyberattack scenarios as well as conducting associated incident response and investigation. Prior to the Drill, the GovCERT.HK and the CSTCB held an online training workshop for the participants to share some strategies and techniques in handling cyberattacks.
    In addition, the OGCIO has promulgated the revised Government IT Security Policy and Guidelines to ensure that the information security standards in the Government tie in with the latest national and international developments. The revised Policy and Guidelines strengthened security control measures in various areas including the incident reporting mechanism. To effectively protect the Government’s information systems and data assets, classified protection of IT security was also enhanced to mandate all B/Ds to adopt a risk-based approach to assess the classifications of their information systems and implement corresponding tiered security control measures according to the classifications.
    The Government will continue to implement measures to enhance its cyber security capabilities in order to ensure all departments can effectively tackle different cyber threats and uphold public information security.

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