Police warn drivers not to block roads in Tsim Sha Tsui and Jordan

     Today (November 18) after midnight, rioters have continued to hurl petrol bombs and hard objects at police officers in various places in Jordan and Tsim Sha Tsui. Police have deployed tear gas for dispersal. At the same time, Police dispersal operation outside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University is ongoing. Some drivers intentionally parked their vehicles in a manner that blocks major roads, including Princess Margaret Road, Mody Road and Salisbury Road, in Tsim Sha Tsui and Jordan.
     Police warn drivers not to use their vehicles to block roads and obstruct Police operation. Police will take prompt measures when encountering such vehicles, including towing them away. Police will also conduct further investigation and pursue those who block roads with their vehicles and obstruct Police’s execution of duty.

TD appeals to public to stay alert of tomorrow’s traffic condition

     Tomorrow (November 18) is the first working day after weekend. As there are still uncertain traffic conditions in some of the roads, the Transport Department (TD) appealed to members of the public to pay attention to traffic news before leaving home.

     (I) MTR

     All MTR lines will maintain services tomorrow. Except the Airport Express Line, the train service will end at 11pm.

     East Rail Line service will be provided between Hung Hom and Lo Wu/Lok Ma Chau stations (not stopping at University Station). Entrances/Exits at some stations will also be closed.

     Free shuttle bus service running between Tai Po Market and Kam Sheung Road stations will be arranged during morning and evening peak periods.

     Light Rail Vehicles will not stop at Chestwood and Yau Oi stops.

     (II) Hung Hom Cross Harbour Tunnel

     Due to the damage of the Administration Building and toll plaza, and the traffic management system has been damaged, the Hung Hom Cross Harbour Tunnel (both bounds) cannot be opened soon. Motorists crossing harbour must use Western Harbour Crossing and Eastern Harbour Crossing. To deal with the surge in traffic flow, the TD has urged the tunnel operators to closely monitor the situation and strengthen control measures when necessary. The TD has coordinated with franchised bus companies to increase the frequency of the cross harbour bus routes as appropriate.

     (III) Franchised bus

     As at 10pm, major roads in Yau Tsim Mong District in Kowloon are yet to be opened due to continued road blockages. Some bus routes may be temporarily diverted or suspended. The major affected road sections include Chatham Road South near the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (both bounds) and Nathan Road between Dundas Street and Mong Kok Road (both bounds). Police will implement road closure, traffic control and diversion measures depending on the traffic conditions on site.

     (IV) Ferry services

     Currently, inner harbour ferry routes have tried to strengthen their services to address the passenger demand. The TD will, together with the ferry operators and the trade, study the measures to further strengthen the inner harbour ferry services and carrying capacity as far as practicable.

     In addition, traffic lights in various districts have been damaged in the past week. After urgent repair works by relevant departments, most of the traffic lights on Hong Kong Island have resumed operation. As at 10pm, about 120 sets are still under urgent repair. Those in Yau Tsim Mong and Yuen Long are seriously affected and the repair work on some of the road sections including Nathan Road, Argyle Street and Shanghai Street in Mongkok, Tin Shui Road and Tin Shing Road in Tin Shui Wai is expected to take some time. Motorists and pedestrians are advised to be patient and pay attention to road safety when passing through the affected junctions.

     As traffic conditions and railway services may change within a short period of time, the TD urges commuters using public transport services to allow more travelling time and plan their journey in advance. Details of the latest traffic news are available at TD's website (www.td.gov.hk/en/home/index.html) or mobile application "HKeMobility".

Police will take further action at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University

     At about 8.30pm tonight (November 17), after setting fire to the flyover connecting the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Hung Hom MTR Station, rioters burnt part of the footbridge near Cheong Wan Road towards Tsim Sha Tsui East. Rioters repeatedly vandalised facilities and hurled bricks and petrol bombs, jeopardising public safety, such behaviors cannot be condoned.
     To ensure the safety of everyone in the vicinity of the campus, Police again appeal to all therein to leave immediately through the exit at Block Y of Lee Shau Kee Building in northern direction and obey Police’s instructions. Police are now planning for the next round of operation.

Police conduct dispersal action in Mong Kok

     Since 5pm, a group of rioters have been occupying the vicinity of Nathan Road, Tong Mi Road and Mong Kok Road.  They have built barricades with trash and hurled bricks and petrol bombs at Police officers. Rioters are still having a stand off with the Police. Police have used minimum force necessary to disperse protestors, including the deployment of tear gas.
     Police warn protestors to stop all illegal acts immediately.  Police appeal to members of the public to avoid travelling to the area. Residents in the area are reminded to stay tuned to the latest situation and keep windows closed if necessary.

Rioters set fire at the flyover connecting the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Hung Hom MTR station

     At about 7pm, rioters gathered at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University set fire to the flyover connecting the campus and the Hung Hom MTR station. Multiple explosions were heard.  The flame even dropped to the road under the flyover, threatening the safety of everyone at scene.  Rioters also threw petrol bombs towards police officers on Cheong Wan Road in order to stop Police’s dispersal operation.  Police have in response deployed tear gas to disperse rioters. Rioters are having a standoff with Police at scene.
     Police have repeatedly urged members of the public to leave the vicinity of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University immediately. Anyone who enter or stay on the campus and assist rioters in any way will risk committing the offence of “Taking Part in a Riot”.