SWD urges public not to take children/family members to care centres from November 19 to 24

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:

     Please broadcast the following special announcement immediately, and repeat it at frequent intervals:
     "The Social Welfare Department announces that as there are still uncertain factors affecting the roads and traffic conditions, members of the public are advised not to take their children or family members to child care centres, centres providing after school care programmes, elderly services centres or day rehabilitation units including sheltered workshops, integrated vocational rehabilitation services centres and day activity centres from November 19 to 24. These centres will, however, remain open during their normal operating hours to serve those whose families cannot provide alternative care for them. Members of the public who have the need for the services mentioned may contact the service units concerned in advance."

Early closure of some LCSD facilities today

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) announced today (November 18) that due to special circumstances which happened nearby, all facilities in Kowloon Park (including the Yau Tsim Mong District Leisure Services Offices, Kowloon Park Sports Centre and Kowloon Park Swimming Pool), Kwun Chung Sports Centre, King's Park Hockey Ground, the tennis courts of King's Park Playground, the Hong Kong Museum of History, the Hong Kong Science Museum, the Hong Kong Space Museum, Tsim Sha Tsui Public Library, Yau Ma Tei Public Library, the Hong Kong Cultural Centre and the Yau Ma Tei Theatre in Yau Tsim Mong District are closed to ensure the safety of venue users and staff members. The department will closely monitor the situation and announce venue arrangements in a timely manner.

     Also taking into consideration transportation service disruptions and other circumstances which may happen, all LCSD land-based leisure facilities (except those in Islands District) will be closed at 9pm today and all public swimming pools including Tung Chung Swimming Pool in Islands District will be closed by the end of the second session break for swimming pools. Other land-based leisure facilities in Islands District will be closed at 8pm. All students' study rooms of LCSD libraries in all districts will be closed at 8pm.

     Apart from the Hong Kong Cultural Centre and the Yau Ma Tei Theatre which have already been closed, all performance venues will be closed after 6pm or completion of events.

     Subject to the situation, more cultural and leisure facilities in the same districts and any other district which may be affected will also be closed early and at short notice to ensure the safety of venue users. Members of the public who plan to go to those venues are advised to visit the LCSD website (www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/index.html) or contact 1823 in advance.

Police attach great importance to the injured people at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the rights of arrested persons

     Police are aware of injuries inside Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) which has been struck by recurrent violence. Police attach great importance to the situation and have arranged for ambulances to convey injured people to hospital for treatment. This morning (November 18), Police started to make arrangement for Red Cross volunteers to enter the PolyU. At around 2pm, Red Cross volunteers arrived at PolyU to provide first aid to injured people, some of whom would be conveyed to hospital if necessary.
     With reference to the latest development, Police will assist the injured people who have left the PolyU to first receive treatment in hospital before further investigation.
     Police stress that there are stringent and comprehensive guidelines on handling the rights of underage arrested persons. Police officers will make the best effort to arrange for appropriate adults to accompany the arrested persons and to render assistance.
     Police are also aware that President of the PolyU Teng Jin-gaung stated he would accompany arrested people to Police stations. Police have actively engaged the school’s management to make respective arrangement. Police stress that we always endeavour to seek a peaceful resolution to the violent incidents in the PolyU.
     Since a large amount of weapons, including petrol bombs and explosives, remain on PolyU campus and dangerous chemicals have been stolen from the laboratory, this poses a grave threat to public safety. Police once again appeal to masked rioters to put an end to violence, listen to Police instructions and leave the campus in an orderly manner.

Unemployment and underemployment statistics for August – October 2019

     According to the latest labour force statistics (i.e. provisional figures for August – October 2019) released today (November 18) by the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD), the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate increased from 2.9% in July – September 2019 to 3.1% in August – October 2019. The underemployment rate also increased from 1.0% in July – September 2019 to 1.2% in August – October 2019.
     Comparing August – October 2019 with July – September 2019, increases in the unemployment rate (not seasonally adjusted) and underemployment rate were mainly seen in the construction sector.

     Total employment decreased by around 11 600 from 3 855 400 in July – September 2019 to 3 843 800 in August – October 2019. Over the same period, the labour force also decreased by around 6 400 from 3 975 700 to 3 969 300.

     The number of unemployed persons (not seasonally adjusted) increased by around 5 100 from 120 300 in July – September 2019 to 125 400 in August – October 2019. The number of underemployed persons also increased by around 4 400 from 41 500 to 45 900.


     Commenting on the latest unemployment figures, the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Dr Law Chi-kwong said, "The labour market eased further as economic conditions continued to worsen. Both the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate and the underemployment rate went up by 0.2 percentage point in August – October 2019, to 3.1% and 1.2% respectively. The year-on-year decline in total employment enlarged.

     "The unemployment rates in most sectors increased compared with the preceding three-month period. The unemployment rate of the consumption- and tourism-related segment (viz. retail, accommodation and food services sectors as a whole) rose further to 5.0%, the highest since the beginning of 2017. Within this segment, the unemployment rate for those working in food and beverage service activities went up to 6.1%, the highest in more than six years. The unemployment rate of the construction sector, particularly of those involved in decoration, repair and maintenance for buildings, deteriorated visibly."

     Looking ahead, Dr Law said, "The unemployment rate will be under increasing upward pressure as local social incidents involving intensifying violence continue to take a heavy toll on the economy. The Government will monitor the developments closely."

     He noted that the Labour Department (LD) canvasses vacancies for job-seekers with different educational background and working experience from employers in various industries; and organises large-scale job fairs in different locations as well as industry-based and district-based job fairs at its recruitment centres and job centres respectively to expedite the dissemination of employment information and help different job-seekers to secure employment.

     On large-scale job fairs, the LD will organise the North District Recruitment and Training Expo 2020 on January 3, 2020 at Po Wing Road Sports Centre in Sheung Shui. Over 60 employers would participate, offering a large number of job vacancies from various industries. In addition, industry-based or district-based job fairs are regularly organised at the LD's industry-based recruitment centres and job centres located across the territory.

Further information

     The unemployment and underemployment statistics were compiled from the findings of the continuous General Household Survey.

     The survey for August – October 2019 covered a sample of some 26 000 households or 74 000 persons, selected in accordance with a scientifically designed sampling scheme to represent the population of Hong Kong.

     Data on labour force characteristics were obtained from the survey by interviewing each member aged 15 or over in the sampled households.

     In the survey, the definitions used in measuring unemployment and underemployment follow closely those recommended by the International Labour Organization.

     Detailed analysis of labour force characteristics is given in the "Quarterly Report on General Household Survey" which is published four times a year. The latest issue of the publication contains statistics for the quarter April – June 2019 while the next issue covering the quarter July – September 2019 will be available by end November 2019. Users can download this publication free of charge at the website of the C&SD (www.censtatd.gov.hk/hkstat/sub/sp200.jsp?productCode=B1050001).

     For enquiries about labour force statistics, please contact the Household Statistics Analysis Section of the C&SD (Tel: 2887 5508 or email: ghs@censtatd.gov.hk). 

Suspension of evening services of Yau Ma Tei Dental Clinic under DH

     The Department of Health has announced today (November 18) that owing to the situation in Yau Ma Tei, its evening dental services at Yau Ma Tei Dental Clinic will be suspended today. Those with appointments will be given a new appointment.