Land and Development Advisory Committee holds meeting

     At its meeting today (November 19), the Land and Development Advisory Committee (LDAC) was briefed by the Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (PICO) on the development of a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) School in Clear Water Bay proposed by the Shaw Foundation Hong Kong Limited (Shaw Foundation), and by the Development Bureau (DEVB) on the Land Sharing Pilot Scheme (LSPS) and an application under the extended scheme of facilitating private sector's provision of pedestrian links outside the Kowloon East Pilot Scheme (the Extended Scheme).
     Members noted that the proposed school in Clear Water Bay would be a non-profit-making private secondary school with STEAM as its main direction of curriculum planning. The site where the proposed school is to be located is partly private land owned by the Shaw Foundation and partly government land. Members noted that the proponent would fund the capital and operation cost of the school, and the school would open some of its facilities such as sports fields, auditorium and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) exhibition spaces to the local community outside school hours. Members agreed that the school would be conducive to the promotion of STEM education and nurturing of innovation and technology talent, bringing positive impacts to Hong Kong. Members expressed support for the proposal, and made comments and suggestions on the technical (including traffic arrangement and school facilities) and operational (including student admission criteria, sharing of facilities with the community and management matters) aspects of the school. The proponent would take these comments into account, and would submit a rezoning application to the Town Planning Board later on.
     Members were briefed on the details of the LSPS. They supported the objective of the Scheme to tap the market force in planning and construction, releasing the development potential of private lots with consolidated ownership and which are not falling within areas covered by Government's development studies supporting the use of land intended for public purposes, with a view to boosting short-to-medium-term housing supply. In particular, Members noted the proposed requirements for each LSPS application to attain a minimum additional gross floor area of 50 000 square metres and at least an additional 1 000 flats, to be made possible by increasing the development intensity of the subject lots through Government's facilitation of infrastructural upgrading. Members also noted the requirement for no less than 70 per cent of the increased gross floor area made possible under the LSPS to be set aside for public housing or Starter Homes as decided by the Government, to be delivered in the form of formed land to be carved out from the application site. They welcomed measures proposed by the Government to compress the development process and speed up the delivery of potential flat yield, including the 18-month time limit for completion of lease modification (including premium assessment) after completion of the statutory planning process, the target of making formed land available for construction of private and public housing within four to six years after receipt of an application, and the setting up of a dedicated multi-disciplinary team of government officers to provide one-stop facilitation services. Members were briefed on the mechanism to ensure transparency and involve third-party opinion in the processing of each application, particularly the involvement of an independent Panel of Advisors to be set up especially for advising on applications prior to seeking in-principle agreement by the Chief Executive in Council. Members supported the general directions of the LSPS as proposed, and offered views on various aspects of the implementation arrangements, such as the importance of highlighting the public interest served by LSPS when explaining the framework to the general community, and the need for ensuring that the scale of infrastructure to be facilitated by the Government would be proportionate to the private and public housing development covered by the application. They suggested that the Government take into account comments received during the engagement with stakeholders before finalising the LSPS for launch in early 2020. 

     The application under the Extended Scheme involves the provision of a subway extension and an accessible lift connecting a new development in Wan Chai to existing developments in Admiralty through the Queensway Subway, providing an all-weather, round-the-clock and barrier-free access for members of the public (location plan at Annex). Considering that the proposed pedestrian link could benefit the community by improving walkability of the locality, Members supported the recommendation to waive the premium payable for lease modifications arising from the proposed link.

Centre for Food Safety issues advice on contaminants and food safety

     There have been rumours on social media that some of the food sold in the market may be contaminated by tear gas or other substances. In view of concerns, the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department has issued today (November 19) the "Advice to the Public on Contaminants and Food Safety" (, including the following:

  • Food should be properly stored in a suitable place such as a clean and covered food-grade container to reduce the risk of food contamination.
  • In an indoor environment when tear gas is being released nearby, close all doors and windows, turn off the air conditioner, and seal the gaps over the doors and windows with wet towels to reduce the chance of contamination indoors.
  • After any such incident, check whether the packaging of food is intact and whether any food is damaged or contaminated. For the sake of prudence, food suspected to be contaminated or showing abnormality should not be consumed.

Centre for Food Safety issues advice on contaminants and food safety

     There have been rumours on social media that some of the food sold in the market may be contaminated by tear gas or other substances. In view of concerns, the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department has issued today (November 19) the "Advice to the Public on Contaminants and Food Safety" (, including the following:

  • Food should be properly stored in a suitable place such as a clean and covered food-grade container to reduce the risk of food contamination.
  • In an indoor environment when tear gas is being released nearby, close all doors and windows, turn off the air conditioner, and seal the gaps over the doors and windows with wet towels to reduce the chance of contamination indoors.
  • After any such incident, check whether the packaging of food is intact and whether any food is damaged or contaminated. For the sake of prudence, food suspected to be contaminated or showing abnormality should not be consumed.

Queen Elizabeth Hospital closely monitors indoor air quality

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     Subsequent to an incident that occurred in the vicinity of Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH), some hospital staff reported discomfort after inhalation of tear gas. The hospital has been closely monitoring the indoor air quality since then.
     The hospital has temporarily suspended intake of fresh air for the ventilation system at specific areas, sealed off windows and turned on the indoor air curtains and more to reduce air infiltration. Portable air purifiers have been deployed to individual wards in need.
     Beginning today (November 19), the hospital has arranged environmental cleaning, starting with Paediatric and Obstetrics & Gynaecology wards as the priority areas. In addition, the hospital has started replacing the air filters of the ventilation system and the medical compressed air system.
     The hospital is maintaining close communication and continuing to provide staff members with necessary support including shuttle bus service and overnight accommodation. The Staff Clinic will provide support to staff feeling discomfort as a result of being affected by tear gas.
     The hospital has been closely monitoring the clinical services. Some elective surgeries have been re-arranged due to staff sick leave. The patients concerned have been notified. The traffic disruptions yesterday (November 18) also affected the Non-Emergency Ambulance Transfer Services (NEATS). The NEATS returned to normal this morning. As the hospital wards are still congested, the Fire Service Department has diverted non-emergency patients to nearby hospitals from last night to noon today.
     While the Hospital Authority (HA) understands that the incident occurred unexpectedly, it has reflected the concerns of the Authority and staff members towards tear gas via the two-tier communication channel with the Police.
     The HA and QEH appreciate the understanding and co-operation from the affected patients and staff members.

Queen Elizabeth Hospital closely monitors indoor air quality

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     Subsequent to an incident that occurred in the vicinity of Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH), some hospital staff reported discomfort after inhalation of tear gas. The hospital has been closely monitoring the indoor air quality since then.
     The hospital has temporarily suspended intake of fresh air for the ventilation system at specific areas, sealed off windows and turned on the indoor air curtains and more to reduce air infiltration. Portable air purifiers have been deployed to individual wards in need.
     Beginning today (November 19), the hospital has arranged environmental cleaning, starting with Paediatric and Obstetrics & Gynaecology wards as the priority areas. In addition, the hospital has started replacing the air filters of the ventilation system and the medical compressed air system.
     The hospital is maintaining close communication and continuing to provide staff members with necessary support including shuttle bus service and overnight accommodation. The Staff Clinic will provide support to staff feeling discomfort as a result of being affected by tear gas.
     The hospital has been closely monitoring the clinical services. Some elective surgeries have been re-arranged due to staff sick leave. The patients concerned have been notified. The traffic disruptions yesterday (November 18) also affected the Non-Emergency Ambulance Transfer Services (NEATS). The NEATS returned to normal this morning. As the hospital wards are still congested, the Fire Service Department has diverted non-emergency patients to nearby hospitals from last night to noon today.
     While the Hospital Authority (HA) understands that the incident occurred unexpectedly, it has reflected the concerns of the Authority and staff members towards tear gas via the two-tier communication channel with the Police.
     The HA and QEH appreciate the understanding and co-operation from the affected patients and staff members.