Labour Department investigates fatal work accident in Chek Lap Kok

     The Labour Department (LD) is investigating a fatal work accident that occurred in Chek Lap Kok this morning (November 21), in which a worker died.

     The LD immediately deployed staff to the scene upon receiving a report of the accident, and is now conducting an investigation to look into its cause.

December 2019 adjustment in ceiling prices for dedicated LPG filling stations

     â€‹The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department today (November 21) announced an adjustment to the auto-LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) ceiling prices for dedicated LPG filling stations from December 1 to December 31, 2019, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contracts of the dedicated LPG filling stations.
     A department spokesman said that the adjustment on December 1, 2019, reflects the movement of the LPG international price in November 2019. The adjusted auto-LPG ceiling prices for dedicated LPG filling stations will range from $2.99 to $3.53 per litre, representing an increase of $0.04 to $0.05 per litre.
     The spokesman said that the auto-LPG ceiling prices were adjusted according to a specified pricing formula. The formula comprises two elements – the LPG international price and the LPG operating price. The LPG international price is the LPG international price of the preceding month. The LPG operating price is adjusted on the first day of February every year according to the movement in the Composite Consumer Price Index in the previous year.
     The auto-LPG ceiling prices for respective dedicated LPG filling stations in December 2019 are as follows:

Location of
LPG Filling Station
Price in
December 2019
Price in
November 2019
Fung Yip Street, Chai Wan 3.53 3.49
Ngo Cheung Road, West Kowloon 3.53 3.49
Sham Mong Road, Mei Foo 3.20 3.16
Yip Wong Road, Tuen Mun 3.20 3.16
Marsh Road, Wan Chai 3.19 3.15
Fung Mat Road, Sheung Wan 3.13 3.08
Wai Lok Street, Kwun Tong 3.13 3.08
Yuen Chau Tsai, Tai Po 3.13 3.08
Cheung Yip Street, Kowloon Bay 3.17 3.13
Kwai On Road, Kwai Chung 3.17 3.13
Hang Yiu Street, Ma On Shan 2.99 2.94
Tak Yip Street, Yuen Long 2.99 2.94

     â€‹The spokesman said that the details of the LPG international price and the auto-LPG ceiling price of each dedicated LPG filling station have been uploaded to the department website They are also posted at dedicated LPG filling stations to enable the trades to monitor the price adjustment.
     Details of the pricing adjustment mechanism for dedicated LPG filling stations can also be viewed under the "What’s New" section of the department website at

Opening remarks by SLW at opening ceremony of Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit (English only)

     Following is the opening remarks by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Dr Law Chi-kwong, at the opening ceremony of the Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit this morning (November 21):

Bernard (Chairperson of Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Mr Bernard Chan), Dr Sunny Chai (Chairperson of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation), Dr Rosanna Wong (Steward of Hong Kong Jockey Club), Ms Ivy Deng (Senior Project Officer of China Merchants Charitable Foundation), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     Good morning. It gives me great pleasure to join you all again at the Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit. First and foremost, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all participants, especially guests and exhibitors from different parts of the world.

     Following the success of the Expo's inaugural in 2017 and again in 2018, it has become the most important annual event in gerontechnology in Hong Kong where stakeholders from all sectors gather and exchange latest developments and ideas. The exhibition this year grows even bigger than the previous years with some 10 000 square metres of floor space and 142 local and international exhibitors showcasing the latest products and services.

     The wide range of state-of-the-art technologies, creative yet pragmatic real-life applications, and the almost unlimited potential and possibilities that they bring never cease to amaze me. I understand that some of the products showcased here are brought to Hong Kong for the first time. I trust our guests all look forward to visiting the exhibitions to experience first-hand the wonderful inventions.

     Judging from the fact that our Government Budget in the current year and the one last year have a double-digit growth rate, this Government is committed to increasing our supply of community and residential care services to meet the growing demand and existing service shortage. I expect that this double-digit growth will continue year after year in the remaining term of this Government.

     To help the elderly service sector adopt better and advanced technologies, we launched a $1 billion Innovation and Technology Fund for Application in Elderly and Rehabilitation Care (I&T Fund) last year, subsidising elderly and rehabilitation service units to procure or rent technology products to improve the quality of life of service users and reduce pressure and burden on care staff. I am glad to know that the I&T Fund has already disbursed over $37 million to more than 210 elderly and rehabilitation service units for over 870 technology products. I do encourage more eligible organisations to apply for the I&T Fund, especially after visiting this Expo!

     To drive the adoption of gerontechnology, promotion and partnership are of paramount importance. The Government has commissioned the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, our long-term partner as well as the capable organiser of this Expo, to promote the use and application of innovative technologies. In addition, a Gerontechnology Platform will be set up under the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund, which aims at linking up the supply side of technological products with the demand side by way of engagement, cross-sectoral partnership and collaboration. We hope the Platform will further enhance the development and application of gerontechnology in Hong Kong.

     Let us not forget that our Expo today is also an important platform connecting various stakeholders. This mega event offers great opportunities linking up academics, researchers, service providers, both non-governmental organisations and the private sector, and suppliers. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my sincere wish that you all find the Expo beneficial to your organisation, your clients or the stakeholders of your field. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government is committed to the welfare of our elderly people. You can rest assured that our support for elderly services and gerontechnology will continue.

     I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the Hong Kong Council of Social Service for organising the Expo again this year, as well as for the Council's continued and dedicated commitment to serve those in need in Hong Kong. My gratitude also goes to the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the China Merchants Charitable Foundation and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation for their generous sponsorships and support which make this Expo possible.

     Lastly, may I wish the Expo a great success and all participants a very fruitful experience. I look forward to hearing more inspiring stories on how gerontechnology makes the life of Hong Kong's seniors even better. Thank you.

Hong Kong Museum of History temporarily closed

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) announced today (November 21) that due to special circumstances which happened nearby, the Hong Kong Museum of History in Yau Tsim Mong District is closed to ensure the safety of venue users and staff members. The department will closely monitor the situation and announce venue arrangements in a timely manner.

     Subject to the situation, more cultural and leisure facilities in the same district and any other district which may be affected will also be closed early and at short notice to ensure the safety of venue users. Members of the public who plan to go to those venues are advised to contact the venues concerned or 1823 in advance.

EPD convictions in October

     Sixty-two convictions were recorded in October 2019 for breaches of legislation enforced by the Environmental Protection Department.

     Eleven of the convictions were under the Air Pollution Control Ordinance, 24 were under the Noise Control Ordinance, three were under the Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances Regulation, four were under the Product Eco-responsibility Ordinance, 19 were under the Waste Disposal Ordinance and one was under the Water Pollution Control Ordinance.

     A company was fined $50,000, which was the heaviest fine in October, for using powered mechanical equipment without a valid construction noise permit.